Computer Science 301 - 2008

Tutorial for week 20 Solutions - Stack Machine Code and T diagrams

(a) Develop stack machine code equivalents of the following simple programs:

     (1)  void main () {
            for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) write(i, "\n")

          0 DSP    1
          2 LDA    0
          4 LDC    0
          6 STO
          7 LDA    0
          9 LDV
         10 LDC    10
         12 CLE
         13 BZE    32
         15 LDA    0
         17 LDV
         18 PRNI
         19 PRNS   "\n"
         21 LDA    0
         23 LDA    0
         25 LDV
         26 LDC    1
         28 ADD
         29 STO
         30 BRN    7
         32 HALT

     (2) void main () {  // demonstrate hailstone series
            int m;
            read("what is the first term of the series? ", m);
            int n = 1;
            while (m != 1) {
              if (m % 2 == 0) m = m / 2;
              else m = 3 * m + 1;
              n = n + 1;
            write("\n", n , " terms in that sequence");

          0 DSP      2
          2 PRNS     "what is the first term of the series? "
          4 LDA      0
          6 INPI              read(m);
          7 LDA      0
          9 LDV
         10 PRNI              write(m);
         11 LDA      1
         13 LDC      1
         15 STO               n = 1;
         16 LDA      0
         18 LDV
         19 LDC      1
         21 CNE
         22 BZE      73       while (m != 1) {
         24 LDA      0
         26 LDV
         27 LDC      2
         29 REM
         30 LDC      0
         32 CEQ
         33 BZE      46         if (m%2 == 0)
         35 LDA      0
         37 LDA      0
         39 LDV
         40 LDC      2
         42 DIV
         43 STO                   m = m / 2   ;
         44 BRN      58
         46 LDA      0          else
         48 LDC      3
         50 LDA      0
         52 LDV
         53 MUL
         54 LDC      1
         56 ADD
         57 STO                   m = 3 * m + 1;
         58 LDA      1
         60 LDA      1
         62 LDV
         63 LDC      1
         65 ADD
         66 STO                 n = n + 1;
         67 LDA      0
         69 LDV
         70 PRNI                write(m)
         71 BRN      16       } // while
         73 PRNS     "\n"     write("\n")
         75 LDA      1
         77 LDV
         78 PRNI              write(n);
         79 PRNS     " terms in that sequence"
         81 HALT              return;

(b) The following code is supposed to check to see whether the elements of an array form a non-decreasing sequence. Does it do so correctly? If not, how would you fix it, and what would the resulting PVM code look like?

          void main () {
          // Check to see whether an array has elements in ascending order
            const size = 20;
            int[] list = new int[size];
            int i = 0;
            list[5] = -1;
            bool inOrder;
            while (i < size) {
              if (list[i] > list[i+1])
                inOrder = false;
                inOrder = true;
              i = i + 1;
It is incorrect, and embodies two classic mistakes - the loop executes the loop body once too often, and the logic for checking that the elements are in order is badly wrong. Here is a better solution:
          void main () {
          // Check to see whether an array has elements in ascending order
            const size = 20;
            int[] list = new int[size];
            int i = 0;
            list[5] = -2;
            bool inOrder = true;
            while (inOrder && (i < size - 1)) {
              if (list[i] > list[i+1]) inOrder = false;
              i = i + 1;
and this could be coded as follows (there are other ways - this one does not use short circuit logic, and you might like to think how that would be incorporated
          0 DSP      3
          2 LDA      0
          4 LDC      20
          6 ANEW              int[] list = new int{size];
          7 STO
          8 LDA      1
         10 LDC      0
         12 STO               i = 0;
         13 LDA      0
         15 LDV
         16 LDC      5
         18 LDXA
         19 LDC      2
         21 NEG
         22 STO               list[5] = -1;
         23 LDA      2
         25 LDC      1
         27 STO               inOrder = true;
         28 LDA      2        while (inOrder
         30 LDV
         31 LDA      1           &&
         33 LDV
         34 LDC      20
         36 LDC      1
         38 SUB                  (i < size - 1)
         39 CLT
         40 AND               )  {
         41 BZE      81
         43 LDA      0
         45 LDV
         46 LDA      1
         48 LDV
         49 LDXA
         50 LDV
         51 LDA      0
         53 LDV
         54 LDA      1
         56 LDV
         57 LDC      1
         59 ADD
         60 LDXA
         61 LDV
         62 CGT                 if (list[i] > list[i+1])
         63 BZE      70
         65 LDA      2
         67 LDC      0            inOrder = false;
         69 STO
         70 LDA      1
         72 LDA      1
         74 LDV
         75 LDC      1
         77 ADD
         78 STO                 i = i + 1;
         79 BRN      28       } // while
         81 LDA      2
         83 LDV
         84 PRNB              write(inorder);
         85 HALT              return;

