The Toy Assembler language once used at Rhodes in Computer Science 201

Executable Instructions

The set of machine code functions available is quite small. Those marked * set/unset the N and Z flags, those marked C set/unset the C flag, those marked v clear the V flag, those marked V set/unset the V flag. An informal summary of their semantics follows:

    Mnemonic         Hex Decimal      Function

    NOP              00h   0    No operation (break point in Fast Trace mode)
    HLT              01h   1    Halt program execution

    CLA              02h   2    CPU.A := 0
    CMA       v   *  03h   3    CPU.A := NOT CPU.A
    INC           *  04h   4    CPU.A := CPU.A + 1
    DEC           *  05h   5    CPU.A := CPU.A - 1
    SHL       v C *  06h   6    Shift CPU.A one bit left
    SHR       v C *  07h   7    Shift CPU.A one bit right
    ASR       v C *  08h   8    Shift CPU.A one bit right, propogate sign bit

    CLX              09h   9    CPU.X := 0
    TAX              0Ah  10    CPU.X := CPU.A
    INX           *  0Bh  11    CPU.X := CPU.X + 1
    DEX           *  0Ch  12    CPU.X := CPU.X - 1
    CLC         C    0Dh  13    CPU.C := 0
    CMC         C    0Eh  14    CPU.C := NOT CPU.C
    CLV       V      0Fh  15    CPU.V := 0
    PSH              10h  16    CPU.SP := CPU.SP - 1; Mem[CPU.SP] := CPU.A
    POP       v   *  11h  17    CPU.A := Mem[CPU.SP]; CPU.SP := CPU.SP + 1
    RET              12h  18    CPU.PC := Mem[CPU.SP]; CPU.SP := CPU.SP + 1

The following allow for simple I/O in various interpretations:

    INI       v   *  13h  19    CPU.A := ReadInt()
    INH       v   *  14h  20    CPU.A := ReadHex()
    INB       v   *  15h  21    CPU.A := ReadBinary()
    INA       v   *  16h  22    CPU.A := ReadChar()
    OTI              17h  23    WriteInt(CPU.A)
    OTC              18h  24    WriteCard(CPU.A)
    OTH              19h  25    WriteHex(CPU.A)
    OTB              1Ah  26    WriteBinary(CPU.A)
    OTA              1Bh  27    WriteChar(CPU.A)

The above are all single-byte instructions. The following are all double-byte instructions. The first set load and store between the registers and memory:

    LDA  B    v   *  1Ch  28    CPU.A := Mem[B]
    LDX  B    v   *  1Dh  29    CPU.A := Mem[B+CPU.X]
    LDI  B    v   *  1Eh  30    CPU.A := B
    LSP  B           1Fh  31    CPU.SP := Mem[B]
    LSI  B           20h  32    CPU.SP := B
    STA  B           21h  33    Mem[B] := CPU.A
    STX  B           22h  34    Mem[B+CPU.X] := CPU.A

The following perform arithmetic (two's complement)

    ADD  B    V C *  23h  35    CPU.A := CPU.A + Mem[B]
    ADX  B    V C *  24h  36    CPU.A := CPU.A + Mem[B+CPU.X]
    ADI  B    V C *  25h  37    CPU.A := CPU.A + B
    ADC  B    V C *  26h  38    CPU.A := CPU.A + Mem[B] + CPU.C
    ACX  B    V C *  27h  39    CPU.A := CPU.A + Mem[B+CPU.X] + CPU.C
    ACI  B    V C *  28h  40    CPU.A := CPU.A + B + CPU.C
    SUB  B    V C *  29h  41    CPU.A := CPU.A - Mem[B]
    SBX  B    V C *  2Ah  42    CPU.A := CPU.A - Mem[B+CPU.X]
    SBI  B    V C *  2Bh  43    CPU.A := CPU.A - B
    SBC  B    V C *  2Ch  44    CPU.A := CPU.A - Mem[B] - CPU.C
    SCX  B    V C *  2Dh  45    CPU.A := CPU.A - Mem[B+CPU.X] - CPU.C
    SCI  B    V C *  2Eh  46    CPU.A := CPU.A - B - CPU.C

The following perform comparisons without altering the accumulator (effectively they subtract the operand from the accumulator)

