Computer Science 3 - 2007

Programming Language Translation

Practical for Week 22, beginning 24 September 2007 - Solutions

This tutorial/practical was not always well done. Many people could "guess" the answers, but could not or did not justify their conclusions. If set in exams, in these sorts of questions it is important to do so.

As usual, you can find a "solution kit" as PRAC22A.ZIP or PRAC22AC.ZIP if you wish to experiment further.

Most submissions seemed to have some idea of what was wrong, often not properly developed.

      Play   = Act Act Act "interval" Act Act .
      Act    = Scene { Scene } .
      Scene  = { "speech" } "entry" { Action } .
      Action = "speech" | "entry" | "exit" | "death" | "gesticulation" .

To check Rule 1 we look at the productions for each non-terminal that yields alternatives on its right hand side. There is seemingly only one non-terminal in this category here, namely Action. So we have to look at

      FIRST("speech")  Ç  FIRST("entry")
      FIRST("speech")  Ç  FIRST("exit")
      FIRST("speech")  Ç  FIRST("death")
      FIRST("speech")  Ç  FIRST("gesticulation")

etc. We do not have to look at FIRST(Action) Ç anything!

Clearly Rule 1 is satisfied for any pairwise combination taken from the options in the productions for Action.

One has to be careful, very careful, about Rule 2. Rule 2 applies when there are e productions and alternatives. It does not apply to the productions for Action, and so some people will be lulled into thinking that (since this is the only place where alternative right hand sides are explicitly given), that Rule 2 is never broken. Alas, not so. When you use EBNF and use the useful [ option ] and { repetition } constructs, there are implicit e's that creep in. If we eliminate the metabrackets we get something like

      Play        = Act Act Act "interval" Act Act .
      Act         = Scene RestOfScene .
      Scene       = Prologue "entry" Actions .
      RestOfScene = Scene RestOfScene | e .
      Prologue    = "speech" Prologue | e .
      Actions     = Action Actions | e .
      Action      = "speech" | "entry" | "exit" | "death" | "gesticulation" .

in which the following now have to be checked for violations of Rule 2

            Productions                               Check

      RestOfScene = Scene RestOfScene | e .    (FIRST(RestOfScene) Ç FOLLOW(RestOfScene) )
      Prologue = "speech" Prologue | e .       (FIRST(Prologue) Ç FOLLOW(Prologue) )
      Actions = Action Actions | e .           (FIRST(Actions) Ç FOLLOW(Actions)  )


    First(RestOfScene) = First(Scene) = FIRST(Prologue) È { "entry" } = { "speech", "entry" } }
    Follow(RestOfScene) = FOLLOW(Act) = FIRST(Act) È {"interval" }
                                      = FIRST(Scene) È { "interval" } = { "speech", "entry", "interval" }

so Rule 2 is broken in this case. For the second production in this category

    FIRST(Prologue) = { "speech" }
    FOLLOW(Prologue) = { "entry" }

so Rule 2 is not broken that time, but for the third of these new productions

    FIRST(Actions) = FIRST(Action)  = { "speech", "entry", "exit", "death", "gesticulation" }
    FOLLOW(Actions) = FOLLOW(Scene) = FIRST(RestOfScene) È FOLLOW(Act)
                                    = { "speech", "entry" } È {"speech", "entry" "interval" }
                                    = {"speech", "entry" "interval" }

and Rule 2 is broken again. With more experience it is possible to check Rule 2 more quickly.

      Play   = Act Act Act "interval" Act Act .
      Act    = Scene { Scene } .
      Scene  = { "speech" } "entry" { Action } .
      Action = "speech" | "entry" | "exit" | "death" | "gesticulation" .

and in particular the production

Act = Scene { Scene } .

In this case Rule 2 really governs whether a parser will be able to determine whether it has to go around the loop corresponding to { Scene } for another iteration. It can only do this if FIRST(Scene) has nothing in common with what we could loosely call FOLLOW(loop), that is, FOLLOW( {Scene} ). From the third production we should quickly see that FIRST( {Scene} ) = { "speech" , "entry" }, and from the second production we should quickly see that FOLLOW( {Scene} ) = FOLLOW(Act) = { "interval" } È FIRST(Act), a set which clearly includes the elements { "speech" , "entry" } again.

