Full Name:           Kevin Mullane

Title of Project:    Procedural Modelling of Cities implemented as a Blender Plug-In

Supervisors:         Kevin Glass
                              Shaun Bangay

Date:                     01 March 2007


Previous Short Term Objectives:

Project Familiarisation
The aim has been familiarisation with the fields of procedural modelling and city modelling.

The week has been spent mainly reading up on various papers which cover the topics of procedural modelling and specifically procedural city modelling.

From these reading the major tasks involved in the project could be outlined, specifically the process of procedural city modelling begins with the generation of a road network which will divide the city into smaller city blocks. There are various methods for this including voronoi diagrams and production grammars. I am as of yet not sure of the best option from here, but that is a part of next weeks objectives.

The second major part of city generation is the extrusion of buildings, this involves subdividing city blocks into various sized regular footprints and then extrusion of buildings from these footprints. This section of the project will be further researched as more progress is made with road network generation.
The majority time this week was spent on the abstract concept of city generation and as such not enough progress was made into the implementation of these concepts in Blender.
Objectives for Next Week: