Computer Science 3 - 2004

Programming Language Translation

Practical for Week 23, beginning 4 October 2004 - Solutions

There were some outstandingly good solutions handed in, but several people had clearly not found time or put in the effort to complete the assignment. This showed up very clearly in the little prac test, which revealed, rather sadly and surprisingly, that there seemed to be some students who did not have the first clue about how to write a simple recursive descent parser for a tiny system of productions. Please study the solutions to the prac test carefully - they are all on the WWW pages for the course under the heading of "Prac Tests".

Another point that I noticed was that many people, both in the test and in the prac, were driving their parsers from the back, so to speak. Given a construction like

A = { "start" Something } "follow" .

it is far better to produce a parser routine like

while (sym.kind == startSym) { getSym(); something(); } accept(followSym);

than one like

while (sym.kind != followSym) { getSym(); something(); } accept(followSym);

for the simple reason that there might be something wrong with something!

Complete source code for three possible solutions to the prac are available on the WWW pages in files PRAC23A.ZIP (Java) or PRAC23AC.ZIP (C#).

Here is the important part of the code for the scanner. Most people got a lot of this correct - except perhaps for the comment handling (which you had been told to read up about in the textbook, so that failing to get that right was just silly). There was some funny clumsy code dealing with the "escaped" tokens - please have a good look at what I suggest.

    // +++++++++++++++++++++++  token kinds enumeration +++++++++++++++++++++++++

    static final int
      noSym        =  0,
      EOFSym       =  1,
      SemicolonSym =  2,
      BarSym       =  3,
      LParenSym    =  4,
      LBrackSym    =  5,
      RParenSym    =  6,
      RBrackSym    =  7,
      ConcatSym    =  8,
      OptionSym    =  9,
      RepeatSym    = 10,
      PlusSym      = 11,
      HyphenSym    = 12,
      AtomSym      = 13,
      EscapedSym   = 14;

    // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Scanner ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    // Declaring sym as a global variable is done for expediency - global variables
    // are not always a good thing

    static Token sym;

    static void getSym() {
    // Scans for next sym from input
      while (ch > EOF && ch <= ' ') getChar();

    // comment handlers have to be carefully written - we must check for unclosed
    // comments, as well as making sure that we really do find a token.  Note the
    // recursive call to getSym

      if (ch == '\\') {                              // skip comment
        do getChar(); while (ch != '\\' && ch != EOF);
        if (ch != EOF) {                             // try again
          getChar(); getSym(); return;
        else {                                       // give up
          sym = new Token(EOFSym, "EOF");
          //  perhaps   abort("comment was not terminated");
      StringBuffer symLex = new StringBuffer();
      int symKind = noSym;
      switch (ch) {
        case EOF  : symKind = EOFSym;
                    symLex = new StringBuffer("EOF"); break;  // no need to getChar here, of course
        case ';'  : symKind = SemicolonSym; getChar(); break;
        case '|'  : symKind = BarSym; getChar(); break;
        case '('  : symKind = LParenSym; getChar(); break;
        case '['  : symKind = LBrackSym; getChar(); break;
        case ')'  : symKind = RParenSym; getChar(); break;
        case ']'  : symKind = RBrackSym; getChar(); break;
        case '.'  : symKind = ConcatSym; getChar(); break;
        case '?'  : symKind = OptionSym; getChar(); break;
        case '*'  : symKind = RepeatSym; getChar(); break;
        case '+'  : symKind = PlusSym; getChar(); break;
        case '-'  : symKind = HyphenSym; getChar(); break;

    // escaped characters need special treatment  - we must check for matching
    // quote marks

        case '"'  :
        case '\'' : char quote = ch;
                    getChar(); symLex.append(ch);
                    if (ch < ' ') break;                   // escaped exclude control chars
                    getChar(); symLex.append(ch);
                    if (ch == quote) {
                      symKind = EscapedSym;                // else noSym already

    // unusually, perhaps, the default option mops up all other possibilities as
    // valid.  Very often default handlers must mop up errors

        default : symKind = AtomSym; getChar(); break;
      sym = new Token(symKind, symLex.toString());

and here is code for a simple parser with brutal error handling:

    // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Parser +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    static void accept(int wantedSym, String errorMessage) {
    // Checks that lookahead token is wantedSym
      if (sym.kind == wantedSym) getSym(); else abort(errorMessage);

    static SymSet
      FirstExpression = new SymSet(new int[] {AtomSym, EscapedSym, LBrackSym, LParenSym}),
      FirstFactor     = new SymSet(new int[] {AtomSym, EscapedSym, LBrackSym, LParenSym}),
      FirstAtom       = new SymSet(new int[] {AtomSym, EscapedSym}),
      FirstOneRange   = new SymSet(new int[] {AtomSym, EscapedSym}),
      Iterators       = new SymSet(new int[] {RepeatSym, OptionSym, PlusSym});

    static void RE () {
    // RE == { Expression ";" } EOF .
    // Note that we drive the loop on a FirstExpression check, and not on
    //    while (sym != EOFSym) ...
    // Parser routines should normally be driven positively on FIRST sets, not negatively
    // on the use of FOLLOW sets
      while (FirstExpression.contains(sym.kind)) {
        Expression(); accept(SemicolonSym, "; expected");
      accept(EOFSym, "EOF expected");

    static void Expression () {
    // Expression = Term { "|" Term } .
      while (sym.kind == BarSym) {
        accept(BarSym, "| expected"); Term();

