Compiling with C# and Java (2005) Resource Kit

P.D. Terry, Rhodes University

(Last updated 5 October 2021)

The latest version of this web page, containing links to the text and software for the "full" edition of Compiling with C# and Java by P.D. Terry (2005) can be found here:

A web page containing links to the text and software for the "abridged student" edition (2017) can be found at
This material has been made available "as is", with the caveat that, as time progressed and the version of the compiler generator Coco/R and the language and compiler for Parva described in the book changed slightly, the later material inevitably shows minor inconsistencies with the earlier material.

This resource kit is designed for case studies that would match the modified and "static" release of Coco/R as used at Rhodes University. In the Rhodes release, the generated classes export static methods only, as is the case for all the case studies discussed in the text book, and the interface to the Linz version of Coco/R has been extended in various respects.

These locally modified versions of Coco/R are available here:

Extended static version of Coco/R for C# (
Extended static version of Coco/R for Java (

Further details of the Linz distribution, and the latest releases, can be found here:

Software developed by Pat Terry, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa. (


While every attempt has been made to ensure that the material in this distribution performs properly, the author can accept no liability for any damage or loss, including special, incidental, or consequential, caused by the use of the software, directly or indirectly.

However, please bring any problems that you may experience to the attention of the author.

Pat Terry
Computer Science Department
Rhodes University
South Africa
Tel: +27-46-603-8292 (Office)
Tel: +27-73-728-6329 (Mobile)
Date of this release: 17 September 2021