Computer Science 301 - 2006

Test for Week 24 - Solutions

Please answer all questions in the spaces provided (two sides). Max 10

This test is intended to check your ability to write attributed Cocol grammars. It should only take you about 25 minutes at the most. Textbooks may be used.

1. Tell me often enough, and I will believe anything. What are your surname (and initials)?

P.D. Terry

2. You thought you had heard the last of Jacob and Shabir, didn't you? Wrong again! Here is a version of the grammar for the SAFM schedules that was used as the basis for developing your ad-hoc scanner and recursive descent parser last week. Show how this grammar could be attributed so that it could report (using methods from the IO library) :

(a) the total number of times "zuma" was mentioned during the period analysed
(b) the length of the longest story that was used in any news bulletin during the day
(c) after each weather forecast, the name of the town that could expect the greatest range of temperature.

Hint: This is a non-recursive grammar, so that you will be able to use global/static variables to handle some of these problems if you wish. However, note that Story is to be parameterized.

   import Library.*;
     letter  = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" .
     digit   = "0123456789" .
     control = CHR(0) .. CHR(31) .
     word    = letter { letter } .
     number  = digit { digit } .
   IGNORE control
     Radio        = { TalkShow | "music" | "advert" [ NewsBulletin ] } EOF .
     NewsBulletin = NewsItem { NewsItem } [ Weather ] Filler .
     NewsItem     = "zuma" [ "shaik" ] | "shaik" "zuma" | Story .
     Story        = word { (   word | "mbeki" | "zuma" | "shaik" ) } "." .
     Opinion      = Story .
     Weather      = "maxmin" "temperatures" OneTemp { "," OneTemp } .
     OneTemp      = word Number Number .
     Number       = number .
     TalkShow     = Host { Listener Host } .
     Host         = "host" Opinion .
     Listener     = "listener" Opinion .
     Filler       = "music" | "advert" .
   END Radio.

There were a whole host of common errors made by students here. Typically attributes were added in haphazard places. I have repeatedly stressed that they have to be placed very accurately after the terminal or non-terminal has been recognized.

An error made by quite a number of people was to place a <parameter attribute> after the terminal "word" in the grammar below. Only non-terminals may have <parameter> attributes, as these correspond to method declarations or calls.

Another error was to try to have some mtheods declare two "out" parameters. You cannot do this in the Java version of Coco/R, and I have been careful not to use this feature in any of the code I have shown you, even for the C# versions.

Several people misunderstood the questions (I think). The system was supposed to report right at the end how many times Zuma had been encountered, and right at the end the very longest of any of the stories encountered in any news bulletin (stories that counted as "opinions" in talk shows did not count). But it was supposed to report the city with the greatest spread of temperatures for each weather report, not for the whole day!

Other comments are buried in the grammar below - read them and try to understand where you went wrong or could have improved your solution.

    import Library.*;

    /* Analyse radio broadcasts (mostly using global variables) Java
       P.D. Terry, Rhodes University, 2006 */

    COMPILER Radio $CN

    /* The system is non-recursive, so we can declare static variables that work very well */

      static int zumaCount = 0;
      static int longestStory = 0;
      static int maxRange = 0;
      static String maxCity = "";

      letter  = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" .
      digit   = "0123456789" .
      control = CHR(0) .. CHR(31) .

      word    = letter { letter } .
      number  = digit { digit } .


    IGNORE control


    /* Notice that the output comes after the sequence has been parsed.  Some people put these actions
       at the beginning! */

      = {   TalkShow
          | "music"
          | "advert"
          [ NewsBulletin
        }                             (. IO.writeLine("Zuma mentioned " + zumaCount + " times");
                                         IO.writeLine("Longest story : " + longestStory + " words"); .)
        EOF .

    /* We have to count Zuma every time he is mentioned - some people missed a few zumaCount++ actions.
       We can check for the longest Story overall within each NewsItem *.

      NewsItem                        (. int storyLength; .)
      =   "zuma"                      (. zumaCount++; .)
        [ "shaik" ]
        | "shaik"  "zuma"             (. zumaCount++; .)
        | "mbeki"
        | "randFalls"
        | Story<out storyLength>      (. if (storyLength > longestStory) longestStory = storyLength; .)

    /* Story was parameterized.  The point is that not all stories had to be analysed to find the longest
       story in a news bulletin.  So it makes it easier not to use a global variable in this case. */

      Story<out int length>
      = word                          (. length = 1; .)
        { (   word
            | "mbeki"
            | "zuma"                  (. zumaCount++; .)
            | "shaik" )               (. length++; .)
        } "." .

    /* Stories that were Opinions in a Talk show had to be discarded, but the call to the Story method
       still requires a parameter */

      Opinion                         (. int discarded; .)
      = Story<out discarded> .

    /* We need to print out the name of the city with the greatest range each time we have completed a
       weather report.  Note that we this start by resetting maxRange to zero at the start of the
       report. */

      = "maxmin" "temperatures"       (. maxRange = 0; .)
      OneTemp { "," OneTemp }         (. IO.writeLine(maxCity + " has the most variable temperatures today"); .) .

    /* The Number method is parameterized - the actual input token representing a number is converted
       into a numeric value by this method and returned.  Many people clearly did not understand the
       significance of this.  Note also that we have to save the token.val representing the city at the
       pont where it is parsed - and not try to do this a few tokens later. */

      OneTemp                         (. int min, max; .)
      = word                          (. String city = token.val; .)
        Number <out min>
        Number <out max>              (. if (max - min > maxRange) {
                                           maxCity = city;
                                           maxRange = max - min;
                                         } .) .

      Number<out int value>           /* convert a number to the equivalent integer */
      = number                        (. try {
                                         value = Integer.parseInt(token.val);
                                       } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                                         value = 0; SemError("number out of range");
                                       } .) .

      NewsBulletin = NewsItem { NewsItem } [ Weather ] Filler .
      TalkShow     = Host { Listener Host } .
      Host         = "host" Opinion .
      Listener     = "listener" Opinion .
      Filler       = "music" | "advert" .

    END Radio.

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