Computer Science 301 - 2011 - Test on Week 24 - Solutions

You may use your textbook, or refer to material on the website if you like, but not your solutions to prac 24. Keep your solutions as simple as possible! Answer on the question sheet (4 sides)

1. I have really lost it this week. I cannot even remember the question! But what is the answer?

Someone suggested 42 - Thank you, Douglas Adams. Fortunately my amnesia has gone away - Pat (Terry) 63T0844 of course. Clearly the IS and Maths tests were having a bad effect on us all, and some of you had forgotten the proper context for Thursday afternoons.

2. Deja vu all over again. Remember those awful trains for which you struggled to find an LL(1) grammar that imposed safety constraints (no fuel truck just behind a loco, or immediately in front of a coach)? Well, here is a much simpler grammar that does not impose safety syntactically - but with appropriate semantic actions the checking is easily performed. Show how this can be done. Use the spread-out grammar on page 4, keep it simple, and note that there is no need to pass parameters between methods.

    COMPILER Train $CN /* Grammar to describe a simple railway train */

    IGNORE CHR(0) .. CHR(31)

      Train     = LocoPart [ [ GoodsPart ] HumanPart ] SYNC "." .
      LocoPart  = "loco" { "loco" } .
      GoodsPart = Truck { Truck } .
      HumanPart = "brake" | "coach" { "coach" } .
      Truck     = ( "closed" | "open" | "fuel" ) .
    END Train.

There were several intriguing submissions. Certainly the shortest hack is to make use of the (little appreciated) lookahead token, which some of you had clearly noted when we touched on it in class (see page 137). This allows us to write:

    using Library;

    COMPILER Trains $CN /* Grammar to describe a simple railway train - C# version */

    IGNORE CHR(0) .. CHR(31)

      Trains    = { Train } .
      Train     = LocoPart [ [ GoodsPart ] HumanPart ] "." .
      LocoPart  = "loco" { "loco" }             (. if (la.val.Equals("fuel"))
                                                    SemError("Fuel may not follow Loco directly"); .) .
      GoodsPart = Truck { Truck } .
      HumanPart = "brake" | "coach" { "coach" } .
      Truck     = ( "closed" | "open" | "fuel"  (. if (la.val.Equals("coach"))
                                                     SemError("Coach may not follow Fuel directly"); .) ) .
    END Trains.

However, if you try this you will find that the error messages may appear to come too early. What I was hoping you might try was more like this: if you are a fuel truck or a coach, take a backward glance rather than a forward glance at the rest of the train as used above. We can do this by using a string variable last to remember the previous vehicle in the train:

    using Library;

    COMPILER Trains $CN /* Grammar to describe a simple railway train - C# version */

      static string last = "";

    IGNORE CHR(0) .. CHR(31)

      Trains    = { Train } .
      Train     = LocoPart [ [ GoodsPart ] HumanPart ] "." .
      LocoPart  = "loco" { "loco" }             (. last = token.val; .)  .
      GoodsPart = Truck { Truck } .
      =   "brake"
        | "coach"                              (. if (last.Equals("fuel"))
                                                    SemError("Coach may not follow Fuel directly"); .)
           { "coach" } .
      = (   "closed" | "open"
          | "fuel"                             (. if (last.Equals("loco"))
                                                    SemError("Fuel may not follow Loco directly"); .)
        )                                      (. last = token.val; .) .
    END Trains.

Yet another way is to resist the temptation to probe token.val for particular strings, but to use two bool variables to keep track of the errors, if any. This may be the best in the sense that it parses the train in a more abstract way:

    using Library;

    COMPILER Trains $CN /* Grammar to describe a simple railway train - C# version */

      static bool lastWasLoco, lastWasFuel;

    IGNORE CHR(0) .. CHR(31)

      Trains = { Train } .
      Train = LocoPart [ [ GoodsPart ] HumanPart ] "." .
      LocoPart = "loco" { "loco" }             (. lastWasLoco = true; .) .
      GoodsPart = Truck { Truck } .
      HumanPart =   "brake"
                  | "coach"                    (. if (lastWasFuel)
                                                    SemError("Coach may not follow Fuel directly"); .)
                    { "coach" } .
      Truck =  (  "closed" | "open" )          (. lastWasFuel = false; lastWasLoco = false; .)
                | "fuel"                       (. if (lastWasLoco)
                                                    SemError("Fuel may not follow Loco directly");
                                                  lastWasFuel = true; lastWasLoco = false; .) .
    END Trains.

What several people suggested was to collapse the train into one long string, from which all the spaces had been elided - and then to look for the substrings locofuel or fuelcoach. I guess this solves the problem, but now (a) the error messages can only come right at the end - and because Coco generated parsers suppress multiple error messages at one point to try to help with the spurious error message problem, you might not get the full sorry story. and (b) you are not really doing a parser-like attack on the problem!

    using Library;

    COMPILER Trains $CN /* Grammar to describe a simple railway train - C# version */

      static StringBuilder trainSB;

    IGNORE CHR(0) .. CHR(31)

      = {                                        (. trainSB = new StringBuilder(); .)
          Train                                  (. string str = trainSB.ToString();
                                                    if (str.IndexOf("locofuel") >= 0)
                                                      SemError("Fuel may not follow Loco directly");
                                                    if (str.IndexOf("fuelcoach") >= 0)
                                                    SemError("Coach may not follow Fuel directly"); .)
        } .
      Train     = LocoPart [ [ GoodsPart ] HumanPart ] "." .
      LocoPart  = "loco" { "loco" }              (. trainSB.Append(token.val); .) .
      GoodsPart = Truck { Truck } .
      =   "brake"
        | "coach" { "coach" }                     (. trainSB.Append(token.val); .) .
      Truck     = ( "closed" | "open" | "fuel" )  (. trainSB.Append(token.val); .) .
    END Trains.

