
This is an honours level project done at Rhodes University by David Wild and Supervised by Mr James Connan. The title of the project is "Eye Tracking using a Regular Webcamera".

Project Abstract


Traditional gaze tracking systems rely on either contact and invasive hardware, or expensive and non-standard hardware. To address this problem research has been done into systems that use only simple hardware to create gaze tracking systems. This system attempts to prove that is is possible to create a gaze tracking system using a regular web camera and the free, open source Computer Vision library OpenCV. This is achieved by researching various techniques required for such a system and then measuring the performance of the created system. Analysis of the results concluded that while the error of the system was greater than desired, in conjunction with the research done it is possible to create a robust system using simple hardware.



The resources to the Final Write-up and the Final Seminar have been added. The short paper will be added at the latest by 19th November.

Final Post


The Short Paper resource and a revised version of the final write-up have been added. If there are any queries please email