(c) Consider the following general form of T diagram. Although it uses the letters A through I in the various arms of the Ts, one could draw the diagram with fewer letters. How?

      ----------------------------          ----------------------------
      |                          |          |                          |
      |   A    ---------->  B    |          |   C   ----------->    D  |
      |                          |          |                          |
      ---------          ----------------------------          ---------
              |          |                          |          |
              |     E    |    F   -------->     G   |     H    |
              |          |                          |          |
              --------------------          --------------------
                                 |          |
                                 |     I    |
                                 |          |
Because of the rule that the "input" is semantically the same as the "output" it follows that we can draw this
      ----------------------------          ----------------------------
      |                          |          |                          |
      |   A    ---------->  B    |          |   A   ----------->    B  |
      |                          |          |                          |
      ---------          ----------------------------          ---------
              |          |                          |          |
              |     F    |    F   -------->     G   |     G    |
              |          |                          |          |
              --------------------          --------------------
                                 |          |
                                 |     I    |
                                 |          |

(d) In the practical sessions you should have used the Extacy Modula-2 to C translator. This was developed in Russia by a team who used the JPI Modula-2 compiler available for the PC. But the demonstration system we downloaded from the Internet came with the file XC.EXE and a few other modules written in Modula-2 (but not the source of the XC executable itself). Draw T-diagrams showing the process the Russians must have used to produce this system, and go on to draw T-diagrams showing how you managed to take the program SIEVE.MOD and run it on the PC using the Borland C++ system as your time-waster of choice.

The XC program was written in Modula-2 and compiled:

      ----------------------------          ----------------------------
      |           XC.MOD         |          |           XC.EXE         |
      |   M-2  ---------->   C   |          |  M-2  ----------->   C   |
      |                          |          |                          |
      ---------          ----------------------------          ---------
              |          |          JPI.EXE         |          |
              |    M-2   |   M-2  -------->    8086 |    8086  |
              |          |                          |          |
              --------------------          --------------------
                                 |          |
                                 |   8086   |
                                 |          |
                                 |          |
                                 |   8086   |
                                 |          |

Using XC.EXE can be depicted as follows:

  ----------------------------          ----------------------------          ----------------------------
  |         SIEVE.MOD        |          |         SIEVE.C          |          |         SIEVE.EXE        |
  |   N    ----------> Primes|          |   N   -----------> Primes|          |   N   -----------> Primes|
  |                          |          |                          |          |                          |
  ---------          ----------------------------          ----------------------------          ---------
          |          |          XC.EXE          |          |         BCC.EXE          |          |
          |    M-2   |   M-2  -------->     C   |     C    |    C   -------->   8086  |   8086   |
          |          |                          |          |                          |          |
          --------------------          ----------------------------          --------------------
                             |          |                          |          |       |          |
                             |   8086   |                          |   8086   |       |   8086   |
                             |          |                          |          |       |          |
                             ------------                          ------------       ------------
                             |          |                          |          |
                             |   8086   |                          |   8086   |
                             |          |                          |          |
                             ------------                          ------------