You could write an equivalent program in a very few lines simply be reading all the characters and copying the non-spaces into a StringBuilder and searching that - try it if you don't believe me!

As a general rule good compiler writers will aim to get error messages related to points very close to where the error has been committed. Nothing is worse than those infuriating messages at the end of a long file saying "class is not terminated properly" or, simply "syntax error" or "some variables undeclared".

3. And deja vu once more! By now you are well acquainted with my family, having seen a grammar to describe families. Slightly simplified (not bothering about possessions or funny names with hyphens or quotes) it looked like this.

    COMPILER Family $CN
    /* Describe a family */

      lLetter    = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" .

      name       = uLetter { lLetter } .

    IGNORE CHR(0) .. CHR(31) .

      Family      = { Generation } Surname { Generation } "." .
      Surname     = "Surname" ":" name { name } .
      Generation  = ( "Parents" | "Grandparents" | "Children" | "Grandchildren" ) ":" NameList .
      NameList    = OnePerson { "," OnePerson } .
      OnePerson   = name { name } [ "(" "deceased" ")" ] { Description } [ Spouse ] .
      Spouse      = "=" name { name } .
      Description = "[" Relative "of" OnePerson "]" .
      Relative    =   "son"  | "daughter" | "mother"  | "father" | "sister"
                    | "brother" | "wife" | "husband"  | "partner" | "mistress" .
    END Family.

As you probably know, families tend to perpetuate first names (politically correctly nowadays called given names) - my father was William David, my grandfather was William, and so was his father. My second name is David and my son is Kenneth David.

How would you add actions to this grammar to (a) record the given names of the members and the number of times that given name had appeared anywhere in the description, printing this information at the end of parsing it (b) check that each Generation has appeared at most once.

Once again - keep it simple. There is no need to pass parameters here either - static fields will work well enough.

This is rather easier than it may at first appear, and I was delighted to see that many students had made a good attack on the problem. Here is one solution, which makes use of a very simple table of GivenName objects and a simple add or update method. For a change all these solutions have been expressed in C#, but very similar code would follow if you translated them to Java. Notice that we do not apply the actions to the components of the Surname section - the problem speciically asked for first/given names. One can also analyse the number of times a particular generation appears by setting up a list of them, as some students tried, but that is really rather overkill for this problem.

A variation on this exercise would be to ensure that all of the generations appeared exactly once. How would you do that?

    using Library;
    using System.Collections.Generic;

    COMPILER Family $CN
    /* Describe a family - C# version */

    class GivenName {
    // Objects of this class record a first name and the number of times it
    // has been given to a family member

      public string name;
      public int occurrence;

      public override string ToString () { // neat way of doing it - thanks Jessica!
        return occurrence + " occurrences of " + name;
      } // ToString

      public GivenName(string name) { = name;
        this.occurrence = 1;
      } // constructor

    } // GivenName class

    static List<GivenName> names = new List<GivenName>();  // global for simplicity here!

    public static void AddOrUpdateName(string name) {
    // Adds name to list of unique names if not already there; otherwise note one more
    // occurrence of a name previously recorded
      int look = 0;
      while (look < names.Count && !names[look].name.Equals(name)) look++;
      if (look < names.Count) names[look].occurrence++;
      else names.Add(new GivenName(name));
    } // AddOrUpdateName

    static bool
      parents       = false,
      grandparents  = false,
      children      = false,
      grandchildren = false;

      lLetter    = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" .

      name       = uLetter { lLetter } .

    IGNORE CHR(0) .. CHR(31)

      = { Generation }
        { Generation } "."           (. foreach (GivenName name in names)
                                          IO.WriteLine(name); .) .

      = "Surname" ":" name { name } .

      = (  "Parents"                 (. if (parents)
                                          SemError("only one parents generation allowed");
                                        parents = true; .)
         | "Grandparents"            (. if (grandparents)
                                          SemError("only one grandparents generation allowed");
                                        grandparents = true; .)
         | "Children"                (. if (children)
                                          SemError("only one children generation allowed");
                                        children = true; .)
         | "Grandchildren"           (. if (grandchildren)
                                          SemError("only one grandchildren generation allowed");
                                        grandchildren = true; .)
        ) ":" NameList .

      = OnePerson { "," OnePerson } .

      =   name                       (. AddOrUpdateName(token.val); .)
        { name                       (. AddOrUpdateName(token.val); .)
        [ "(" "deceased" ")" ]
        { Description }
        [ Spouse ] .

      = "="
          name                       (. AddOrUpdateName(token.val); .)
        { name                       (. AddOrUpdateName(token.val); .)

      = "[" Relative "of" OnePerson "]" .

      =    "son"  | "daughter" | "mother" | "father" | "sister"
        | "brother" | "wife" | "husband"  | "partner" | "mistress" .

    END Family.

4. Can you think of a simple way of telling a newcomer to Coco/R under what conditions it will be necessary to add parameters to methods, and when global (static) fields in the parser would suffice?

What I was looking for here was the insight that suggests that non-recursive grammars (or, sometimes, recursive ones where the methods require no specific actions) can often be handled with a static parser class and static fields for transmitting data between sub-parsers. These are probably the exception in fact - the sorts of grammars used for defining programming languages are highly recursive, and the information required is most safely passed up and down the implicit tree of method calls using parameters.

You probably realize that several of the grammars I have used in some of these pracs are really rather silly, and describe solutions to problems that really don't warrant constructing a full LL(1) parserr at all. However, I hope that they collectively give you some idea of the techniques which are then better exploited in grammars for Parva (or any other language).

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