Computer Science 301 - 2001 - Programming Language Translation

Well, here you are. Here is the free information you have all been waiting for, with some extra bits of advice:

How to spend a Special Sunday

From now until two hours before the examination tomorrow, Computer Science 3 students have exclusive use of the Braae Laboratory. You are encouraged to throw out anyone else who tries to use it, but we hope that this does not need to happen. On Sunday evening Jody and I will have to move some computers around in preparation for Monday, but you will be able to continue working.

During this time you will be able to find the following files in the usual places, or by following links from the course web page:

Once you have copied the "exam kit" it is suggested that you reboot the machines into the "local" mode that you will use tomorrow. To do this you shut down, and then choose the "NONET" configuration as the system reboots. When the login screen reappears you log in with the username test1 and the password rbtest1. This works on all the machines; in this mode none of them have access to one another or to the network.

Today you may use the files and the systems in any way that you wish subject to the following restrictions: Please observe these in the interests of everyone else in the class.

(a) Create a working directory on D: in the usual way, and preferably do all your work within this directory.

(b) When you have finished working, please delete your files from the D: drive, so that others are not tempted to come and snoop around to steal ideas from you.

(c) Since tomorrow you will not have access to the file server, work on the D: drive and not on your server file space, for practice, if for no other reason!

(d) You are encouraged to discuss the problem with one another, and with anybody not on the "prohibited" list.

(e) You are also free to consult books in the library. If you cannot find a book that you are looking for, it may well be the case that there is a copy in the Department. Feel free to ask.

I suggest that you DO spend some of the next 24 hours in DISCUSSION with one another, and some of the time in actually TRYING OUT your ideas. You have plenty of time in which to prepare and test really good solutions - go for it and good luck! Remember that you may not bring any papers or diskettes into the exam room tomorrow.

If you cannot unpack the file, or have trouble getting the familiar tools to work (unlikely!), you may ask me for help. You may also ask for explanation of any points in the question that you do not understand, in the same way that you are allowed to ask before the start of an ordinary examination. You are no longer allowed to ask me questions about any other part of the course. Sorry; you had your chance earlier, and I cannot allow this without risking the chance of sneak questions and suggestions being called for.

If you cannot solve the problem completely, don't panic. It has been designed so that I can recognize that students have reached varying degrees of sophistication and understanding.

How you will spend a Merry Monday

Just before the start of the formal examinations the laboratory will be unavailable. During that time

At the start of each examination session:

Cessation of Hostilities Party

As previously mentioned, Sally and I would like to invite you to an informal end-of-course party at our house on 12 November. There's a map below to help you find your way there. It would help if you could let me know whether you are coming so that we can borrow enough glasses, plates etc. E-mail to p.terry@ru.ac.za. Time: from 18h30 onwards. Dress: Casual

       ============>>  PDT(8) \      <======================================
        \     \               /---\
          \   Bedford       /       \  Constitution St
   Cradock  \     \       /           \
              \     \   /               \      ^Hospital
                \    Pear Lane            \    |
                  |          Worcester St   \  |
           DSG    |                            |
                  | St Andrew's                |
                  |                            |Milner St
                  |                            |
                  |               African St   |
                  |        |                      |
                  |Somerset|                      |
                  |        |                      |
                  |   Rat  |             New St   |
                  |      |              PopArt    |
                  |      |                        |
         Rhodes   |      |                        |Hill St
                  |      |     High St            |
                ----------------------------------- Cathedral

And for my last trick -

Section B [ 85 marks ]

Please note that there is no obligation to produce a machine readable solution for this section. Coco/R and other files are provided so that you can enhance, refine, or test your solution if you desire. If you choose to produce a machine readable solution, you should create a working directory, unpack EXAM.ZIP, modify any files that you like, and then copy all the files back to the blank diskette that will be provided.

For several years your predecessors in this course - and even yourselves - have been expected, as part of the practical course, to gain an understanding of a stack machine architecture by preparing programs written in a very limited form of assembler language in which all addressing had to be done in terms of numerical values which students were supposed to calculate for themselves - with understandable frustration setting in every time they inserted or deleted a few statements into programs as they debugged them. During this time students have begged me to give them a "real" assembler in which alphanumeric labels could be used to identify constants, variables, and the destinations of branch instructions. I have, of course, always been too busy to do this, but with 24 hours at your disposal and the expert knowledge you have amassed after studying the translators course this year, you should be able to remedy this situation - and if you succeed you may be able to make some useful pocket money selling your system to the class next year!

