The following examples are all to be found in your examination kit. Documentation in HTML can also be found by following the links from here. Textual output might be of the form suggested below, but, of course, slight variation on this would be acceptable.

Firstly, a trivial example  (01.pav)  - all this has to do is reflect the function signature 

       void main() {

This should generate output something like 

       Documentation for 01.pav

       void main ()

A more ambitious example with five functions (02.pav) 

       void sort (int[] list, int size, bool ascending) {

       void useStringBuffer(bool mayBeUseful) {}

       int largest (int a, int b) {

       bool isPresent (int[] list, int entry) {

       void main() {

This should generate output with function signatures only, something like 

       Documentation for 02.pav

       void sort (int[] list, int size, bool ascending)

       void useStringBuffer (bool mayBeUseful)

       int largest (int a, int b)

       bool isPresent (int[] list, int entry)

       void main ()

The next example shows the first application of the ParvaDoc comment (03.pav) 

       /** This shows a single ParvaDoc comment ahead of all functions
           Essentially ANY sort of text is allowed in such comments
           except for the key words like "@purpose" */

       void main() {

This should generate output something like 

       Documentation for 03.pav

        This shows a single ParvaDoc comment ahead of all functions
        Essentially ANY sort of text is allowed in such comments
        except for the key words like "@purpose"

       void main ()

The next example (04.pav) shows simple ParvaDoc comments attached to functions.  Note that these comments 
can come just before or just after the opening brace, but essentially nowhere else. 

       /** This shows a single ParvaDoc comment ahead of all functions */

       void inside() {
       /** Shows a simple ParvaDoc comment inside a function after the opening brace */

       void main()
       /** Shows a simple ParvaDoc comment inside a main function ahead of the opening brace */

This should generate output something like 

       Documentation for 04.pav

        This shows a single ParvaDoc comment ahead of all functions

       void inside ()

        Shows a simple ParvaDoc comment inside a function after the opening brace

       void main ()

        Shows a simple ParvaDoc comment inside a main function ahead of the opening brace

The next example has a few more directives (05.pav) 

       /** This shows a single ParvaDoc comment ahead of all functions
           @author Pat Terry
           @version 1000

       void inside() {
       /** Shows a simple ParvaDoc comment inside a function after the opening brace
           @version 123 - the latest one

       void main()
       /** @purpose Shows a simple ParvaDoc comment inside a main function ahead of the opening brace
           @author Pat Terry

This should generate output something like 

       Documentation for 05.pav

        This shows a single ParvaDoc comment ahead of all functions

        Pat Terry


       void inside ()

        Shows a simple ParvaDoc comment inside a function after the opening brace

        123 - the latest one

       void main ()

        Shows a simple ParvaDoc comment inside a main function ahead of the opening brace

        Pat Terry

Here is an example that has some errors (06.pav) 

       /** This shows a single ParvaDoc comment ahead of all functions
           @author Pat Terry
           @version 1000
           @returns after lunch (but this should give an error message)

       void inside() {
       /** if "@purpose" is omitted it is assumed by default - this one shows
           a simple ParvaDoc comment inside a function after the opening brace
           @version 123 - the latest one

       void main() {
       /** @purpose Shows a simple ParvaDoc comment inside the main function
           @author Pat Terry
           @see "Light at the end of the tunnel"
           @purpose We can add to a clause like purpose by giving the appropriate directive again

However, this should still generate output something like 

       Documentation for 06.pav

        This shows a single ParvaDoc comment ahead of all functions

        Pat Terry


       void inside ()

        if "@purpose" is omitted it is assumed by default - this one shows
        a simple ParvaDoc comment inside a function after the opening brace

        123 - the latest one

       void main ()

        Shows a simple ParvaDoc comment inside the main function
        We can add to a clause like purpose by giving the appropriate directive again

        Pat Terry

        "Light at the end of the tunnel"

The next example may clarify some other points (07.pav) 

       void three (int a, int b, bool c) {
         @param a is the first parameter
         @param b is the second parameter
         @param c is the third parameter
         @purpose This shows how parameters may be described

       void main() {

This should generate output something like 

       Documentation for 07.pav

       void three (int a, int b, bool c)

        This shows how parameters may be described


        a is the first parameter

        b is the second parameter

        c is the third parameter

       void main ()

The next example shows the correct use of @return  (08.pav) 

       int three (int a, int b, int c) {
         @param a is the first parameter
         @param b is the second parameter
         @param c is the third parameter
         @purpose This shows how parameters may be described
         @return  sum of the parameters

         return (a + b + c);

       void main() {

This should generate output something like 

       Documentation for 08.pav

       int three (int a, int b, int c)