    static void Term () {
    // Term = Factor { [ "." ] Factor } .
      while (FirstFactor.contains(sym.kind) || sym.kind == ConcatSym) {
        if (sym.kind == ConcatSym) getSym();

    static void Factor () {
    // Factor == Element [ "*" | "?" | "+" ] .
      if (Iterators.contains(sym.kind)) getSym();

    static void Element () {
    // Element == Atom | Range | "(" Expression ")" .
      if (FirstAtom.contains(sym.kind)) Atom();
        if (sym.kind == LBrackSym) Range();
          if (sym.kind == LParenSym) {
            getSym(); Expression(); accept(RParenSym, ") expected");
          else abort("Invalid Start to Element ");

    static void Range () {
    // Range == "[" OneRange { OneRange } "]" .
      accept(LBrackSym, "[ expected");
      while (FirstOneRange.contains(sym.kind)) OneRange();
      accept(RBrackSym, "] expected");

    static void OneRange () {
    // OneRange == Atom [ "-" Atom ] .
      if (sym.kind == HyphenSym) { getSym(); Atom(); }

    static void Atom () {
    // Atom = atomic | escaped .
    // Note the use of a default option to mop up errors
      switch (sym.kind) {
        case AtomSym :     getSym(); break;
        case EscapedSym :  getSym(); break;
        default :          abort("Invalid Atom"); break;

To incorporate "follow set" error recovery we could try something like this:

    // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Parser +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    static void accept(int wantedSym, String errorMessage) {
    // Checks that lookahead token is wantedSym
      if (sym.kind == wantedSym) getSym(); else reportError(errorMessage);

    static void test(SymSet allowed, SymSet beacons, String errorMessage) {
      if (allowed.contains(sym.kind)) return;
      SymSet stopSet = allowed.union(beacons);
      while (!stopSet.contains(sym.kind)) getSym();

    static SymSet
      FirstExpression = new SymSet(new int[] {AtomSym, EscapedSym, LBrackSym, LParenSym}),
      FirstElement    = new SymSet(new int[] {AtomSym, EscapedSym, LBrackSym, LParenSym}),
      FirstFactor     = new SymSet(new int[] {AtomSym, EscapedSym, LBrackSym, LParenSym}),
      FirstRestFactor = new SymSet(new int[] {AtomSym, EscapedSym, LBrackSym, LParenSym, ConcatSym}),
      FirstAtom       = new SymSet(new int[] {AtomSym, EscapedSym}),
      FirstOneRange   = new SymSet(new int[] {AtomSym, EscapedSym}),
      FirstRange      = new SymSet(new int[] {LBrackSym}),
      Iterators       = new SymSet(new int[] {RepeatSym, OptionSym, PlusSym});

    static void RE (SymSet followers) {
    // RE == { Expression ";" } EOF .
      test(followers.union(FirstExpression), new SymSet(), "bad start to file"); // concession
      while (FirstExpression.contains(sym.kind)) {
        Expression(followers.union(new SymSet(new int[] {SemicolonSym})));
        accept(SemicolonSym, "; expected");
      accept(EOFSym, "EOF expected");

    static void Expression (SymSet followers) {
    // Expression = Term { "|" Term } .
      Term(followers.union(new SymSet(new int[] {BarSym})));
      while (sym.kind == BarSym) {
        accept(BarSym, "| expected");
        Term(followers.union(new SymSet(new int[] {BarSym})));

    static void Term (SymSet followers) {
    // Term = Factor { [ "." ] Factor } .
      while (FirstFactor.contains(sym.kind) || sym.kind == ConcatSym) {
        if (sym.kind == ConcatSym) getSym();

    static void Factor (SymSet followers) {
    // Factor == Element [ "*" | "?" | "+" ] .
      if (Iterators.contains(sym.kind)) getSym();

    static void Element (SymSet followers) {
    // Element == Atom | Range | "(" Expression ")" .
      test(FirstElement, followers, "Invalid Start to Element");
      if (FirstAtom.contains(sym.kind)) Atom(followers);
        if (sym.kind == LBrackSym) Range(followers);
          if (sym.kind == LParenSym) {
            getSym(); Expression(followers.union(new SymSet(new int[] {RParenSym})));
            accept(RParenSym, ") expected");
      test(followers, new SymSet(), "unexpected symbol");

    static void Range (SymSet followers) {
    // Range == "[" OneRange { OneRange } "]" .
      accept(LBrackSym, "[ expected");
      OneRange(followers.union(new SymSet(new int[] {RBrackSym})));
      while (FirstOneRange.contains(sym.kind))
        OneRange(followers.union(new SymSet(new int[] {RBrackSym})));
      accept(RBrackSym, "] expected");

    static void OneRange (SymSet followers) {
    // OneRange == Atom [ "-" Atom ] .
      Atom(followers.union(new SymSet(new int[] {HyphenSym})));
      if (sym.kind == HyphenSym) { getSym(); Atom(followers); }

    static void Atom (SymSet followers) {
    // Atom = atomic | escaped .
    // Note the use of a default option to mop up errors
      switch (sym.kind) {
        case AtomSym :     getSym(); break;
        case EscapedSym :  getSym(); break;
        default :          reportError("Invalid Atom"); break;


      getChar();                                  // Lookahead character
      getSym();                                   // Lookahead symbol
      RE(new SymSet(new int[] {EOFSym}));         // Start to parse from the goal symbol
      if (!errors) System.out.println("Parsed correctly");

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