Computer Science 301 - 2012 - Programming Language Translation

Well, here you are. Here is the free information you have all been waiting for, with some extra bits of advice:

How to spend a Special Sunday

From now until about 22h30 tonight, Computer Science 3 students have exclusive use of one of the Hamilton Laboratories. You are encouraged to throw out anyone else who tries to use it, but we hope that this does not need to happen. At about 22h30 Chris and I may have to rearrange things for Monday. If there is still a high demand we shall try to leave some computers for use until later, but by then we hope you will have a good idea of what is involved.

Once again, this year the format of the examination is somewhat different from years gone by, so as to counter what had happened where, essentially, one solution was prepared by quite a large group and then passed around to many others, who had probably not contributed to it in any real way. As in recent years (since 2006), the problem set below is only part of the story. At 16h30 you will receive further hints as to how this problem should be solved (by thenI hope you might have worked this out for yourselves, of course). You will be encouraged to study the problem further, and the hints in detail, because during the examination tomorrow you will be set further questions relating to the system - for example, asked to extend the solution you have worked on in certain ways. It is my hope that if you have really understood the material today, these questions will have solutions that come readily to mind, but of course you will have to answer these on your own!

My "24 hour exam" problems have all been designed so that everyone should be able to produce at least the basic solution, with scope given for top students to demonstrate their understanding of the subtler points of parsing, scanning and compiling. Each year I have been astounded at the quality of some of the solutions received, and I trust that this year will be no exception.

Please note that there will be no obligation to produce a machine-readable solution in the examination (in fact, doing so is quite a risky thing, if things go wrong for you, or if you cannot type quickly). The tools will be provided before the examination so that you can experiment in detail. If you feel confident, then you are free to produce a complete working solution to Section B during the examination. If you feel more confident writing out a neat detailed solution or extensive summary of the important parts of the solution, then that is quite acceptable. Many of the best solutions over the last few years have taken that form.

During the first few hours you will be able to find the following files in the usual places, or by following links from the course web page:

At about 16h30 new versions of the exam kit will be posted (FREE2J.ZIP and FREE2C.ZIP), and a further handout issued, with extra information, to help students who may be straying way off course.

Today things should be familiar. You could, for example, log onto the D: or J: drive, use UltraEdit or NotePad++ and LPRINT to edit and printout files, use CMAKE and CRUN ... generally have hours of fun. The C# system may work best on the D: drive, however.

Note that the exam setup tomorrow will have no connection with the outside world - no Google, FaceBook, ftp client, telnet client, shared directories - not even a printer!

Today you may use the files and systems in any way that you wish, subject to the following restrictions: Please observe these in the interests of everyone else in the class.

(a) When you have finished working, please delete any files from the D: drive, so that others are not tempted to come and snoop around to steal ideas from you.

(b) You are permitted to discuss the problem with one another, and with anybody not on the "prohibited" list.

(c) You are also free to consult books in the library. If you cannot find a book that you are looking for, it may well be the case that there is a copy in the Department. Feel free to ask.

(d) Please do not try to write any files onto the C: directory, for example to C:\TEMP

(e) If you take the exam kit to a private machine you will need to have Java installed (or the .NET framework or equivalent to use the C# version).

I suggest that you do spend some of the next 24 hours in discussion with one another, and some of the time in actually trying out your ideas. You have plenty of time in which to prepare and test your ideas - go for it, and good luck.

If you cannot unpack the file, or have trouble getting the familiar tools to work (unlikely!), you may ask me for help. You may also ask for explanation of any points in the question that you do not understand, in the same way that you are allowed to ask before the start of an ordinary examination. You are no longer allowed to ask me questions about any other part of the course. Sorry; you had your chance earlier, and I cannot allow this without risking the chance of sneak questions and suggestions being called for.

If you cannot solve the problem completely, don't panic. It has been designed so that I can recognize that students have reached varying degrees of sophistication and understanding.