        This shows how parameters may be described

        sum of the parameters


        a is the first parameter

        b is the second parameter

        c is the third parameter

       void main ()

But the next example should lead to error messages (09.pav) 

       void three (int a, int b, int c) {
         @param a is the first parameter
         @param b is the second parameter
         @param c is the third parameter
         @purpose This shows how parameters may be described
         @return  sum of the parameters - this should give an error message


       void main() {

However, this should generate output something like 

       Documentation for 09.pav

       void three (int a, int b, int c)

        This shows how parameters may be described

        sum of the parameters - this should give an error message


        a is the first parameter

        b is the second parameter

        c is the third parameter

       void main ()

Any parameters mentioned in @param clauses should also appear in the function signature (10.pav) 

       void three (int a, int b, bool c) {
         @param a is the first parameter
         @param b is the second parameter
         @param c is the third parameter
         @param d should not be mentioned - should give an error message
         @param e should not be mentioned either - another error message
         @param a has been mentioned again


       void main() {

This should generate output something like 

       Documentation for 10.pav

       void three (int a, int b, bool c)


        a is the first parameter

        b is the second parameter

        c is the third parameter

        d should not be mentioned - should give an error message

        e should not be mentioned either - another error message

        a has been mentioned again

       void main ()

Parameters can be of various types (11.pav) 

       void three (int[] list, int n, bool c) {
         @purpose Shows that parameters can be of reference types
         @param list is a reference to a list
         @param n gives the length of the list
         @param c specifies whether the list is full

       void main() {

This should generate output something like 

       Documentation for 11.pav

       void three (int[] list, int n, bool c)

        Shows that parameters can be of reference types


        list is a reference to a list

        n gives the length of the list

        c specifies whether the list is full

       void main ()

ParvaDoc comments cannot appear in arbitrary places (12.pav) 

           @author  P.D. Terry, Rhodes University, 2005
           @return  cannot be used in the overall description
           @param   cannot be used in the overall description

       void ProcessList(int[] list, int n, int length) {
           @param max does not appear in the parameter list so this is meaningless
           @return is meaningless here as void functions do not return values

       /** These sorts of comments cannot appear in arbitrary places between functions! */

This should generate output something like 

       Documentation for 12.pav

        P. D. Terry, Rhodes University, 2005

       void ProcessList (int[] list, int n, int length)

        is meaningless here as void functions do not return values


        max does not appear in the parameter list so this is meaningless

Here is an example with a whole lot of errors! (13.pav) 

           Note that if the "@purpose" keyword is missing the text is taken to be a comment on the
           purpose of the program or function.
           @author  P.D. Terry, Rhodes University, 2005
           @version This version illustrates various errors that might be made
                    using the ParvaDoc system
           @return  cannot be used in the overall description
           @param   cannot be used in the overall description

       int ProcessList(int[] list, int n, int length) {
           @param max does not appear in the parameter list so this is meaningless
         // omitted the body for demonstration putposes

       int GenerateList(int[] list, int max) {
       // Some programmers put the opening brace immediately after the parameter list

       int[] NewList(int max) {}

       void main()
       /** Driver program for demonstration program
           @return is meaningless in a void function and should not be allowed
           @param N is meaningless as this particular function has no parameters
       // Some programmers put the opening brace on a line of its own

         write("This programme does nothing useful!");

       /** These sorts of comments cannot appear in arbitrary places between functions! */

But here is an example that has ordinary comments in spite of what you might think (14.pav) 

       /*  No, this is not a ParvaDoc comment! */

       // Pragmatically, these sorts of comments can appear in arbitrary places

       void ProcessList(int[] list, int n, int length) {
       //  This is another of the sorts of comment that should be ignored

This should generate output as simple as the following, as those comments all get ignored 

       Documentation for 14.pav

       void ProcessList (int[] list, int n, int length)

Finally, here is a real example for you to test your ideas in detail (textluck.pav) 

           Simple test bed program for checking on the generation of lucky numbers
           @author  P.D. Terry, Rhodes University, 2005
           @version This version illustrates various features of the ParvaDoc system

       int ReduceLength(int[] list, int n, int length) {
       /** @purpose Reduces a list of integer numbers by removing every n-th number
           @param length specifies the original length of the list
           @return length of reduced list
           @param n specifies that every n-th number is to be removed
           @see "Algorithms for a Special Sunday" (2005)
           @param list is a reference to the list of numbers
           @version 1234
           @author PDT with a little help from my friends
         int copied = 0;
         int i = 1;
         while (i <= length) {
           if (i - (i / n) * n != 0) {  // if i % n == 0 we would remove it
             list[copied] = list[i-1];
             copied = copied + 1;
           i = i + 1;
         return copied;

       int GenerateLuckyNumbers(int[] list, int max) {
       /** @purpose Generate a list of the lucky numbers between 1 and max (inclusive)
           @see For a description of which numbers are deemed to be lucky, see the course
           web page, and in particular Practical 19

