Computer Science 3 - 2011

Programming Language Translation

Practical for Week 24, beginning 10 October 2011 - solutions

As usual, the sources of full solutions for these problems may be found on the course web page as the file PRAC24A.ZIP or PRAC24AC.ZIP.

While there were some splendid submissions, there were also some very weak ones, so please study the suggestions below, as the ability to add attributes and actions to grammars is crucially important if you are to use a tool like Coco. Furthermore, many people had not done as requested and provided specimen output, which at least might have given some indication of whether their systems worked.

Tasks 3 and 4 - The Boolean calculator.

Several people had a little difficulty with this, and ledt their answers incomplete. One possibility is to use two "parallel" arrays, one of the actual values for the variables, and one to mark those that had not yet been assigned values. One cannot use a single boolean field to distinguish between three states - undefined, defined (true) and defined (false).

Note that the solution below uses the Variable production to extract the index of the variable, not its name, and the use of toUpperCase() ensures that the system ignores case completely (the IGNORECASE directive applies only to key words). Note also that one cannot set defined[index] = true; immediately after parsing Variable, but only after parsing and computing the va ule of the Expression.

   import library.*;
   import java.util.*;

   /* Boolean expression calculator Java version
      P.D. Terry, Rhodes University, 2011 */

     static boolean[] mem = new boolean[26];
     static boolean[] defined = new boolean[26];


     letter     = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" .
     variable   = letter .


   IGNORE CHR(0) .. CHR(31)

     Bool                               (. int index = 0;
                                           boolean value = false;
                                           for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) defined[i] = false; .)
     = { ( Variable<out index>
           "=" Expression<out value>    (. mem[index] = value;
                                           defined[index] = true; .)
           Expression<out value>        (. IO.writeLine(value); .)
         SYNC ";"
       } EOF .

     Variable<out int index>
     = variable                         (. index = Character.toUpperCase(token.val.charAt(0)) - 'A'; .)

     Expression<out boolean value>      (. boolean termValue; .)
     = Term<out value>
       { Or Term<out termValue>         (. value = value || termValue; .)
       } .

     Term<out boolean value>            (. boolean factValue; .)
     = Factor<out value>
       { [ And ] Factor<out factValue>  (. value = value && factValue; .)
       } .

     Factor<out boolean value>          (. value = false; .)
     =   Not Factor<out value>          (. value = ! value; .)
       | Primary<out value>
         { "'"                          (. value = ! value; .)

     Primary<out boolean value>         (. int index;
                                           value = false; .)
     =   True                           (. value = true; .)
       | False                          (. value = false; .)
       | Variable<out index>            (. if (!defined[index])
                                             SemError("variable not defined");
                                           value = mem[index]; .)
       | "(" Expression<out value> ")"

     True   = "TRUE" | "1" .
     False  = "FALSE" | "0" .
     And    = "AND" | "&&" | "." .
     Or     = "OR" | "||" | "+" .
     Not    = "NOT" | "!" .
   END Bool.

This has altered the grammar to demand that a semicolon follow each statement so that it can be used as a synchronization point.

Task 5 - Avoid the Muddle in the Middle and Meddle with the Medley

Given a Cocol grammar that described a medley event at a Highland Gathering, the exercise was to add actions so that the parser could disqualify any band that did not play at least two jigs, and would also report on (a) the total number of bands that had competed in the event (b) the name of the band that played the medley with the greatest number of tunes (of any sort).

Some dreadfully complicated solutions were submitted. Try always to find an elegant solution.

   import library.*;

   /* Describe simple pipe band competition event.  (Java version)
      P.D. Terry, Rhodes University, 2011 */

     static int bandCount = 0, longestCount = 0, tuneCount, jigCount;
     static String longestBand, nextBand;


     letter = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_".

     nameOfBand = letter { letter } .

   IGNORE CHR(0) .. CHR(31)

     = Band { Band }                    (. IO.writeLine(bandCount + " bands competed");
                                           IO.writeLine("Longest medley played by " + longestBand); .) .

     Band                               (. bandCount++; .)
     = nameOfBand                       (. nextBand = token.val; /* must save it here for later */ .)
       Medley                           (. if (jigCount < 2)
                                             SemError(nextBand + " disqualified - too few jigs");
                                           /* maybe add "else */ if (tuneCount > longestCount) {
                                             longestBand = nextBand;
                                             longestCount = tuneCount;
                                           } .) .

     Medley                             (. jigCount = 0; tuneCount = 0; .)
     = OneTune { OneTune }
       "break" .