How you will spend a Merry Monday

Before the start of the formal examination the laboratory will be unavailable. During that time

The machines will be completely converted to a fresh exam system with no files left on directories like D: or C:\TEMP .

  • The network connections will be disabled.

    At the start of the examination session:

    Cessation of Hostilities Party

    As previously mentioned, Sally and I would like to invite you to an informal end-of-course party at our house on Monday 26 November (after the Compilers paper). There's another copy of the wonderful ASCII-art map below to help you find your way there. It would help if you could let me know whether you are coming so that we can borrow enough glasses, plates, etc. Please post the reply slip into the hand-in box during the course of the day. Time: from 18h30 onwards. Dress: Casual

                           PDT(8) \      <==================================== here!
           \       \               |\
            \     Bedford          /--\ Constitution Street
              \      \           /      \
       Cradock  \     \        /          \        ^
                  \-----\    /              \      | Hospital
                    \    Pear Lane            \    |
                     \           Worcester St   \  |
               DSG    |                            |
                      | St Andrew's                | Milner Street
                      |                            |
                      |                            |
             Somerset |            African Street  |
             Street   |------------------------------------------
                      |        |                      |
                      |        |  The Mall            |
                      |        |                      |
                      |   Rat  |             New St   |
          Hamilton    |      |                        |
          Hell Hole   |      |                        | Hill St
                      |      |                  Gino's|
            Rhodes    |      |  Steers   High St      |
                    ----------------------------------- Cathedral

    (See also http://www.cs.ru.ac.za/courses/CSc301/Translators/map.htm )

    Preliminary to the examination

    The code below may look vaguely familiar. It is a Cocol description of a "four function" integer calculator with the addition of a memory of 26 cells, named by the 26 lower case letters of the standard alphabet. The calculator also allows one to read values into these cells, and to compute values for expressions which might either be printed or stored in variables. Typical input for this calculator might read

                 a = 12;
                 b = 15;
                 write(a + b * c);

    (The C# version is almost identical, of course.)

        import library.*;
        COMPILER Calc  $CN
        /* Simple four function calculator with 26 memory cells - Coco/R for Java
           P.D. Terry, Rhodes University, 2012 */
          static int[] mem = new int[26];
          lf         = CHR(10) .
          digit      = "0123456789" .
          letter     = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" .
          number     = digit { digit } .
          variable   = letter .
          CodeOn     = "$C+" .
          CodeOff    = "$C-" .
        COMMENTS FROM "//" TO lf
        COMMENTS FROM "/*" TO "*/"
        IGNORE CHR(0) .. CHR(31)
          Calc                               (. int index = 0; int value = 0; .)
          = { (   Variable<out index>
                  WEAK "="
                  Expression<out value>      (. mem[index] = value; .)
                | "write" "("
                  Expression<out value>      (. IO.writeLine(value); .)
                  { ","
                    Expression<out value>    (. IO.writeLine(value); .)
                  } ")"
                | "read" "("
                    Variable<out index>      (. mem[index] = IO.readInt(); .)
               ) SYNC ";"
            } EOF .
          Expression<out int expVal>         (. int expVal1 = 0; .)
          = Term<out expVal>
            {   "+" Term<out expVal1>        (. expVal += expVal1; .)
              | "-" Term<out expVal1>        (. expVal -= expVal1; .)
            } .
          Term<out int termVal>              (. int termVal1 = 0; .)
          = Factor<out termVal>
            {   "*" Factor<out termVal1>     (. termVal *= termVal1; .)
              | "/" Factor<out termVal1>     (. if (termVal1 == 0) SemError("division by zero");
                                                else termVal /= termVal1; .)
              | "%" Factor<out termVal1>     (. if (termVal1 == 0) SemError("division by zero");
                                                else termVal %= termVal1; .)
            } .
          Factor<out int factVal>            (. factVal = 0;
                                                int index, factVal2; .)
          =   number                         (. try {
                                                  factVal = Integer.parseInt(token.val);
                                                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                                                  factVal = 0; SemError("number out of range");
                                                } .)
            | Variable<out index>            (. factVal = mem[index]; .)
            | "(" Expression<out factVal>
              ")" .
          Variable<out int index>
          = variable                         (. index = token.val.charAt(0) - 'a'; .) .
        END Calc.