           @param list is a reference to the generated list
           @param max is the limit on the maximum possible lucky number

           @return the length of the list
         int step = 2;
         int length = max;
         while (step <= length) {
           length = ReduceLength(list, step, length);
           step = step + 1;
         return length;

       int[] NewList(int max) {
       /** Allocate and initialise a list of integers
           @param max is the length of the list
           @return a reference to list such that list[i] = i + 1 for i = 0 .. max-1
         int[] list = new int[max];
         int i = 0;
         while (i < max) {
           list[i] = i + 1;
           i = i + 1;
         return list;

       void main()
       /** Driver program for lucky number sieve program */
       // some people put the opening brace on a line of its own

         int limit;
         read("Supply limit of numbers to be tested for luck ", limit);
         int[] luckyList = NewList(limit);
         int n = GenerateLuckyNumbers(luckyList, limit);
         int i = 0;
         while (i < n) {
           write(luckyList[i], "\t");
           i = i + 1;

This should generate output something like 

       Documentation for textluck.pav

        Simple test bed program for checking on the generation of lucky numbers

        P. D. Terry, Rhodes University, 2005

        This version illustrates various features of the ParvaDoc system

       int ReduceLength (int[] list, int n, int length)

        Reduces a list of integer numbers by removing every n - th number

        PDT with a little help from my friends


        "Algorithms for a Special Sunday" (2005)

        length of reduced list


        length specifies the original length of the list

        n specifies that every n - th number is to be removed

        list is a reference to the list of numbers

       int GenerateLuckyNumbers (int[] list, int max)

        Generate a list of the lucky numbers between 1 and max (inclusive)

        For a description of which numbers are deemed to be lucky, see the course
        web page, and in particular Practical 19

        the length of the list


        list is a reference to the generated list

        max is the limit on the maximum possible lucky number

       int[] NewList (int max)

        Allocate and initialise a list of integers

        a reference to list such that list [ i ] = i + 1 for i = 0.. max - 1


        max is the length of the list

       void main ()

        Driver program for lucky number sieve program

An excellent idea might be to allow for HTML to be generated.  You can look at possible HTML output from the
previous examples by following the links from the index.htm page in the kit.

Here is an extended example that incorporates user defined tags (htmlluck.pav) Again, you can see the sort of
output this might generate in the file htmlluck.htm in the kit.

          Simple test bed program for checking on the generation of lucky numbers
          - this version shows how HTML tags might be introduced
            @<a>P.D. Terry@</a>,
            @<a href=>Rhodes University@</a>, 2005
          @version This version illustrates various features of the ParvaDoc system

       int ReduceLength(int[] list, int n, int length) {
       /** Reduces a list of integer numbers by removing every n-th number
           @param length specifies the original length of the list
           @return length of reduced list
           @param n specifies that every n-th number is to be removed
           @see @<a href=sunday.htm>"Algorithms for a Special Sunday" (2005)@</a>
           @author PDT @<i>with a little help from my friends@</i>@<ul>
         int copied = 0;
         int i = 1;
         while (i <= length) {
           if (i - (i / n) * n != 0) {  // if i % n == 0 we would remove it
             list[copied] = list[i-1];
             copied = copied + 1;
           i = i + 1;
         return copied;

       int GenerateLuckyNumbers(int[] list, int max) {
       /** @purpose Generate a list of the lucky numbers between 1 and max (inclusive)
           @see For a description of which numbers are deemed to be lucky, see the
           @<a href=>course
           web page@</a>, and in particular
           @<a href=>
           Practical 19@</a>

           @param list is a reference to the generated list
           @param max is the limit on the maximum possible lucky number

           @return the length of the list
         int step = 2;
         int length = max;
         while (step <= length) {
           length = ReduceLength(list, step, length);
           step = step + 1;
         return length;

       int[] NewList(int max) {
       /** Allocate and initialise a list of integers
           @param max is the length of the list
           @return a reference to list such that list[i] = i + 1 for i = 0 .. max-1
         int[] list = new int[max];
         int i = 0;
         while (i < max) {
           list[i] = i + 1;
           i = i + 1;
         return list;

       void main()
       /** Driver program for lucky number sieve program */
       // some people put the opening brace on a line of its own
         int limit;
         read("Supply limit of numbers to be tested for luck ", limit);
         int[] luckyList = NewList(limit);
         int n = GenerateLuckyNumbers(luckyList, limit);
         int i = 0;
         while (i < n) {
           write(luckyList[i], "\t");
           i = i + 1;

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