     OneTune                            (. tuneCount++; /* at least one tune played here */ .)
     =   "March"
       | "SlowMarch"
       | "Jig"                          (. jigCount++;   /* count these separately */ .)
       | "Hornpipe"
       | "Reel"
       | "Strathspey"
         { "Strathspey"                 (. tuneCount++; /* we can get several tunes here */ .)
         } "Reel"                       (. tuneCount++; /* and one more tune here too */ .) .

   END Event.


   import library.*;

   COMPILER Event2 $CN

     static int bandCount = 0, longestCount = 0;
     static String longestBand, nextBand;

     static class Performance {
       public int jigCount = 0;
       public int tuneCount = 0;
     } // class Performance

     = Band { Band }                    (. IO.writeLine(bandCount + " bands competed");
                                           IO.writeLine("Longest medley played by " + longestBand); .) .

     Band                               (. Performance tunes = new Performance();
                                           bandCount++; .)
     = nameOfBand                       (. nextBand = token.val; /* must save it here for later */ .)
       Medley<tunes>                    (. if (tunes.jigCount < 2)
                                             SemError(nextBand + " disqualified - too few jigs");
                                           if (tunes.tuneCount > longestCount) {
                                             longestBand = nextBand;
                                             longestCount = tunes.tuneCount;
                                           } .) .

     Medley<Performance tunes>
     = OneTune<tunes>
       { OneTune<tunes> }
       "break" .

     OneTune<Performance tunes>         (. tunes.tuneCount++; /* at least one tune played here */ .)
     =   "March"
       | "SlowMarch"
       | "Jig"                          (. tunes.jigCount++;   /* count these separately */ .)
       | "Hornpipe"
       | "Reel"
       | "Strathspey"
         { "Strathspey"                 (. tunes.tuneCount++; /* we can get several tunes here */ .)
         } "Reel"                       (. tunes.tuneCount++; /* and one more tune here too */ .) .

   END Event2.

Task 6 - Regular expressions

The problem provided a Cocol grammar that described a sequence of regular expressions (written one to a line), and asked that actions be added to generate a program that can parse a sequence of regular expressions and report on the alphabets used in each one. For example, given input like

            a | b c d | ( x y z )*
            [a-g A-G] [x - z]?
            a? "'" z+

the output should be something like

            Alphabet = a b c d x y z
            Alphabet = A B C D E F G a b c d e f g x y z
            Alphabet = ' a z

Once again, this problem is easily solved by making use of static (global) fields in the parser:

   import library.*;

   /* Regular expression grammar - determine the underlying alphabet (Java version)
      P.D. Terry, Rhodes University, 2011 */

     static boolean[] alphabet = new boolean[256];

     lf       = CHR(10) .
     control  = CHR(0) .. CHR(31) .
     noQuote1 = ANY - control - "'" .
     noQuote2 = ANY - control - '"' .
     meta     = "()*|[]-?+" .
     simple   = ANY - control - "'" - '"' - meta .

     atomic  = simple .
     escaped = "'" noQuote1 "'" | '"' noQuote2 '"' .
     EOL     = lf .

   IGNORE  control - lf

     RE                                 (. int i; .)
     = {                                (. for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) alphabet[i] = false; .)
         Expression EOL                 (. IO.write("Alphabet = ");
                                           for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                                             if (alphabet[i]) IO.write( (char) i, 2);
                                           IO.writeLine(); .)
       } EOF .

     = Term { "|" Term } .

     = Factor { Factor } .

     = Element [ "*" | "?" | "+" ] .

     Element                            (. char ch; .)
     =   Atom<out ch>                   (. alphabet[ch] = true; .)
       | Range | "(" Expression ")" .

     = "[" OneRange { OneRange } "]" .

     OneRange                           (. char ch, ch1, ch2; .)
     = Atom<out ch1>                    (. alphabet[ch1] = true; .)
       [ "-" Atom<out ch2>              (. if (ch2 < ch1)
                                             SemError("invalid range");
                                             for (ch = ch1; ch <= ch2; ch++)
                                               alphabet[ch] = true; .)
       ] .

     Atom<out char ch>                  (. ch = '\0'; .)
     = (   atomic                       (. ch = token.val.charAt(0); .)
         | escaped                      (. ch = token.val.charAt(1); .)
       ) .

   END RE.


Task 7 - The EBNF cross reference generator.

Once again, this is capable of a very simple elegant solution (hint: most Pat Terry problems admit to a simple elegant solution; the trick is to find it, so learn from watching the Expert in Action, and pick up the tricks for future reference). There are only two places in the basic grammar where non-terminals appear, and it is here that we must arrange to insert them into the table:

   import library.*;

   /* Parse a set of EBNF productions
      Generate cross reference table
      P.D. Terry, Rhodes University, 2011 */

     public static OutFile output;

     letter   = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" .
     lowline  = "_" .
     control  = CHR(0) .. CHR(31) .
     digit    = "0123456789" .
     noquote1 = ANY - "'" - control .
     noquote2 = ANY - '"' - control .

     nonterminal = letter { letter | lowline | digit } .
     terminal    = "'" noquote1 { noquote1 } "'" | '"' noquote2 { noquote2 } '"' .