We start by observing that, rather than writing code as exemplified by the columns on the left, most people would prefer to write code as exemplified by the columns on the right

ASSEM  $D+           |   ASSEM   $D+                    # Read a list and write it backwards
                     |     CONST                        # High level declarations
                     |       Max = 10;                  # constants
                     |       Width = 6;
                     |     INT                          # variables
BEGIN                |       List[Max], I, Item;
  DSP    13          |     BEGIN                        # DSP 13 can be generated automatically
  ADR   -12          |              ADR     I           # I := 0;
  LIT     0          |              LIT     0           #
  STO                |              STO                 #
  ADR   -13          |        READ  ADR     Item        # LOOP
  INN                |              INN                 #   Read(Item);
  ADR   -13          |              ADR     Item        #
  VAL                |              VAL                 #
  BZE    32          |              BZE     DONE        #   IF Item = 0 THEN EXIT END;
  ADR    -1          |              ADR     List        #
  ADR   -12          |              ADR     I           #
  VAL                |              VAL                 #
  LIT    11          |              LIT     SIZE(List)  #
  IND                |              IND                 #
  ADR   -13          |              ADR     Item        #
  VAL                |              VAL                 #
  STO                |              STO                 #   List[I] := Item;
  ADR   -12          |              ADR     I           #   I++;
  PPP                |              PPP                 #
  BRN     7          |              BRN     READ        # END;
  PRS   'Reversed'   |        DONE  PRS     'Reversed'  # Write('Reversed');
  ADR   -12          |        PRINT ADR     I           # WHILE I > 0 DO
  VAL                |              VAL                 #
  LIT     0          |              LIT     0           #
  GTR                |              GTR                 #
  BZE    59          |              BZE     EXIT        #
  ADR   -12          |              ADR     I           #   I--;
  MMM                |              MMM                 #
  ADR    -1          |              ADR     List        #
  ADR   -12          |              ADR     I           #
  VAL                |              VAL                 #
  LIT    11          |              LIT     Max + 1     #
  IND                |              IND                 #
  VAL                |              VAL                 #
  LIT     6          |              LIT     Width       #   Write(List[I] : 6);
  PRN                |              PRN                 #
  BRN    34          |              BRN     PRINT       # END
  HLT                |        EXIT  HLT                 # RETURN
END.                 |     END.

Since it might be dangerous to place too much reliance on what would be required of an assembler, or indeed determine exactly what is permitted in the assembler language itself from studying this one single example, here are some suggestions for deriving a complete system. (In the exam kit will be found some other example programs to assist in your development of the assembler.)

(a) You can make use of Coco/R, and in particular derive a solution by making use of the attributed grammar and support modules (symbol table handler, code generator, error handler, frame files etc) that were useful in the development of a CS301 compiler/interpreter.

(b) The assembler statements should appear between a bracketing BEGIN and END, and may optionally be preceded by declarations of constants and variables (like Max, Width, List, I and Item) using similar syntax to that found in CS301 programs.

(c) The assembler system should be able to assemble simple programs in which the addressing is all given in absolute form (as in the example on the left), as well as those with alphanumeric names and labels.

(d) Treat the mnemonics as key (reserved) words. Since AND and NOT are mnemonic opcodes, use !, && and || for Boolean operators.

(e) Alphanumeric labels (like READ, PRINT, DONE and EXIT) used as the targets of branch instructions must be uniquely defined. For simplicity, these labels should not be allowed to duplicate identifiers used in the declaration of named constants or variables.

(f) It is acceptable to define labels without ever having branch instructions that referred to them, to have multiple labels defined at one point, or to have multiple branches to one point, for example

                    BRN   START             # Unnecessary, but legal
            LOOP    LIT   6
                    LIT   7
                    BRN   START             # equivalent to BRN LOOP

(g) It would not be acceptable to have branch instructions refer to labels that are never defined, for example

            LOOP    LIT   6
                    LIT   7
                    BRN   START             # Start is undefined

(h) The LIT and DSP mnemonics should be allowed to take a constant-generating expression as a parameter:

                    DSP  6                  # Absolute form
                    LIT  Max                # Equivalent to LIT  10
                    LIT  Max * 10 + Width   # Equivalent to LIT  106
                    LIT  Size(Array)        # Equivalent to LIT  11

where Size is a pseudo function that can return the storage space needed for the variable quoted as its actual argument (this would clearly be useful in applications that use arrays in particular).

(i) The ADR mnemonic should be allowed to take a (possibly signed) number or a variable name as its parameter. In the case where this name refers to an array a possible extension would be to allow it to have a constant subscript indicating a further offset that could be computed at assemble time, for example:

                    ADR  -1                 # absolute addressing
                    ADR  Item               # equivalent to ADR -13
                    ADR  List               # equivalent to ADR -1
                    ADR  List[0]            # equivalent to ADR -1
                    ADR  List[2]            # equivalent to ADR -3

(j) Not much attention need be paid to type checking - at this level programmers should be relied on to get these semantics correct for themselves.

