Honours Project 2010

Posted on 17th February, 2010 by Samuel

Network telescopes provide us with a sampled view of illegitimate traffic on the internet. They capture traffic destined for un-used address space and thus receive little or no legitimate traffic. When analysed, the traffic provides insight into events such as Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, worm propagation and other nefarious events. When this analysis is combined with the appropriate visualisation techniques one is able to learn a great deal about the current state of illegitimate traffic on the internet.

This project will focus on the design and implementation of a information visualisation framework that will be used to create a dashboard to monitor data from the Rhodes network telescope (RUscope). The framework will be responsible for the analysis of captured telescope traffic as well as displaying information to a user via a dynamic dashboard interface..

The frameworks goal is to provide a dynamic and graphical means of analysing nefarious network traffic and will be used for monitoring traffic as well as aiding future research into un-solicited internet traffic. It will also be required to visualise multiple datasets in an effective manner. By creating an automated and visual way to monitor network telescope traffic it becomes easier to learn from results and interpret and understand events. The various security metrics used by the dashboard application also provide insight into how reputable metrics benefit information security.

My thesis, everything I've been working on this year condensed into 21083 words and 32 figures. The source code for the Network Telescope Dashboard that was constructed will not be uploaded onto the web. This is however was included on a disc which I submited with my thesis. The thesis can be found here.

Progress Presentation

Posted on 23rd August, 2010 by Samuel

The second presentation went very well, I started off by giving short introduction to background information and then went on to talk about what I have achieved thus far. Some screenshots of my dashboard application have been included and I then finished off the presentation with what my goals are for the rest of the semester.
The presentaion slides can be found here.

Literature review

Posted on 20th June, 2010 by Samuel

The purpose of the literature review is to provide the reader with an overview of past research and how that research will influence current research. My literature review can be found here.

Taken from the abstract:
This paper will provide an overview of some honeypot technologies and tools, this includes monitoring and securing a honeypot and legal as well as ethical considerations when operating a honeypot or honeynet. The paper will also show how the information obtained from the analysis of collected data might be used to generate useful outputs. I will look at security metrics, what they are and how we should use them. There will also be a brief overview of some considerations that should be kept in mind during data visualisation. Lastly the paper will provide a suggested approach on how this information might be securely aggregated between geographically dispersed honeypots and a central management node for further analysis. Virtual Honeypots: Management...

Project Proposal 2010

Posted on 21st April, 2010 by Samuel

Been done for a while now, but kept forgetting about uploading it. Now without further ado, here is my project proposal!

Project Proposal Presentation 2010

Posted on 23th February, 2010 by Samuel

I've uploaded my slideset for my project proposal presentation, the link is on the right of the page under "Deliverables". At the presentation my flash drive caused me a world of trouble and has now been renamed to "Epic Fail". It is done however so time to focus on my actual project now, sorry about blowing up Australia.