Even more experience or common sense might bring you to the same conclusion just from "first principles". If there is no recognizable "end of scene" marker, as a member of the audience one cannot readily tell, when a new Scene starts, whether it is the start of a new Act or not. For that matter, one cannot even tell when a new speech starts, whether there has been a scene change or not! The "language" can be made LL(1) if the theatre raises and lowers the curtain between scenes, or actually changes the furniture on the stage, although of course it is no longer strictly equivalent to the original one.

      Play   = Act Act Act "interval" Act Act .
      Act    = "dimlights" Scene { Scene } "raiselights" .
      Scene  = "raisecurtain" { "speech" } "entry" { Action } "lowercurtain" .
      Action = "speech" | "entry" | "exit" | "death" | "gesticulation" .

Similarly, there is a "quick" way to see that the production

Scene = { "speech" } "entry" { Action } .

gets you into trouble. The first loop (corresponding to { "speech" } ) gives no trouble - one more time round the loop if we hear another "speech", very different from the follower, "entry" (you hear one, you see the other, in real life). The second loop is more of a problem. One more time round the loop if we detect any element of the set of { "speech", "entry", "exit", "death", "gesticulation" }? Well, that would be nice, but after the loop is all over we must start the next Scene, and that will also start with one of { "speech", "entry" }.

Task 2 - Palindromes

Palindromes are character strings that read the same from either end. You were invited to explore various ways of finding grammars that describe palindromes made only of the letters a and b:

     (1)        Palindrome = "a"  Palindrome  "a" | "b"  Palindrome  "b" .
     (2)        Palindrome = "a"  Palindrome  "a" | "b"  Palindrome  "b" | "a" | "b" .
     (3)        Palindrome = "a" [ Palindrome ] "a" | "b" [ Palindrome ] "b" .
     (4)        Palindrome = [ "a"  Palindrome  "a" | "b"  Palindrome  "b" | "a" | "b" ] .

Which grammars achieve their aim? If they do not, explain why not. Which of them are LL(1)? Can you find other (perhaps better) grammars that describe palindromes and which are LL(1)?

This is one of those awful problems that looks deceptively simple, and indeed is deceptive. We need to be able to cater for palindromes of odd or even length, and we need to be able to cater for palindromes of finite length, so that the "repetition" that one immediately thinks of has to be able to terminate.

Here are some that don't work:

   COMPILER Palindrome /* does not terminate */
     Palindrome = "a"  Palindrome  "a" | "b"  Palindrome  "b" .
   END Palindrome.

   COMPILER Palindrome /* only allows odd length palindromes */
     Palindrome = "a"  Palindrome  "a" | "b"  Palindrome  "b" | "a" | "b" .
   END Palindrome.

   COMPILER Palindrome /* only allows even length palindromes */
     Palindrome = "a" [ Palindrome ] "a" | "b" [ Palindrome ] "b" .
   END Palindrome.

Of those grammars, the first seems to obey the LL(1) rules, but it is useless (it is not "reduced" in the sense of the definitions on page 129). The second one is obviously non-LL(1) as the terminals "a" and "b" can start more than one alternative. The third one is less obviously non-LL(1). If you rewrite it

   COMPILER Palindrome /* only allows even length palindromes */
     Palindrome = "a" Extra "a" | "b" Extra "b" .
     Extra      = Palindrome | e .
   END Palindrome.

and note that Extra is nullable, then FIRST(Extra) = { "a", "b" } and FOLLOW(Extra) = { "a", "b" }.

Here is another attempt

   COMPILER Palindrome /* allows any length palindromes */
     Palindrome = [ "a"  Palindrome  "a" | "b"  Palindrome  "b" | "a" | "b" ] .
   END Palindrome.

This describes both odd and even length palindromes, but is non-LL(1). Palindrome is nullable, and both FIRST(Palindrome) and FOLLOW(Palindrome) = { "a", "b" }. And, as most were quick to notice, it breaks Rule 1 immediately as well.

Other suggestions were:

   COMPILER Palindrome /* allows any length palindromes */
     Palindrome =  "a"  [ Palindrome  "a"] | "b"  [ Palindrome  "b" ] .
   END Palindrome.

but, ingenious as this appears, it does not work either. Rewritten it would become

   COMPILER Palindrome /* allows any length palindromes */
     Palindrome =  "a"  PalA | "b" PalB .
     PalA       = Palindrome  "a" | .
     PalB       = Palindrome  "b" | .
   END Palindrome.