(k) Apart from situations where they are necessary for separating other alphanumeric quantities, whitespace characters may be used at the coder's discretion to improve the appearance of source code.

(l) In the extended compiler for CS301 you may have made use of additional opcodes to the ones listed below, in particular to handle switch/case statements. For the purposes of this examination you may confine your assembler to the opcodes in the table on page 7.

Instruction set for stack machine

Several of these operations belong to a category known as zero address instructions. Even though operands are clearly needed for operations such as addition and multiplication, the addresses of these are not specified by part of the instruction, but are implicitly derived from the value of the stack pointer SP. The two operands are assumed to reside on the top of the stack and just below the top; in our informal descriptions their values are denoted by TOS (for "top of stack") and SOS (for "second on stack"). A binary operation is performed by popping its two operands from the stack into (inaccessible) internal registers in the CPU, performing the operation, and then pushing the result back onto the stack.

    AND      Pop  TOS  and  SOS,  and  SOS  with  TOS, push result to form new  TOS 
    ORR      Pop  TOS  and  SOS,  or   SOS  with  TOS, push result to form new  TOS 
    ADD      Pop  TOS  and  SOS,  add  SOS  to  TOS, push sum to form new  TOS 
    SUB      Pop  TOS  and  SOS,  subtract  TOS from  SOS, push difference to form new  TOS 
    MUL      Pop  TOS  and  SOS,  multiply  SOS by  TOS, push product to form new  TOS 
    DVD      Pop  TOS  and  SOS,  divide  SOS  by  TOS, push quotient to form new  TOS 
    REM      Pop  TOS  and  SOS,  divide  SOS  by  TOS, push remainder to form new  TOS 
    EQL      Pop  TOS  and  SOS,  push 1 to form new  TOS  if  SOS = TOS, 0 otherwise
    NEQ      Pop  TOS  and  SOS,  push 1 to form new  TOS  if  SOS ¹ TOS, 0 otherwise
    GTR      Pop  TOS  and  SOS,  push 1 to form new  TOS  if  SOS > TOS, 0 otherwise
    LSS      Pop  TOS  and  SOS,  push 1 to form new  TOS  if  SOS < TOS, 0 otherwise
    LEQ      Pop  TOS  and  SOS,  push 1 to form new  TOS  if  SOS £ TOS, 0 otherwise
    GEQ      Pop  TOS  and  SOS,  push 1 to form new  TOS  if  SOS ³ TOS, 0 otherwise
    NEG      Integer negation of TOS 
    NOT      Boolean negation of TOS 

    STK      Dump stack to output (useful for debugging)
    PRN      Pop  TOS  and  SOS, write  SOS to output as an integer value in field width TOS
    PRB      Pop  TOS  and  SOS, write  SOS to output as a Boolean value in field width TOS
    PRS  A   Write the nul-terminated string that is assumed to be stacked in the literal pool from Mem[A]
    NLN      Write a newline (carriage-return-line-feed) sequence
    INN      Read integer value, pop  TOS, store the value that was read in Mem[TOS]
    INB      Read Boolean value, pop  TOS, store the value that was read in Mem[TOS]

    DSP  A   Decrement value of stack pointer  SP  by  A
    LIT  A   Push the integer value  A  onto the stack to form new  TOS
    ADR  A   Push the value  BP + A  onto the stack to form new  TOS.  (This value is conceptually the address
             of a variable stored at an offset  A  within the stack frame pointed to by the base register  BP.)
    IND      (Range checked indexing of array) Pop  TOS  to yield  Size; pop  TOS  and  SOS; if  0 £ TOS < Size
             then subtract  TOS  from  SOS, push result to form new  TOS
    INX      (Unchecked indexing of array) Pop  TOS  and  SOS,  subtract  TOS from  SOS, push result to form new  TOS 
    VAL      (Dereferencing) Pop  TOS,  and push the value of  Mem[TOS]  to form new TOS
    DUP      Push  TOS  to form duplicate copy
    STO      Pop  TOS  and  SOS; store  TOS  in  Mem[SOS]
    PPP      Pop  TOS and increment  Mem[TOS]  by 1
    MMM      Pop  TOS and decrement  Mem[TOS]  by 1

    HLT      Halt
    BRN  A   Unconditional branch to instruction  A
    BZE  A   Pop  TOS,  and branch to instruction  A  if  TOS  is zero
    BAN  A   Branch to instruction  A  if  TOS  is false; else pop TOS
    BOR  A   Branch to instruction  A  if  TOS  is true; else pop TOS
    NOP      No operation

The instructions in the first group are concerned with arithmetic and logical operations, those in the second group afford I/O facilities, those in the third group allow for the access of data in memory by means of manipulating addresses and the stack, and those in the last group allow for control of flow of the program itself.

