Computer Science 301 - 2001

Tutorial for week 17 - simple expression grammars

One simple grammar for describing expressions was discussed in class:

      Goal       = Expression .
      Expression = Term | Expression "-" Term .
      Term       = Factor | Term "*" Factor .
      Factor     = "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" .

Show the parse tree corresponding to the string "a - b - c"

Another grammar is

      Goal       = Expression .
      Expression = Term | Term "-" Expression .
      Term       = Factor | Factor "*" Term .
      Factor     = "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" .

Show the parse tree corresponding to the string "a - b - c" and discuss the differences between this grammar and the last.

Yet another grammar for describing expressions might be:

      Goal       = Expression .
      Expression = Term | Expression "*" Term .
      Term       = Factor | Term "-" Factor .
      Factor     = "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" .

Show the parse tree corresponding to the string "a - b * c"

How does one find a grammar that will allow all four operators (+ - * and /) with the familiar precedence and associativity conventions, and will also allow for parentheses within expressions - so that one can derive strings like (a - b) * (c + d)?

What grammar would we need if we wished to allow for leading (unary) operators, as in expressions like "- a + ( -b + ( + c / d ))"