PalA and PalB are both nullable, and FIRST(PalA) = { "a" , "b" } while FOLLOW(PalA) = FOLLOW(Palindrome) = { "a", "b" } as well.

In fact, when you think about it, you simply will not be able to find an LL(1) grammar for this language. (That is fine; grammars don't have to be LL(1) to be valid grammars. They just have to be LL(1) or very close to LL(1) to be able to write recursive descent parsers.) Here's how to think about it. Suppose I asked you to hold your breath for as long as you could, and also to nod your head when you were half way through. I don't believe you could do it - you don't know before you begin exactly how long you will be holding your breath. Similarly, if I told you to get into my car and drive it till the tank was empty but to hoot the hooter when you were half way to running out you could not do it. Or if I told you to walk into a forest with your partner and kiss him/her when you were in the dead centre of the forest, you would not know when the magic moment had arrived.

LL(1) parsers have to be able to decide just by looking at one token exactly what to do next - if they have to guess when they are are half-way through parsing some structure they will not be able to do so. One would have to stop applying the options like Palindrome = "a" Palindrome "a" at the point where one had generated or analyzed half the palindrome, and if there is no distinctive character in the middle one would not expect the parser to be able to do so.

If course, if one changes the problem ever so slightly in that way one can find an LL(1) grammar. Suppose we want a grammar for palindromes that have matching a and b characters on either end and a distinctive c or pair of c characters in the centre:

   COMPILER Palindrome /* allows any length palindromes, but c must be in the middle */
     Palindrome = "a"  Palindrome  "a" | "b"  Palindrome  "b" | "c" [ "c" ] .
   END Palindrome.

Task 3 - Pause for thought

Which of the following statements are true? Justify your answer.

(a) An LL(1) grammar cannot be ambiguous.
(b) A non-LL(1) grammar must be ambiguous.
(c) An ambiguous language cannot be described by an LL(1) grammar.
(d) It is possible to find an LL(1) grammar to describe any non-ambiguous language.

To answer this sort of question you must be able to argue convincingly, and most people did not do that at all!

(a) is TRUE. An LL(1) grammar cannot be ambiguous. If a language can be described by an LL(1) grammar it will always be able to find a single valid parse tree for any valid sentence, and no parse tree for an invalid sentence. The rules imply that no indecision can exist at any stage - either you can find a unique way to continue the implicit derivation from the goal symbol, or you have to conclude that the sentence is malformed.

But you cannot immediately conclude any of the "opposite" statements, other than (c) which is TRUE. If you really want to define an ambiguous language (and you may have perfectly good/nefarious reasons for doing so - stand-up comedians do it all the time) you will not be able to describe it by an LL(1) grammar, which has the property that it can only be used for deterministic parsing.

In particular (b) is FALSE. We can "justify" this by giving just a single counter example to the claim that it might be true. We have seen several such grammars. The palindrome grammars above are like this - even though they are non LL(1) for the reasons given, they are quite unambiguous - you would only be able to parse any palindrome in one way! (Many people seemed not to realise this - they were incorrectly concluding that non- LL(1) inevitably implied ambiguity.)

Similarly (d) is FALSE. Once again the palindrome example suffices - this language is simple, unambiguous, but we can easily argue that it is impossible to find an LL(1) grammar to describe it.

Task 5 - Phools rush in (where angels fear to tread, apparently)

        COMPILER Phoolish $CN
          letter    = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" .
          consonant = "BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ" .
          vowel     = "AEIOU" .
          Lletter    = letter .
          Uconsonant = consonant .
          Uvowel     = vowel .
        IGNORE CHR(0) .. CHR(31)
          Phoolish = { Sentence } "." .
          Sentence = Lletter | Uvowel Sentence | Uconsonant Sentence Sentence .
        END Phoolish.

Many people had misread the question. a complete sentence can follow an uppercase vowel, and two sentences can follow an uppercase consonant

So, for example , while a Ab Cde are valid simpler sentences, so too are U Ab (Vowel Sentence) and W UAb Cde (Consonant Sentence Sentence). All very phoolish, you will agree!