Examination period allocations

The morning session will run from 08h30 until 11h30. Candidates must be in the Struben Building from 08h15, and will not be allowed to leave until everyone has finished and the papers been collected.

The afternoon session will run from about 12h00 until 15h00. Candidates must assemble in the Hamilton Building from 11h15, as we have to make sure that there is no collaboration between sessions.

afternoon 699A0124 Abrey, DM      | morning    698M1813 Matlock, JA
afternoon 697A1002 Adar, AO       | morning    698M1871 Miya, SC
morning   699A0269 Alli, S        | morning    697M6120 Mkuzangwe, NNP
morning   699A0928 Amtha, P       | morning    699M2744 Moeca, WT
afternoon 699A0564 Anderson, ML   | morning    699M0761 Morkel, C
afternoon 699A1450 Armstrong, MEG | morning    699M0158 Mpofu, AC
morning   698A1083 Asafo-Adjei, T | afternoon  699N3374 Nadasen, KG
morning   69750204 Bhe, U         | afternoon  698N3985 Naidoo, D
morning   697B3411 Brown, DE      | morning    699N0776 Naidoo, O
afternoon 699C1815 Cave, ML       | afternoon  699N0640 Naidoo, P
morning   699D2774 Dada, A        | afternoon  699N0225 Nel, LG
morning   699E1291 Everett, KA    | afternoon  699N0587 Nyamadzawo, F
morning   699K1690 Eyambe, LK     | morning    699O2038 Okai-Tettey, HA
morning   699F0023 Ferguson, BA   | afternoon  698P3127 Parbhoo, NH
afternoon 698F4230 Futshane, Z    | afternoon  699P1968 Parbhu, P
afternoon 699G1912 Gaul, T        | morning    699P1628 Pare, JR
morning   699G0578 Goodenough, TW | morning    699P3117 Proske, H
morning   699H3447 Haig, D        | afternoon  699R2070 Rampertab, M
afternoon 699H1589 Hatting, CA    | afternoon  698R1293 Rana, B
morning   698H1625 Hone, GJ       | morning    698R3067 Renwick, MR
morning   699J1570 Jogee, ZS      | morning    699R0191 Rudraraju, U
afternoon 698J4312 Jones, EB      | morning    699S2055 Seedat, RG
morning   699K2455 Keildson, J    | afternoon  699S2711 Shepherd, J
morning   699K0958 Kieser, SJ     | morning    699S1482 Sigsworth, R
morning   699K3906 Krijger, HGL   | afternoon  600S1452 Smit, NK
afternoon 697K5261 Ku, YJ         | morning    699S0115 Sterne, PJ
afternoon 698L3455 Leong Son, JMJ | afternoon  600T4417 Thomas, JJ
afternoon 699M1325 Mabvudza, FTL  | afternoon  699U1402 Ubogu, CO
afternoon 699M1260 Machimana, TD  | afternoon  699V1803 Van Berkel, GG
afternoon 699M0302 Mackie, DS     | afternoon  699V0697 Vanda, NM
afternoon 69731436 Mahluza, NLN   | afternoon  699W0746 Wasswa, PJK
afternoon 698M6232 Manners, PJ    | afternoon  699Y1212 Yazdani, N
morning   699M0189 Manyindo, SN   | morning    699Y1855 Yong, RAH
morning   699M1972 Mathebula, DW  |

Other Goodies

The exam kits contain a selection of silly assembler programs which you may find useful in testing the system you develop. They are not all "correct" of course.

You will also find an executable ASM.EXE derived from my model solution to this exercise. Don't bother to try anything like reverse engineering this; it has all been encrypted!

A command like


will attempt to assemble the code in the file A02.ASM and then interpret it.

There are two versions of the attributed grammar for the CS301 compiler. CS301.ATG uses two "expression parsers" as suggested in the prac course - one for constant expressions and the other for "code generating" expressions. CS301A.ATG is a version as discussed in the prac solution where only one, suitably parameterized, expression parser is used.

Listings of CS301.ATG, of the code generator CGEN.CPP and of the table handler and interpreter interfaces TABLE.H and STKMC.H are available today, and will be made available tomorrow (when the printers are disabled).

Special attention is drawn to some features of this system which have changed slightly since the last practical solution was issued, or which you may have overlooked at the time:

And here are two hints: