Plot Clock Beta

Plot Clock Beta


Using screws and 40T gears, the Beta PlotClock addresses the crippling instability and inaccuracy problems that was faced by the Alpha version, with the drawback of slower movements and noisier servo. However, the initial manual control test (as seen above) show cases a smoother arm movement, with a little tinkering I should be able to ascertain motor rotation to gear angles and thus reprogram the Alpha's base code to work with the Beta without too much recoding.

Some results

With the arms now in place. I did some stability testing, the resulting setup makes the lines much more straight and easier to control. With a little refinement, the Beta chassis was used directly for the final iteration: The Theta version.

Plot Clock Theta

Plot Clock Theta

The final system video

The system uses a wbecam to read a live image feed, finds the clock face, analyze the time and then output the reulsting time to the Plot Clock to draw. See Chapter 3 in the final thesis for a complete explanation.

<-- Back to PlotClock Alpha

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