    The exercise for the first part of today is to make some quite far-reaching extensions to this grammar and calculator to allow a user to define zero or more simple integer functions ahead of the statements that will process the expressions in terms of the variables and constants they incorporate.

    In particular cases one might be tempted to do this for a known set of functions by hard-coding them into the system - for example by extending Factor as follows to incorporate a very simple (restrictive) SQR function:

          Factor<out int factVal>            (. factVal = 0;
                                                int index, factVal2; .)
          =   number                         (. try {
                                                  factVal = Integer.parseInt(token.val);
                                                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                                                  factVal = 0; SemError("number out of range");
                                                } .)
            | Variable<out index>            (. factVal = mem[index]; .)
            | "SQR" "("  Variable<out index> (. factVal = mem[index] * mem[index]; .)
            | "(" Expression<out factVal>
              ")" .

    However, this does not easily generalize, and a different approach might be as follows: Change the actions in the above grammar so that, rather than obey each statement as it is analysed, the system will generate PVM code for a simple program which can then be executed on the PVM - that is, effectively write something like a subset of the extant Parva compiler, (but very much simpler).

    With this in mind, the exercise for today is to use Coco/R to build a system for running a "program" like the following:

          // User defined functions precede the statements that might require them
          SQR(x) returns x * x;
          Sum(x, y, z) returns x + y + z;
          // Typical statements that use these functions
          read("Supply three numbers ", x, y, z);
          a = Sum(x, y, z);
          s = SQR(x);
          write("Sum is ", a, " x^2 is ", s);

    That should keep you busy for a few hours!

    In adopting this approach you can make use of the files provided in the examination kit free1j.zip (Java version) or free1c.zip (C# version) which you will find on the course website. In particular, you will find

    In addition you will find, in the root folder and the CalcPVM folder:

    It is suggested that you proceed as follows:

    The way in which the PVM handles function calls is described in chapter 14 of the text. Since you have not worked with the new opcodes FHDR, CALL and RET before, it will not be giving too much away to illustrate the sort of code that should be generated for a simple function definition, and for a corresponding call of this function.

    Allowing ourselves the luxury of using names and labels for illustration, rather than the numerical offsets that are required in the code proper:

             Fun(x, y, z) returns (x + y) / z;
                 Sum   LDL     x      Push value of argument x
                       LDL     y      Push value of argument y
                       ADD            Now have value of x + y at TOS
                       LDL     z      Push value of argument z
                       DIV            Now have value of (x + y) / z at TOS
                       STL     0      Store result on bottom of stack frame
                       RET            Return to caller
             a = 2 * Fun(x, y, z);
                       LDC     2      Push 2 on stack in anticipation of later multiplication
                       FHDR           Create standard stack frame
                       LDL     x      Push value of first argument onto frame header
                       LDL     y      Push value of second argument onto frame header
                       LDL     z      Push value of third argument onto frame header
                       CALL    Fun    Call function - returned value left at TOS
                       MUL            Will now have the value of 2 * Fun(x, y, z) at TOS
                       STL     a      Store on variable a
             b = Fun(100, 50, z) - 4;
                       FHDR           Create standard stack frame
                       LDC     100    Push value of first argument onto frame header
                       LDC     50     Push value of second argument onto frame header
                       LDL     z      Push value of third argument onto frame header
                       CALL    Fun    Call function - returned value left at TOS
                       LDC     4      Push 4 on stack ready to subtract
                       SUB            Will now have the value of Fun(100, 50, z) - 4 at TOS
                       STL     b      Store on variable b

    Have fun, and good luck!