Notice that the names of character sets cannot appear in the PRODUCTIONS section, seductive though this may appear. So the following is incorrect:

        COMPILER Phoolish $CN
          letter    = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" .
          consonant = "BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ" .
          vowel     = "AEIOU" .
        IGNORE CHR(0) .. CHR(31)
        PRODUCTIONS  /* INCORRECT !!!!!!!! */
          Phoolish = { Sentence } "." .
          Sentence = letter | vowel Sentence | consonant Sentence Sentence .
        END Phoolish.

Task 6 - How are things stacking up?

The grammar for the assembler language was well done by some, and rather inadequately done by others. In particular, few submissions had handled the PRNS opcode correctly - this one takes a "string" as an argument, and the best way to define a string is in the TOKENS section (and, in fact, a way of doing this had been given to you in the Parva grammar last week).

It is best to split the opcodes into 4 groups - those that take no argument, those that take only a numerical argument, those that take a numerical argument or a label, and PRNS.

There are two complications that were not handled all that well - one should treat the end-of-line as significant, and one should be able to handle completely blank lines. Here is one solution, which fudges it somewhat, by not attaching an eol to each statement but almost regarding an eol as a statement in its own right. This also means that one can have labels on a line by themselves:

     COMPILER Assem $NC
     /* Simple assembler for the PVM
        P.D. Terry, Rhodes University, 2004 */

       lf       = CHR(10) .
       control  = CHR(0) .. CHR(31) .
       letter   = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" .
       digit    = "0123456789" .
       stringCh = ANY - '"' - control .
       identifier = letter { letter | digit } .
       number     = digit { digit } .
       stringLit  = '"' { stringCh } '"' .
       eol        = lf .
     COMMENTS FROM ";" TO lf
     IGNORE CHR(9) + CHR(11) .. CHR(13)

       Assem        = [ "ASSEM" eol ] [ "BEGIN" eol ] { Statement | eol } [ "END" "." eol ] .
       Statement    = MemAddress ( OneWord | TwoWord | WriteString | Label | Branch ) .
       MemAddress   = [ "{" number "}" | number ] .
       OneWord      =   "ADD"  | "AND"  | "ANEW" | "CEQ"  | "CGE"  | "CGT"  | "CLE"
                      | "CLT"  | "CNE"  | "DIV"  | "HALT" | "INPB" | "INPI" | "LDV"
                      | "LDXA" | "MUL"  | "NEG"  | "NOP"  | "NOT"  | "OR"   | "PRNB"
                      | "PRNI" | "PRNL" | "REM"  | "STO"  | "SUB" .
       TwoWord      = ( "DSP" | "LDC" | "LDA" | "LDL" | "STL" ) SignedNumber .
       SignedNumber = [ "+" | "-" ] number .
       WriteString  = "PRNS" stringLit .
       Label        = identifier .
       Branch       = ( "BRN" | "BZE" ) ( number | identifier ) .
     END Assem.

Here is another method that may appeal more, where the eol is explicitly attached to a statement:

       Assem1       = [ "ASSEM" eol ] [ "BEGIN" eol ] { Statement } [ "END" "." eol ] .
       Statement    = [ MemAddress ] [ Label ] [ OneWord | TwoWord | WriteString | Branch ] eol .
       MemAddress   = "{" number "}" | number .

Some submissions attempted to distinguish between the .COD input format and the .PVM input format. The solutions above do not do this, and are quite permissive. Here is one way of making the distinction:

       Assem2       = CODFormat | PVMFormat .
       CODFormat    = "ASSEM" eol "BEGIN" eol PVMFormat "END" "." eol .
       PVMFormat    = { Statement } .
       Statement    = [ MemAddress ] [ Label ] [ OneWord | TwoWord | WriteString | Branch ] eol .
       MemAddress   = "{" number "}" | number .

but even this may strike you as too permissive; perhaps one should try something more like:

       Assem3       = CODFormat | PVMFormat .
       CODFormat    = "ASSEM" eol "BEGIN" eol { CODStatement } "END" "." eol .
       PVMFormat    = { PVMStatement } .
       CODStatement = [ "{" number "}" ] Statement .
       PVMStatement = [ number ] Statement .
       Statement    = [ Label ] [ OneWord | TwoWord | WriteString | Branch ] eol .

