Computer Science 3 - 2007

Programming Language Translation

Practical for Weeks 25 - 26, beginning 15 October 2007

This extended prac is designed to take you the best part of two weeks. Hand in your solutions before lunch time on Monday 29 October, correctly packaged in a transparent folder with your cover sheet and individual assessment sheets. Since the practical will have been done on a group basis, please hand in one copy of the cover sheet for each member of the group. These will be returned to you in due course, signed by the marker. Please make it clear whose folder you have used for the electronic submission, for example g03A1234. Please resist the temptation to carve up the practical, with each group member only doing one task. The group experience is best when you work on tasks together.

The reason for requiring all submissions by 29th October is to free you up during swot week to prepare for the final examinations. I shall try to get the marking done as soon as possible after that.


In this practical you are to

You will need this prac sheet and your text book. As usual, copies of the prac sheet are also available at


When you have completed this practical you should understand

Hopefully after doing these exercises (and studying the attributed grammar and the various other support modules carefully) you will find you have learned a lot more about compilers and programming languages than you ever did before (and, I suspect, a lot more than undergraduates at any other university in this country). I also hope that you will have begun to appreciate how useful it is to be able to base a really large and successful project on a clear formalism - namely the use of attributed context-free grammars - and will have learned to appreciate the use of sophisticated tools like Coco/R.

To hand in:

By the hand-in date you are required to hand in, besides the cover sheets (one per group member):

I do NOT require listings of any Java or C# code produced by Coco/R.

Keep the prac sheet and your solutions until the end of the semester. Check carefully that your mark has been entered into the Departmental Records.

You are referred to the rules for practical submission which are clearly stated in our Departmental Handbook. However, for this course pracs must be posted in the "hand-in" box outside the laboratory and not given to demonstrators.

A rule not stated there, but which should be obvious, is that you are not allowed to hand in another group's or student's work as your own. Attempts to do this will result in (at best) a mark of zero and (at worst) severe disciplinary action and the loss of your DP. You are allowed - even encouraged - to work and study with other students, but if you do this you are asked to acknowledge that you have done so. You are expected to be familiar with the University Policy on Plagiarism, which you can consult at: 

Before you begin

The tasks are presented below in an order which, if followed, should make the practical an enjoyable and enriching experience. Please do not try to leave everything to the last few hours, or you will come horribly short. You must work consistently, and with a view to getting an overview of the entire project, as the various components and tasks all interact in ways that will probably not at first be apparent. Please take the opportunity of coming to consult with me at any stage if you are in doubt as how best to continue. By all means experiment in other ways and with other extensions if you feel so inclined.

This version of Parva has been restricted so as not to include functions. This means that there will be no practical work set on chapter 14 of the text. Because of the timing of our courses this is unavoidable, if highly regrettable. You should be warned that some of the material of that chapter may be examinable.

The operator precedences in Parva as supplied use a precedence structure based on that in C++ or Java, rather than the "Pascal-like" ones in the book. Study these carefully and note how the compiler provides "short circuit" semantics correctly (see page 365) and deals with type compatibility issues (see section 12.6.8)

You are advised that it is in your best interests to take this opportunity of really studying the code in the Parva grammar and its support files. The exercises have been designed to try to force you to do that, but it is always tempting just to guess and to hack. With a program of this size that often leads to wasting more time than it saves. Finally, remember the advice given in an earlier lecture:

Keep it as simple as you can, but no simpler.

A note on test programs

Throughout this project you will need to ensure that the features you explore are correctly implemented. This means that you will have to get a feel for understanding code sequences produced by the compiler. The best way to do this is usually to write some very minimal programs, that do not necessarily do anything useful, but simply have one, or maybe two or three statements, the object code for which is easily predicted and understood.

When the Parva compiler has finished compiling a program, say SILLY.PAV, you will find that it creates a file SILLY.COD in which the stack machine assembler code appears. Studying this is often very enlightening.

Useful test programs are small ones like the following. There are some specimen test programs in the kit, but these are deliberately incomplete, wrong in places, too large in some cases and so on. Get a feel for developing some of your own.

    $D+ // Turn on debugging mode
    void main (void) {
      int i;
      int[] List = new int[10];
      while (true) { // infinite loop, can generate an index error
        List[i] = 100;

The debugging pragma

It is useful when writing a compiler to be able to produce debugging output - but sometimes this just clutters up a production quality compiler. The PARVA.ATG grammar makes use of the PRAGMAS option of Coco/R (see text, page 250) to allow pragmas like those shown to have the desired effect.

$D+ /* Turn debugging mode on */
$D- /* Turn debugging mode off */

Task 1 - Create a working directory and unpack the prac kit

There are several files that you need, zipped up in the file PRAC25.ZIP (Java) or PRAC25C.ZIP (C#).

Task 2 - Better use of the debugging pragma

We have already commented on the $D+ pragma. At present it is only used to request the printout of a symbol table. How would you change the system so that one would have to use a similar pragma or command line option if one wanted to obtain the assembler code file - so that the ".COD" file with the assembler code listing would only be produced if it were really needed?

$C+ /* Request that the .COD file be produced */
$C- /* Request that the .COD file not be produced */

Another useful (run-time) debugging aid is the undocumented stackdump statement. Compilation of this is also controlled by the $D pragma (in other words, the stack dumping code is only generated when in debug mode - much of the time you are testing your compiler you will probably be working in "debugging" mode, I expect).

Hint: This addition is almost trivially easy. You will also need to look at (and probably modify) the Parva.frame file, which is used as the basis for constructing the compiler proper (see page 268).

Task 3 - How long is a piece of string?

Why do you suppose languages generally impose a restriction that a literal string must be contained on a single line of code?

In C++, two or more literal strings that appear in source with nothing but white space between them are automatically concatenated into a single string. This provides a mechanism for breaking up strings that are too long to fit on one line of source code. Add this feature to the Parva compiler. It is not needed in languages like C# and Java, which have proper strings, as the concatenation can be done with a + operator. Just for fun, allow this concatenation operator as an option between string literals that are to be concatenated.

Task 4 - Another approach to the use of "const"

In Parva, the key word const is not used in the sense that it is used in C# and the word final is used in Java, namely as a modifier in a variable declaration that indicates that when a variable is declared it can be given a value which can then not be modified later. If you check the grammar for Parva you will come across the productions

    Statement         = Block | ConstDeclarations | VarDeclarations | ...
    ConstDeclarations = "const" OneConst { "," OneConst } ";" .
    OneConst          = identifier "=" Constant .
    Constant          = number | charLit | "true" | "false" | "null" .
    VarDeclarations   = Type OneVar { "," OneVar } ";" .
    OneVar            = identifier [ "=" Expression ] .

which will not handle code of the form some people might prefer, like

    const int max = 2;
    int i = 5;
    const int iPlusMax = i + max;
    const int[] list = new int[iPlusMax];

Hint: there may be side effects of making the "obvious" changes which you might not at first realize.

Task 5 - Beg, borrow and steal ideas from other languages

Suppose we extend Parva to adopt an idea used in Pascal, where a statement like

write (X : 5, X + A : 12, X - Y : 2 * N);

will write the values of X, X+A and X-Y in fields of widths 5, 12 and 2*N respectively.

Ho Hum. Things are hotting up, and there is a sting in the tail. Statements like this

write (3 + 4, A < B);

should produce numeric output for the first element, and Boolean output for the second one.

But a statement like this

write (3 + 4 : A < B)

should not be allowed, because the (optional) formatting expression is meaningless unless it is numeric.

Hint: This is best handled by modifying the PRNI and PRNB actions in the interpreter. Once you have thought about it you will see that the extension is very easily implemented.

Task 6 - Some simple statement extensions

The remaining tasks all involve coming to terms with the code generation process. The first extensions are very easy.

Extend the WriteStatement to allow a variation introduced by a new key word writeLine that automatically appends a line feed to the output after the last WriteElement has been processed.

Extend the HaltStatement to have an optional string parameter that will be output just before execution ceases (a useful way of indicating how a program has ended prematurely).

Task 7 - You had better do this one or else....

Add an else option to the IfStatement. Oh, yes, it is trivial to add it to the grammar. But be careful. Some IfStatements will have else parts, others may not, and the code generator has to be able to produce the correct code for whatever form is actually to be compiled. The following silly examples are all valid.

         if (a == 1) { c = d; }
         if (a == 1) {}
         if (a == 1) {} else {}
         if (a == 1) {} else { b = 1; }

Task 8 - Something to do - while you wait for a tutor

Add the DoWhile loop to Parva, as exemplified by

         do { a = b; c = c + 10; } while (c < 100);

Task 9 - This has gone on long enough - time for a break

The BreakStatement is syntactically simple, but takes a bit of thought. Give it some! Be careful - breaks can only appear within loops, there might be several break statements inside a single loop, and loops can be nested inside one another.

Task 10 - Your professor is quite a character

Parva is looking closer to C/C++/Java with each successive long hour spent in the Hamilton Labs. Seems a pity to stop now, so go right on and extend the system to allow for a character type as well as the integer and Boolean ones, enabling you to develop classic programs like the following:

    void main () {
    // Read a sentence and write it backwards
      char[] sentence = new char[1000];
      int i = 0;
      char ch;
      while (ch != '.') {  // input loop
        sentence[i] = ch;
      while (i > 0) {      // output loop

Hint: A major part of this exercise is concerned with the changes needed to apply various constraints on operands of the char type. In some ways it ranks as an arithmetic type, so that expressions of the form

character + character
character > character
character + integer
character > integer

are all allowable. However, assignment compatibility is more restricted. Assignments like

integer = integer
integer = character
character = character

are all allowed, but

character = integer

is not allowed. Following Java and C#, introduce a casting mechanism to handle the situations where it is necessary explicitly to convert integer values to characters, so that

character = (char) integer

would be allowed, and for completeness, so would

integer = (int) character
integer = (char) character
character = (char) character

But be careful. Parva uses an ASCII character set, so that executing code generated from statements like

     int i = -90;
     char ch = (char) 1000;
     char ch2 = (char) 2 * i;

should lead to run-time errors.

Task 11 - Make the change; enjoy life; upgrade now to Parva++ (Ta-ra!)

At last! Let's really make Parva useful and turn it into Parva++ by adding the increment and decrement statement forms exemplified by

         int parva;
         int [] list = new int[10];
         char ch = 'A';

Suggestions for doing this - specifically by introducing new operations into the PVM - are made in section 13.5.1 of the text. Be careful - only integer and character variables (and array elements) can be handled in this way.

Task 12 - Generating slightly better code

Way back in Practical 20 we added some specialized opcodes like LDC_1, LDA_2 and so on to the PVM. They are still there in the version supplied with the kit. Seems a shame not to use them, so modify the code generator to achieve this for you.

Making use of LDL and STL and variations on them is rather more difficult and is not required, but feel free to experiment if you wish.

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