Computer Science 3 - 2011

Programming Language Translation

Practical 7 - Week beginning 19 May 2014 - solutions

Sources of full solutions for these problems may be found on the course web page as the file PRAC7A.ZIP (Java) or PRAC7AC.ZIP (C#).

Task 2 - Use of the debugging and other pragmas

The extra pragmas needed in the refined Parva compiler are easily introduced. We need some static fields:

    public static boolean
      debug = false,
 *    listCode = false,
 *    warnings = true;

The definitions of the pragmas are done in terms of these:

      DebugOn      = "$D+" .                (. debug = true; .)
      DebugOff     = "$D-" .                (. debug = false; .)
 *    CodeOn       = "$C+" .                (. listCode  = true; .)
 *    CodeOff      = "$C-" .                (. listCode  = false; .)
 *    WarnOn       = "$W+" .                (. warnings  = true; .)
 *    WarnOff      = "$W-" .                (. warnings  = false; .)

It is convenient to be able to set the options with command line parameters as well. This involves a straightforward change to the Parva.frame file:

    for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
      if (args[i].toLowerCase().equals("-l")) mergeErrors = true;
      else if (args[i].toLowerCase().equals("-d")) Parser.debug = true;
 *    else if (args[i].toLowerCase().equals("-w")) Parser.warnings = false;
 *    else if (args[i].toLowerCase().equals("-c")) Parser.listCode = true;
      else inputName = args[i];
    if (inputName == null) {
      System.err.println("No input file specified");
 *    System.err.println("Usage: Parva [-l] [-d] [-w] [-c] source.pav [-l] [-d] [-w] [-c]");
      System.err.println("-l directs source listing to listing.txt");
 *    System.err.println("-d turns on debug mode");
 *    System.err.println("-w suppresses warnings");
 *    System.err.println("-c lists object code (.cod file)");

Finally, the following change to the frame file gives the option of suppressing the generation of the .COD listing.

 *    if (Parser.listCode) PVM.listCode(codeName, codeLength);

Task 3 - How long is a piece of string?

The prac sheet asked why languages generally impose a restriction that a literal string must be contained on a single line of code. The reason is quite simple - it becomes difficult to see or track the control characters and spaces that would otherwise be buried in the string. It is easier and safer for language designers to use the escape sequence idea if they need to cater for non-graphic characters in strings and character literals.

Concatenating strings is simple. The place to do it is in the StringConst production which calls on a OneString parser to obtain the substrings (which have had their leading quotes and internal escape characters processed by the time the concatenation takes place):

    StringConst<out String str>           (. String str2; .)
    = OneString<out str>
      { [ "+" ] OneString<out str2>       (. str = str + str2; .)
      } .

    OneString<out String str>
    =  stringLit                          (. str = token.val;
                                             str = unescape(str.substring(1, str.length() - 1)); .) .

Task 4 - Things are not always what they seem

Issuing warnings for empty statements or empty blocks at first looks quite easy. At this stage we could try:

    Statement<StackFrame frame>
    =  SYNC (   Block<frame>
              | ConstDeclarations
              | VarDeclarations<frame>
              | AssignmentStatement
              | IfStatement<frame>
              | WhileStatement<frame>
              | HaltStatement
              | ReturnStatement
              | ReadStatement
              | WriteStatement
 *            | ";"                       (. if (warnings) Warning("empty statement"); .)

 *  Block<StackFrame frame>
    =                                     (. Table.openScope();
 *                                           boolean empty = true; .)
 *     "{" { Statement<frame>             (. empty = false; .)
 *         }                              (. if (empty && warnings) Warning("empty {} block");
        WEAK "}"                          (. Table.closeScope(); .) .

Spotting an empty block or the empty statement in the form of a stray semicolon, is partly helpful. Detecting blocks that really have no effect might be handled in several ways. One suggestion is to count the executable statements in a Block. This means that the Statement parser has to be attributed so as to return this count, and this has a knock-on effect in various other productions as well. Since we might have all sorts of nonsense like

    { { int k; } { { int j; } int i; ; ;  { } {{}} } }

counting has to proceed carefully. Details are left as a further exercise! Once you have started seeing how stupid some code can be, you can develop a flare for writing bad code suitable for testing compilers without asking your friends in CSC 102 to do it for you!

Task 5 - The final word in declarations

The problem called for the introduction of the final keyword in variable declarations, so as to allow code of the form:

    final int max = 2;
    int i = 5;
    final int iPlusMax = i + max;
    final int[] list = new int[iPlusMax];

The key to this is to add an extra field to those in the Entry class used by the table handling routines:

    class Entry {
    // All fields initialized, but are modified after construction (by semantic analyser)
      public int     kind     = Kinds.Var;
      public String  name     = "";
      public int     type     = Types.noType;
      public int     value    = 0;          // constants
      public int     offset   = 0;          // variables
      public boolean declared = true;       // true for all except sentinel entry
 *    public boolean canChange= true;       // false if value cannot be changed
      public Entry   nextInScope = null;    // link to next entry in current scope
    } // end Entry

A similar addition is needed in the DesType class

    class DesType {
    // Objects of this type are associated with l-value and r-value designators
      public Entry entry;          // the identifier properties
      public int type;             // designator type (not always the entry type)
 *    public boolean canChange;    // false if entry is marked constant

      public DesType(Entry entry) {
        this.entry = entry;
        this.type = entry.type;
 *      this.canChange = entry.canChange;
    } // end DesType

With these in place the parsers for handling VarDeclarations can set the fields correctly:

    VarDeclarations<StackFrame frame>     (. int type;
                                             boolean canChange = true; .)
 *  =  [ "final"                          (. canChange = false; .)
 *     ] Type<out type>
 *     OneVar<frame, type, canChange>
 *     { WEAK "," OneVar<frame, type, canChange> }
       WEAK ";" .

    OneVar<StackFrame frame, int type, boolean canChange>
                                          (. int expType;
                                             Entry var = new Entry(); .)
    =  Ident<out>                (. var.kind = Kinds.Var;
                                             var.type = type;
 *                                           var.canChange = canChange;
                                             var.offset = frame.size;
                                             frame.size++; .)
       (   AssignOp                       (. CodeGen.loadAddress(var); .)
           Expression<out expType>        (. if (!compatible(var.type, expType))
                                               SemError("incompatible types in assignment");
                                             CodeGen.assign(var.type); .)
 *       |                                (. if (!canChange)
 *                                             SemError("defining expression required"); .)
       )                                  (. Table.insert(var); .) .

where, it should be noted, it is an error to apply final to a variable declaration if the initial definition of a value for that variable is omitted. The canChange field is then checked at the points where one might attempt to alter a variable marked as final, namely within AssignmentStatements and ReadElements:

    Assignment                            (. int expType;
                                             DesType des; .)
    =  Designator<out des>                (. if (des.entry.kind != Kinds.Var)
                                               SemError("invalid assignment");
 *                                           if (!des.canChange)
 *                                             SemError("may not alter this variable");
       Expression<out expType>            (. if (!compatible(des.type, expType))
                                               SemError("incompatible types in assignment");
                                             CodeGen.assign(des.type); .) .

    ReadElement                           (. String str;
                                             DesType des; .)
    =   StringConst<out str>              (. CodeGen.writeStr(str); .)
      | Designator<out des>               (. if (des.entry.kind != Kinds.Var)
                                               SemError("wrong kind of identifier");
 *                                           if (!des.canChange)
 *                                             SemError("may not alter this variable");
                                             switch (des.type) {
                                               case Entry.intType:
                                               case Entry.boolType:
                                       ; break;
                                                 SemError("cannot read this type"); break;
                                             } .) .

There is one further subtlety. Marking an "array" as final implies only that the reference to the array may not be altered, not that individual elements may not be altered. This necessitates a tweak to the Designator parser:

    Designator<out DesType des>           (. String name;
                                             int indexType; .)
    =  Ident<out name>                    (. Entry entry = Table.find(name);
                                             if (!entry.declared)
                                               SemError("undeclared identifier");
                                             des = new DesType(entry);
                                             if (entry.kind == Kinds.Var) CodeGen.loadAddress(entry); .)
 *     [  "["                             (. des.canChange = true;
                                             if (isArray(des.type)) des.type--;
                                             else SemError("unexpected subscript");
                                             if (entry.kind != Kinds.Var)
                                               SemError("unexpected subscript");
                                             CodeGen.dereference(); .)
              Expression<out indexType>   (. if (!isArith(indexType))
                                               SemError("invalid subscript type");
                                             CodeGen.index(); .)
       ] .

Task 6 - Suppressing some error messages

The suggestion was made that when an identifier was not found in the symbol table, a suitable entry could quietly be inserted into the table in the hope of reducing the number of irritating "undeclared identifier" messages that might otherwise pop up. This is quite easily done from within the production for Designator. Note the way in which we modify the newly inserted entry if we establish that the undeclared identifier appears to be of a reference type. Care must be taken not to mess up the original sentinel node; note how entry is reallocated.

    Designator<out DesType des>           (. String name;
                                             int indexType; .)
    =  Ident<out name>                    (. Entry entry = Table.find(name);
 *                                           boolean notDeclared = !entry.declared;
 *                                           if (notDeclared) {
 *                                             SemError("undeclared identifier");
 *                                             entry = new Entry(); // new is critical
 *                                    = name;
 *                                             entry.kind = Kinds.Var;
 *                                             entry.type = Types.noType;
 *                                             entry.offset = 0;
 *                                             Table.insert(entry);
 *                                           }
                                             des = new DesType(entry);
                                             if (entry.kind == Kinds.Var) CodeGen.loadAddress(entry); .)
 *     [  "["                             (. if (notDeclared) entry.type++;
 *                                           else if (isArray(des.type)) des.type--;
                                             else SemError("unexpected subscript");
                                             if (entry.kind != Kinds.Var)
                                               SemError("unexpected subscript");
                                             CodeGen.dereference(); .)
              Expression<out indexType>   (. if (!isArith(indexType)) SemError("invalid subscript type");
                                             CodeGen.index(); .)
       ] .

Task 7 - A task to keep you on the right lines

The extensions to ReadStatement and WriteStatement are very simple. It is useful to allow both the readLine() and writeLine() forms of these statements to have empty argument lists, something a little meaningless for the former read() and write() statements. The extensions needed to the code generator and the PVM should be obvious, but it was clear from some submissions that some of you are unfamiliar with the concept of readLine() as a device for ignoring the rest of a line in the data file (not, for heaven's sake, in the grammar!). And while we are at it, let's make the HaltStatement as general as possible.

 *  ReadStatement
 *  = (  "read"     "("   ReadList    ")"
 *     | "readLine" "(" [ ReadList ]  ")"   (.CodeGen.readLine(); .)
 *    )
 *    WEAK ";" .
 *  ReadList
 *  = ReadElement { WEAK "," ReadElement } .
 *  WriteStatement
 *  = (   "write"     "("   WriteList   ")"
 *      | "writeLine" "(" [ WriteList ] ")" (. CodeGen.writeLine(); .)
 *    )
 *    WEAK ";" .
 *  WriteList
 *  = WriteElement { WEAK "," WriteElement } .
 *  HaltStatement                           /* optional arguments! */
 *  = "halt" [ "(" [ WriteList ] ")" ]
 *    WEAK ";"                              (. CodeGen.leaveProgram(); .) .

Task 8 - You had better do this one or else....

The problem, firstly, asked for the addition of an else option to the IfStatement. Adding an else option to the IfStatement efficiently is easy once you see the trick. Note the use of the "no else part" option associated with an action, even in the absence of any terminals or non-terminals. This is a very useful technique to remember.

    IfStatement<StackFrame frame>         (. int count;
                                             Label falseLabel = new Label(!known);
                                             Label outLabel = new Label(!known); .)
    =  "if" "(" Condition ")"             (. CodeGen.branchFalse(falseLabel); .)
 *        Statement<frame>
 *     (   "else"                         (. CodeGen.branch(outLabel);
 *                                 ; .)
 *         Statement<frame>               (.; .)
 *       | /* no else part */             (.; .)
 *     ) .

Many - perhaps most - people in attempting this problem come up with the following sort of thing instead. This can generate BRN instructions where none are needed. Devoid of checking, just to save space:

    IfStatement<StackFrame frame>         (. Label falseLabel = new Label(!known);
                                             Label outLabel = new Label(!known); .)
    =  "if" "(" Condition ")"             (. CodeGen.branchFalse(falseLabel); .)
          Statement<frame>                (. CodeGen.branch(outLabel);
                                   ; .)
       [ "else"  Statement<frame>  ]      (.; .) .

For example, source code like

if (i == 12) k = 56;

leads to object code like

        12    LDA  0
        14    LDV
        15    LDC  12
        17    CEQ
        18    BZE  27
        20    LDA  5
        22    LDC  56
        24    STO
        25    BRN  27        // unnecessary
        27    ....

Tasks 9 and 10 - This has gone on long enough - time for a break, and then continue

The syntax of the BreakStatement and ContinueStatement is, of course, trivial. The catch is that one has to allow these statements only in the context of loops. Trying to find a context-free grammar with this restriction is not worth the effort.

One approach that incorporates context-sensitive checking in conjunction with code generation is based on passing labels as arguments to various subparsers. We change the parser for Statement and for Block as follows:

 *  Statement<StackFrame frame, Label breakLabel, Label continueLabel>
 *  =  SYNC (   Block<frame, breakLabel>
              | ConstDeclarations
              | VarDeclarations<frame>
              | AssignmentStatement
 *            | IfStatement<frame, breakLabel>
              | WhileStatement<frame>
 *            | BreakStatement<breakLabel>
 *            | ContinueStatement<continueLabel>
              | HaltStatement
              | ReturnStatement
              | ReadStatement
              | WriteStatement
              | ";"                       (. if (warnings) Warning("empty statement"); .)
            ) .

 *  Block<StackFrame frame, Label breakLabel, Label continueLabel>
    =                                     (. Table.openScope(); .)
 *        { Statement<frame, breakLabel, continueLabel>
       WEAK "}"                           (. Table.closeScope(); .) .

The very first call to Statement passes null as the value for these labels:

                                               StackFrame frame = new StackFrame();
                                               Label DSPLabel = new Label(known);
                                               CodeGen.openStackFrame(0); .)
 *     WEAK "{" { Statement<frame, null, null> }
       WEAK "}"

The parsers for the statements that are concerned with looping, breaking, and making decisions become

 *  IfStatement<StackFrame frame, Label breakLabel, Label continueLabel>
                                          (. Label falseLabel = new Label(!known);
                                             Label outLabel = new Label(!known); .)
    =  "if" "(" Condition ")"             (. CodeGen.branchFalse(falseLabel); .)
 *       Statement<frame, breakLabel, continueLabel>
 *     (   "else"                         (. CodeGen.branch(outLabel);
 *                                 ; .)
 *         Statement<frame, breaklabel, continueLabel>
 *                                        (.; .)
 *       | /* no else part */             (.; .)
 *     ) .

    WhileStatement<StackFrame frame>      (. Label loopExit  = new Label(!known);
                                             Label loopStart = new Label(known); .)
    =  "while" "(" Condition ")"          (. CodeGen.branchFalse(loopExit); .)
 *     Statement<frame, loopExit, loopStart>
                                          (. CodeGen.branch(loopStart);
                                   ; .) .

    BreakStatement<Label breakLabel>
 *  =  "break"                            (. if (breakLabel == null)
 *                                             SemError("break is not allowed here");
 *                                           else CodeGen.branch(breakLabel); .)
       WEAK ";" .

    ContinueStatement<Label continueLabel>
 *  =  "continue"                         (. if (continueLabel == null)
 *                                             SemError("continue is not allowed here");
 *                                           else CodeGen.branch(continueLabel); .)
       WEAK ";" .

There is at least one other way of solving the problem, which involves using local variables in the parsing methods to "stack" up the old labels, assigning new ones, and then restoring the old ones afterwards.

Task 11 - Some ideas are worse than a snake in the grass

Handling the Python-like multiple assignment statement calls for a modification to the Assignment parser. Essentially the idea is to generate code that will first push a set of destination addresses onto the stack, followed by a matching list of expression values. A special assignment opcode can then arrange to work through the list making the required number of assignments.

    Assignment                            (. int expType;
                                             DesType des;
 *                                           int count = 0;
 *                                           int desCount = 1, expCount = 1;
 *                                           ArrayList<Integer> typeList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); .)
    =    Designator<out des>              (. if (des.entry.kind != Kinds.Var)
                                               SemError("invalid assignment");
 *                                           if (!des.canChange)
 *                                             SemError("may not alter this variable");
 *                                           typeList.add(des.type); .)
 *          { "," Designator<out des>     (. if (des.entry.kind != Kinds.Var)
 *                                             SemError("invalid assignment");
 *                                           if (!des.canChange)
 *                                             SemError("may not alter this variable");
 *                                           typeList.add(des.type);
 *                                           desCount++; .)
 *          }
 *          Expression<out expType>       (. if (count < typeList.size()
 *                                                && !assignable(typeList.get(count++), expType))
 *                                             SemError("incompatible types in assignment"); .)
 *          { "," Expression<out expType> (. if (count < typeList.size()
 *                                                && !assignable(typeList.get(count++), expType))
 *                                              SemError("incompatible types in assignment");
 *                                           expCount++; .)
 *          }                             (. if (expCount != desCount)
 *                                             SemError("left and right counts disagree");
 *                                           CodeGen.assignN(desCount); .)
       WEAK ";" .

Notice the semantic checks to ensure that the numbers of designators and expressions agree, and that the types of the expressions are compatible with the types of the designators. This last check requires that we build up a list of the designator types - and when we examine this list later we must take care to avoid disaster in retrieving more designator types than have been added to the list! Note that not all the assignments have to be of the same "type", which seems to have been overlooked in some of the submissions that attempted this exercise. The code generator routine is simple, but note the special check for the case where there is only one designator and one expression!

    public static void assignN(int n) {
    // Generates code to store n values currently on top-of-stack on the n addresses
    // below these, finally discarding 2*n elements from the stack.
      if (n > 1) { emit(PVM.ston); emit(n); }
      else emit(PVM.sto);

Interpretation is fairly straightforward:

          case PVM.ston:          // store n values at top of stack on addresses below them on stack
            int n = next();
            for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
              mem[mem[cpu.sp + n + i]] = mem[cpu.sp + i]; // do the assignments
                                                          // then bump stack pointer to
            cpu.sp = cpu.sp + 2 * n;                      // discard addresses and values

Task 12 - Your professor is quite a character

To allow for a character type involves one in a lot of straightforward alterations, as well as some more elusive ones and few, if any, submissions were even vaguely correct. in fact, most were pretty terrible, suggesting tha many students had simply not grasped the concept of type and compatibility at all. These are important concepts in compiling, so make sure you study what follows very carefully.

Firstly, we extend the definition of the Types class:

    class Types {
      public static final int
        noType   =  0,             // identifier (and expression) types.  The numbering is
        nullType =  2,             // significant as array types are denoted by these
        intType  =  4,             // numbers + 1
        boolType =  6,
 *      charType =  8,
 *      voidType = 10;
    } // end Types

The Table class requires a similar small change to introduce the new type name needed if the symbol table is to be displayed:

  *  Types.addType("char");

A minor change to the Constant production is needed to allow character literals to be regarded as of the new charType. Most submissions at least got this far:

    Constant<out ConstRec con>            (. con = new ConstRec(); .)
    =   IntConst<out con.value>           (. con.type = Types.intType; .)
 *    | CharConst<out con.value>          (. con.type = Types.charType; .)
      | "true"                            (. con.type = Types.boolType; con.value = 1; .)
      | "false"                           (. con.type = Types.boolType; con.value = 0; .)
      | "null"                            (. con.type = Types.nullType; con.value = 0; .) .

Reading and writing single characters is easy, unless as some submissions did, you just missed this!

                                             DesType des; .)
    =   StringConst<out str>              (. CodeGen.writeStr(str); .)
      | Designator<out des>               (. if (des.entry.kind != Kinds.Var)
                                               SemError("wrong kind of identifier");
 *                                           if (!des.canChange)
 *                                             SemError("may not alter this variable");
                                             switch (des.type) {
                                               case Entry.intType:
                                               case Entry.boolType:
 *                                             case Entry.charType:
                                       ; break;
                                                 SemError("cannot read this type"); break;
                                             } .) .

    WriteElement                          (. int expType;
                                             String str; .)
    =   StringConst<out str>              (. CodeGen.writeStr(str); .)
      | Expression<out expType>           (. switch (expType) {
                                               case Entry.intType:
                                               case Entry.boolType:
 *                                             case Entry.charType:
                                                 CodeGen.write(expType); break;
                                                 SemError("cannot write this type"); break;
                                             } .) .

The associated code generating methods require matching additions:

    public static void read(int type) {
    // Generates code to read a value of specified type
    // and store it at the address found on top of stack
      switch (type) {
        case Types.intType:  emit(PVM.inpi); break;
        case Types.boolType: emit(PVM.inpb); break;
 *      case Types.charType: emit(PVM.inpc); break;

    public static void write(int type) {
    // Generates code to output value of specified type from top of stack
      switch (type) {
        case Types.intType:  emit(PVM.prni); break;
        case Types.boolType: emit(PVM.prnb); break;
 *      case Types.charType: emit(PVM.prnc); break;

The major part of this exercise was concerned with the changes needed to apply various constraints on operands of the char type. Essentially, and annoyingly perhaps, in the C family of languages it is a sort of arithmetic type when this is convenient (this is called "auto-promotion"). Explicitly, it ranks as an arithmetic type, in that expressions of the form

character + character
character > character
character + integer     integer + character
character > integer     integer > character

are all allowable. This can be handled by modifying the helper methods in the parser as follows:

    static boolean isArith(int type) {
 *    return type == Types.intType || type == Types.charType || type == Types.noType;

    static boolean compatible(int typeOne, int typeTwo) {
 *  // Returns true if typeOne is compatible (and comparable for equality) with typeTwo
      return    typeOne == typeTwo
 *           || isArith(typeOne) && isArith(typeTwo)
             || typeOne == Types.noType || typeTwo == Types.noType
             || isArray(typeOne) && typeTwo == Types.nullType
             || isArray(typeTwo) && typeOne == Types.nullType;

The preceding discussion relates to expression compatibility. However, assignment compatibility is more restrictive. Assignments of the form

integer = integer expression
integer = character expression
character = character expression

are allowed, but

character = integer expression

is not allowed. This may be checked with the aid of a further helper method, assignable(). I don't recall any submission making this distinction, preferring to tweak compatible incorrectly.

 *  static boolean assignable(int typeOne, int typeTwo) {
 *  // Returns true if a variable of typeOne may be assigned a value of typeTwo
 *    return    typeOne == typeTwo
 *           || typeOne == Types.intType && typeTwo == Types.charType
 *           || typeOne == Types.noType || typeTwo == Types.noType
 *           || isArray(typeOne) && typeTwo == Types.nullType;
 *  }

The assignable() function call now takes the place of the compatible() function call in the many places in OneVar and AssignmentStatement where, previously, calls to compatible() appeared.

We turn finally to consideration of the changes needed to the various sub-parsers for expressions.

A casting mechanism is introduced to handle the situations where it is necessary explicitly to convert integer values to characters, so that

character = (char) integer

is allowed, and for completeness, so are

integer = (int) character
integer = (char) character
character = (char) character

A great many submissions made the mistake of thinking that a cast can only appear in the context of a simple assignment, that is, restricted to statements like

    char  ch;
    int x, y, z;

    ch = (char) SomeExpression
    ch = (char) x + y + z;  // understood wrongly to "mean"
                            // ch = (char) (x + y + z);  // a character assignment

but that is not the case. Casting applies to a component of an expression, so that the above really "means":

    ch = ((char) x)  + y + z;    // an incorrect integer assignment again
                                 // integer expressions are incompatible with
                                 // character target designators

and as a further example it is quite legal to write

    boolean b = 'A' < (char) (x + (int) 'B') ;

Of course, the C family syntax is crazy (in spite of what some of my colleagues think). It would have been infinitely better to use a notation like

    boolean b = 'A' > char(x + int('B'));

but they would not have been able to do that easily (do you see why? It might be an exam question; you never know my devious mind).

To get it right requires that casting be handled within the Primary production, which has to be factored to deal with the potential LL(1) trap in distinguishing between components of the form "(" "char" ")" and "(" Expression ")":

Casting operations are accompanied by a type check and a type conversion; the (char) cast also introduces the generation of run-time code for checking that the integer value to be converted lies within range.

    Primary<out int type>                 (. type = Types.noType;
                                             int size;
                                             DesType des;
                                             ConstRec con; .)
    =    Designator<out des>              (. type = des.type;
                                             switch (des.entry.kind) {
                                               case Kinds.Var:
                                               case Kinds.Con:
                                                 SemError("wrong kind of identifier");
                                             } .)
       | Constant<out con>                (. type = con.type;
                                             CodeGen.loadConstant(con.value); .)
       | "new" BasicType<out type>        (. type++; .)
         "[" Expression<out size>         (. if (!isArith(size))
                                               SemError("array size must be integer");
                                             CodeGen.allocate(); .)

 *     | "("
 *       (   "char" ")"
 *           Factor<out type>             (. if (!isArith(type))
 *                                             SemError("invalid cast");
 *                                           else type = Types.charType;
 *                                           CodeGen.castToChar(); .)
 *         | "int" ")"
 *           Factor<out type>             (. if (!isArith(type))
 *                                             SemError("invalid cast");
 *                                           else type = Types.intType; .)
 *         | Expression<out type> ")"
 *       ) .

Strictly speaking the above grammar departs slightly from the Java version, where the casting operator is regarded as weaker than the parentheses around an Expression, but in practice it makes little difference.

Various of the other productions need modification. The presence of an arithmetic operator correctly placed between character or integer operands must result in the sub-expression so formed being of integer type (and never of character type). So, for example:

     AddExp<out int type>                       (. int type2;
                                                   int op; .)
     =  MultExp<out type>
        { AddOp<out op>
          MultExp<out type2>                    (. if (!isArith(type) || !isArith(type2)) {
                                                     SemError("arithmetic operands needed");
                                                     type = Types.noType;
 *                                                 else type = Types.intType;
                                                   CodeGen.binaryOp(op); .)

Similarly a prefix + or - operator applied to an integer or character Factor creates a new factor of integer type (see full solution for details).