   IGNORE control

      EBNF                            (. Table.clearTable(); .)
        { Production
        }                             (. Table.printTable(); .)
        EOF .

        SYNC nonterminal              (. Table.addRef(token.val, true, token.line); .)
        WEAK "="
        SYNC "." .

      { WEAK "|" Term
      } .

      [ Factor
        { Factor
      ] .

          nonterminal                 (. Table.addRef(token.val, false, token.line); .)
        | terminal
        | "[" Expression "]"
        | "(" Expression ")"
        | "{" Expression "}" .

Of course, the bulk of the effort has to be spent in deriving a suitable table handler. In this case we can just write very simple code like the following. Running the search loop from the bottom makes for a very simple addRef method. Note that this handler allows us to enter an identifier that has been "used" before it has been "declared". While this may be "wrong" for some applications, it prevents crashes of the cross-referencer itself.

   // Handle cross reference table for EBNF productions
   // P.D. Terry, Rhodes University, 2011  (Java 1.5)

   package EBNF;

   import java.util.*;
   import library.*;

     class Entry {                      // Cross reference table entries
       public String name;              // The identifier itself
       public ArrayList<Integer> refs;  // Line numbers where it appears
       public Entry(String name) { = name;
         this.refs = new ArrayList<Integer>();
     } // Entry

     class Table {
       static ArrayList<Entry> list = new ArrayList<Entry>();

       public static void clearTable() {
       // Clears cross-reference table
         list = new ArrayList<Entry>();
       } //clearTable

       public static void addRef(String name, boolean declared, int lineRef) {
       // Enters name if not already there, adds another line reference (negative if at
       // a declaration point in the original set of productions
         int i = 0;
         while (i < list.size() && !name.equals(list.get(i).name)) i++;
         if (i >= list.size()) list.add(new Entry(name));
         list.get(i).refs.add(new Integer(declared ? -lineRef : lineRef));
       } // addRef

       public static void printTable() {
       // Prints out all references in the table
         StringBuilder missing = new StringBuilder();
         for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
           boolean isDeclared = false;                    // haven't seen a definition yet
           Entry e = list.get(i);
           Parser.output.write(, -18);              // left justify in 18 spaces
           for (int j = 0; j < e.refs.size(); j++) {      // work through the list of references
             int line = e.refs.get(j);
             Parser.output.write(line, 5);                // justify in 5 spaces
             isDeclared = isDeclared || line < 0;
           if (!isDeclared) missing.append( + " "); // build up list of undeclared nonterminals
         if (missing.length() > 0) {                      // no need if there were none
           Parser.output.writeLine("The following are terminals, or undefined non-terminals");
       } // printTable

     } // Table

The printTable method above suffers from a possible disadvantage in that multiple occurrences of an non- terminal on one line, as in

Term = [ Factor { Factor } ] .

create unnecessary duplicate entries. These could be eliminated in various ways; the simplest might be to do so at the output stage, rather than when they are added by the addRef method. Please yourself; here is my suggestion.

       public static void printTable() {
       // Prints out all references in the table (eliminate duplicates line numbers)
         StringBuilder missing = new StringBuilder();
         for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
           boolean isDeclared = false;                    // haven't seen a definition yet
           Entry e = list.get(i);
           Parser.output.write(, -18);              // left justify in 18 spaces
           int last = 0;                                  // impossible line number
           for (int j = 0; j < e.refs.size(); j++) {      // work through the list of references
             int line = e.refs.get(j);
             isDeclared = isDeclared || line < 0;
             if (line != last) {                          // a new line reference
               Parser.output.write(line, 5);              // justify in 5 spaces
               last = line;                               // remember we have printed this line
           if (!isDeclared) missing.append( + " "); // build up list of undeclared nonterminals
         if (missing.length() > 0) {                      // no need if there were none
           Parser.output.writeLine("The following are terminals, or undefined non-terminals");
       } // printTable

Several solutions revealed that people either had not thought that far or were confused about the point of the declared argument to the addRef method.

Note that the members of the Table class are all static. There is no need to instantiate an object of this class, and it just makes it more complicated to try to do so, as some people did. I apologize for the fact that I had included the wrong Driver.frame file in the kit, which must have confused the various groups who made no proper attempt to create an output file of the OutFile class.

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