Computer Science 301 - 2003

Programming Language Translation

Practical for Week 19, beginning 25 August 2003


Group Members:

Surname: (PRINT CLEARLY)                     Mark Awarded

Student number: (PRINT CLEARLY)


Surname: (PRINT CLEARLY)                     Mark Awarded

Student number: (PRINT CLEARLY)


Surname: (PRINT CLEARLY)                     Mark Awarded

Student number: (PRINT CLEARLY)


Surname: (PRINT CLEARLY)                     Mark Awarded

Student number: (PRINT CLEARLY)


Other people with whom you collaborated (you need not give tutors' names):

Tutor's signature:

Copies of the prac sheet and this cover sheet are also available on the web site for the course.

Group members:

| TASK 2          |                              |                          |
|                 |                              |                          |
| Turbo Pascal    | Code size                    | Sieve limit              |
|                 |                              |                          |
| Free Pascal     | Code size                    | Sieve limit              |
| Optimized       |                              |                          |
| Turbo Pascal    | Code size                    | Sieve limit              |
| Optimized       |                              |                          |
| Free Pascal     | Code size                    | Sieve limit              |
| TASK 3          |                              |                          |
|                 |                              |                          |
| JPI Modula-2    | Code size                    | Sieve limit              |
| Optimized       |                              |                          |
| JPI Modula-2    | Code size                    | Sieve limit              |
| TASK 4          |                              |                          |
|                 |                              |                          |
| Borland C 5.5   | Code size                    | Sieve limit              |
|                 |                              |                          |
| Microsoft C     | Code size                    | Sieve limit              |
|                 |                              |                          |
| Borland C++ 5.5 | Code size                    | Sieve limit              |
|                 |                              |                          |
| Microsoft C++   | Code size                    | Sieve limit              |
| TASK 5          |                              |                          |
|                 |                              |                          |
| Jikes/Java      | Code size    N/A             | Sieve limit              |
| TASK 6          |                              |                          |
|                 |                              |                          |
| C#              | Code size                    | Sieve limit              |
| TASK 7          |                              |                          |
|                 |                              |                          |
| Parva           | Code size    N/A             | Sieve limit              |
| Task 8          |                              |                          |
|                 |                              |                          |
| Borland C 5.5   | Code size                    | Sieve limit              |
|                 |                              |                          |
| Microsoft C     | Code size                    | Sieve limit              |

Remember to comment on the differences, and on the maximum sieve possible.


How many solutions are there to the N Queens problem?  Do you see a trend?

      2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10    11    12
   |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |


Time taken to execute the sieve program and the Queens programs

| Sieve:   Number of iterations          |  Size of sieve           |
| Queens:  Number of iterations          |  Board Size              |
|                          |  Sieve      |   Queens    |   Queens1  |
| Turbo Pascal             |             |             |            |
|                          |             |             |            |
| Turbo Pascal (optimized) |             |             |            |
|                          |             |             |            |
| Free Pascal              |             |             |            |
|                          |             |             |            |
| Free Pascal (optimized)  |             |             |            |
|                          |             |             |            |
| Modula-2                 |             |             |            |
|                          |             |             |            |
| Modula-2  (optimized)    |             |             |            |
|                          |             |             |            |
| C#                       |             |             |            |
|                          |             |             |            |
| Java                     |             |             |            |
|                          |             |             |            |
| Parva                    |             |             |            |
|                          |             |             |            |
| Parva (optimized)        |             |             |            |
|                          |             |             |            |

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