Finally, note the way in which I have used the COMMENTS facility to handle one form of comment, and MemAddress to handle the ignorable "comment" at the start of a line. The COMMENTS facility allows comments to appear "anywhere", if we used it for the MemAddress idea we would be able to have statements like

LDA { 3 } 23

which is not desirable. One might, however, introduce a comment token

       inComment = ANY - control .
       comment    = ";" { inComment } .
       Statement    = MemAddress ( OneWord | TwoWord | WriteString | Label | Branch ) [ comment ] .

since comments from ; to end of line can only appear in one place in each line.

Finally, note that while it is usual to find HALT as the last statement in a program, this is not demanded!

Task 8 - Reverse Polish Notation

The grammars are not equivalent. To show this we need only find one string that one will accept but the other will not, as many people realised. An example of such a string would be 45 sqrt sqrt, which can only be recognized by G1 in one way, but not at all by G2.

Using the expression

15 6 - -

as an example, and by drawing appropriate parse trees, we can demonstrate that both of the grammars are ambiguous.

Using grammar G1:

                       RPN                                  RPN
              .--------------------.                    .------------.
              |         |          |                    |            |
             RPN       RPN       binOp                 RPN        unaryOp
              |      .------.      |              .-----------.      |
              |      |      |      |              |     |     |      |
            number  RPN  unaryOp   |             RPN   RPN  binOp    |
              |      |      |      |              |     |     |      |
              |    number   |      |            number number |      |
              |      |      |      |              |     |     |      |

             15      6      -      -              15    6     -      -

         (implied value is 21)                 (implied value is -9)

Using grammar G2:

                 RPN                                      RPN
         .------------------.                     .-------------------.
         |                  |                     |                   |
       number              REST                 number               REST
         |         .---------------------.        |           .-----------------.
         |         |      |        |     |        |           |     |      |    |
         |       number  REST    binOp  REST      |         number REST  binOP REST
         |         |      |        |     |        |           |     |      |    |
         |         |    unaryOp    |   (eps)      |           |   (eps)    | unaryOp
         |         |      |        |              |           |            |    |

         15        6      -        -              15          6            -    -

To analyse each of these grammars to check whether they conform to the LL(1) conditions:

G1 is left recursive and thus cannot be an LL(1) grammar. There are two alternatives for the right side of the production for RPN that both start with RPN, so Rule 1 is broken

For G2, REST is nullable. First(REST) is { number, sqrt, - } while Follow(REST) is { +, -, / , * } so Rule 2 is broken.

To overcome the problem we firstly need to find a different token to represent the operation of unary negation, asn several people realised. If, for example, we use negate for the "unary minus", then G1 becomes non- ambiguous (but still not LL(1)) but G2, while now being LL(1), will still not recognize 4 sqrt sqrt. Like the palindrome example, this one is frustrating - it looks so easy. Again we emphasize that a valid grammar does not have to be LL(1) (it just helps when building parsers.

Task 9 - Eliminating Metabrackets

Transforming PRODUCTIONS with meta brackets is really easy - there is a simple fail-safe method for doing it (see page 156). Applied to

      Calc1      = { Expression "=" } EOF .
      Expression = ["+" | "-" ] Term { "+" Term  | "-" Term } .
      Term       = Factor { "*" Factor | "/" Factor } .
      Factor     = decNumber | hexNumber | [ "sqrt" | "abs" ] "(" Expression ")" .
    END Calc1.

we get something like

      Calc2       = Expressions EOF .
      Expressions = Expression "=" Expressions | .
      Expression  = Sign Term MoreTerms .
      MoreTerms   = ( "+" Term  | "-" Term ) MoreTerms | .
      Sign        = "+" | "-" | .
      Term        = Factor MoreFactors .
      MoreFactors = ( "*" Factor | "/" Factor ) MoreFactors | .
      Factor      = decNumber | hexNumber | Function "(" Expression ")" .
      Function    = "sqrt" | "abs" | .
    END Calc2.

Of course this grammar is now right associative, which is undesirable for the purposes of tree building.

I apologize - some people thought they had to eliminate the {} used in the TOKENS section, but that section defines tokens in the form of regular expressions, and these don't have to obey LL(1) constraints.

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