    CMP  B    V C *  2Fh  47    CPU.N := CPU.A < Mem[B];       CPU.Z := CPU.A = Mem[B]
    CPX  B    V C *  30h  48    CPU.N := CPU.A < Mem[B+CPU.X]; CPU.Z := CPU.A = Mem[B+CPU.X]
    CPI  B    V C *  31h  49    CPU.N := CPU.A < B;            CPU.Z := CPU.A = B

The following do bit-wise logical operations:

    ANA  B    v   *  32h  50    CPU.A := CPU.A AND Mem[B]
    ANX  B    v   *  33h  51    CPU.A := CPU.A AND Mem[B+CPU.X]
    ANI  B    v   *  34h  52    CPU.A := CPU.A AND B
    ORA  B    v   *  35h  53    CPU.A := CPU.A OR Mem[B]
    ORX  B    v   *  36h  54    CPU.A := CPU.A OR Mem[B+CPU.X]
    ORI  B    v   *  37h  55    CPU.A := CPU.A OR B

The following allow change in flow dependent on the current values of the processor flags:

    BRN  B           38h  56    CPU.PC := B
    BZE  B           39h  57    IF Z THEN CPU.PC := B END
    BNZ  B           3Ah  58    IF NOT Z THEN CPU.PC := B END
    BNG  B           3Bh  59    IF N THEN CPU.PC := B END
    BPZ  B           3Ch  60    IF NOT N THEN CPU.PC := B END
    BCS  B           3Dh  61    IF CPU.C THEN CPU.PC := B END
    BCC  B           3Eh  62    IF NOT CPU.C THEN CPU.PC := B END
    BVS  B           3Fh  63    IF CPU.V THEN CPU.PC := B END
    BVC  B           40h  64    IF NOT CPU.V THEN CPU.PC := B END

The following are best used in conjunction with a comparison instruction. For example, assuming that one has just executed a CPI Y instruction:

    BLT  B           41h  65    IF CPU.A < Y THEN CPU.PC := B END
    BGE  B           42h  66    IF CPU.A >= Y THEN CPU.PC := B END
    BLE  B           43h  67    IF CPU.A <= Y THEN CPU.PC := B END
    BGT  B           44h  68    IF CPU.A > Y THEN CPU.PC := B END

The above assume the comparison implies "two's complement" arithmetic. The following assume the comparison implies "unsigned" arithmetic.

    JLT  B           45h  69    IF CPU.A < Y THEN CPU.PC := B END
    JGE  B           46h  70    IF CPU.A >= Y THEN CPU.PC := B END
    JLE  B           47h  71    IF CPU.A <= Y THEN CPU.PC := B END
    JGT  B           48h  72    IF CPU.A > Y THEN CPU.PC := B END

The following is used to set up simple subroutine calls:

    JSR  B           49h  73    CPU.SP := CPU.SP - 1; Mem[CPU.SP] := CPU.PC + 2; CPU.PC := B

Identifiers and literals

Address fields

In executable instructions, an address field may consist of a single label, number, or character, or a simple expression with + and - signs between terms:

                   LDI  034H         ;  value given by hexadecimal literal
                   STA  TOTAL        ;  address denoted by single label
                   ADD  TOTAL + 1    ;  address denoted by a single label offset by 1
                   LDI  'S' + 1      ;  value given by a simple expression

* may be used to denote "the address of this byte" (for example LDI *)


                   BEG               ; start of program code
                   END               ; end of program code
                   DS   10           ; Reserve 10 bytes of storage, unlabelled
           TOTAL   DS   1            ; Reserve one byte of storage, labelled TOTAL
           LIST    DS   10           ; byte [] LIST = new byte[10];
                   DC   'a'          ; preset 1 byte to '.' (ASCII 46), unlabelled
           AGE     DC   64           ; 1 byte initialized to value 64
           NAME    DC   "Mr Muggins" ; 10 bytes initialized to character values
                                     ; String literals may be used only in DC directives


            BEG            ; 09.ASM - count the bits in a number
                           ; P.D. Terry, 2009

            CLA            ;
            STA  BITS      ; bits = 0;
            INI            ; CPU.A = IO.readInt();
    LOOP                   ; do {
            SHR            ;   CPU.A = CPU.A / 2
            BCC  EVEN      ;   if (CPU.A % 2 != 0) {
            STA  TEMP      ;     temp = CPU.A;      // save it
            LDA  BITS
            STA  BITS      ;     bits++;
            LDA  TEMP      ;     CPU.A = temp;      // restore it
    EVEN    BNZ  LOOP      ; } while (CPU.A != 0);
            LDA  BITS      ;
            OTC            ; IO.writeCard(bits);
            HLT            ; System.exit(0);
    TEMP    DS   1         ; byte temp;
    BITS    DS   1         ; byte bits;

            BEG            ; 21.ASM - Hello world!  N times
                           ; P.D. Terry, 2009

            LDI  PROMPT
            JSR  WRSTR     ; IO.writeString("How many more times must I greet you with Hello World! ");;
            STA  COUNT     ; count = IO.readInt();
   WHILE    BZE  EXIT      ; while (count != 0) {
            LDI  STR
            JSR  WRSTR     ;   IO.writeString("Hello world!");
            JSR  WRLN      ;   IO.writeLine();
            LDA  COUNT
            STA  COUNT     ;   count-- ;
            BRN  WHILE     ; }
   EXIT     HLT            ; System.exit(0);

   PROMPT   DC   "How many more times must I greet you with "
   STR      DC   "Hello world! "
            DC   0
   COUNT    DS   1

   WRSTR                   ; Subroutine to print a nul-terminated string
                           ; To use, code JSR WRSTR with CPU.A
                           ;   set up to store the address of first byte
            TAX            ; CPU.X = CPU.A to point to start of string
   WLOOP    LDX  0         ; while (str[CPU.X] != 0) {
            BZE  WEXIT     ;
            OTA            ;   IO.writeChar(CPU.A);
            INX            ;   CPU.X++;
            BRN  WLOOP     ; }
   WEXIT    RET            ; return;

   WRLN     LDI  0DH       ; Subroutine to output CR/LF sequence
            OTA            ; IO.writeChar(CR);
            LDI  0AH       ;
            OTA            ; IO.writeChar(LF);
            RET            ; return;


ASCII table

    00   0 <NUL>  10  16 <DLE>  20  32 SP   30  48 0    40  64 @    50  80 P    60  96 `    70 112 p
    01   1 <SOH>  11  17 <DC1>  21  33 !    31  49 1    41  65 A    51  81 Q    61  97 a    71 113 q
    02   2 <STX>  12  18 <DC2>  22  34 "    32  50 2    42  66 B    52  82 R    62  98 b    72 114 r
    03   3 <ETX>  13  19 <DC3>  23  35 #    33  51 3    43  67 C    53  83 S    63  99 c    73 115 s
    04   4 <EOT>  14  20 <DC4>  24  36 $    34  52 4    44  68 D    54  84 T    64 100 d    74 116 t
    05   5 <ENQ>  15  21 <NAK>  25  37 %    35  53 5    45  69 E    55  85 U    65 101 e    75 117 u
    06   6 <ACK>  16  22 <SYN>  26  38 &    36  54 6    46  70 F    56  86 V    66 102 f    76 118 v
    07   7 <BEL>  17  23 <ETB>  27  39 '    37  55 7    47  71 G    57  87 W    67 103 g    77 119 w
    08   8 <BS>   18  24 <CAN>  28  40 (    38  56 8    48  72 H    58  88 X    68 104 h    78 120 x
    09   9 <HT>   19  25 <EM>   29  41 )    39  57 9    49  73 I    59  89 Y    69 105 i    79 121 y
    0A  10 <LF>   1A  26 <SUB>  2A  42 *    3A  58 :    4A  74 J    5A  90 Z    6A 106 j    7A 122 z
    0B  11 <VT>   1B  27 <ESC>  2B  43 +    3B  59 ;    4B  75 K    5B  91 [    6B 107 k    7B 123 {
    0C  12 <FF>   1C  28 <FS>   2C  44 ,    3C  60 <    4C  76 L    5C  92 \    6C 108 l    7C 124 |
    0D  13 <CR>   1D  29 <GS>   2D  45 -    3D  61 =    4D  77 M    5D  93 ]    6D 109 m    7D 125 }
    0E  14 <SO>   1E  30 <RS>   2E  46 .    3E  62 >    4E  78 N    5E  94 ^    6E 110 n    7E 126 ~
    0F  15 <SI>   1F  31 <US>   2F  47 /    3F  63 ?    4F  79 O    5F  95 _    6F 111 o    7F 127 <DEL>

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