The extra code generation method we need is as follows:

    public static void castToChar() {
    // Generates code to check that TOS is within the range of the character type
    } // CodeGen.castToChar

and within the switch statement of the emulator method we need:

    case PVM.i2c:           // check convert character to integer
      if (mem[cpu.sp] < 0 || mem[cpu.sp] > maxChar) ps = badVal;

The interpreter has another opcode for checked storage of characters, but if the i2c opcodes are inserted correctly it appears that we do not really need stoc:

    case PVM.stoc:          // character checked store
      tos = pop(); adr = pop();
      if (inBounds(adr))
        if (tos >= 0 && tos <= maxChar) mem[adr] = tos;
        else ps = badVal;

Task 13 - Absolutely, yes, ja, yebo ...

Add a simple abs function to the expression grammar (take care to get the precedence and semantic checking correct, as it is trivial to add it to the grammar. The code generator and PVM will need some simple extensions too, of course.

           i = abs(-24),
           j = abs(abs(i) * abs(-24 * i));

Once again, this is all easily achieved by additions to the options in the Primary production. Note the auto-promotion to integer type regardless. Do you suppose one should promote to noType instead?

       | "abs"
          "(" Expression<out type>             (. if (!isArith(type))
                                                    SemError("Arithmetic argument needed");
                                                  type = Types.intType;
                                                  CodeGen.abs(); .)

The code generator is easily extended

    public static void abs() {
    // Generates code to leave abs(tos) on top of stack
    } // CodeGen.abs

and the PVM is extended to have another option in the emulator for the max operation and a similar one (not shown) for the min operation.

    case PVM.abs:           // replace TOS by its absolute value
      if (mem[cpu.sp] < 0) mem[cpu.sp] = - mem[cpu.sp];

Task 14 - What are we doing this for?

This exercise suggested adding a simple Pascal-style ForStatement to Parva, to allow statements whose concrete syntax is defined by

    ForStatement = "for" Ident "=" Expression ("to" | "downto") Expression Statement .

The problem as posed already suggested part of a solution. Pascal was a much "safer" language than C, and the semantics of the Pascal-style ForStatement are better described as follows. The statements

         for Control = Expression1 to Expression2  Statement 
         for Control = Expression1 downto Expression2  Statement 

should be regarded as more closely equivalent to

           Temp1 := Expression1                             Temp1 := Expression1
           Temp2 := Expression2                             Temp2 := Expression2
           IF Temp1 > Temp2 THEN GOTO EXIT                  IF Temp1 < Temp2 THEN GOTO EXIT
           Control := Temp1;                                Control := Temp1;
    BODY:  Statement                                 BODY:  Statement
           IF Control = Temp2 THEN GOTO EXIT                IF Control = Temp2 THEN GOTO EXIT
           Control := Control + 1                           Control := Control - 1
           GOTO BODY                                        GOTO BODY
    EXIT:                                            EXIT:

These arrangements can be handled by the following parsing method

    ForStatement<StackFrame frame>        (. int expType;
                                             boolean savedCanChange;
                                             Label loopBody = new Label(!known);
                                             Label loopExit = new Label(!known);
                                             Label loopContinue = new Label(!known);
                                             String name; .)
    =  "for" Ident<out name>              (. Entry var = Table.find(name);
                                             if (!var.declared)
                                               SemError("undeclared identifier");
                                             if (var.kind != Kinds.Var)
                                               SemError("illegal control variable");
                                             if (!var.canChange)
                                               SemError("may not alter this variable");
                                             if (!isArith(var.type))
                                               SemError("control variable must be of arithmetic type");
                                             savedCanChange = var.canChange;
                                             var.canChange = false; .)
         Expression<out expType>          (. if (!assignable(var.type, expType))
                                               SemError("incompatible with control variable");
                                             boolean up = true; .)
       ( "to" | "downto"                  (. up = false; .)
       ) Expression<out expType>          (. if (!assignable(var.type, expType))
                                               SemError("incompatible with control variable");
                                             CodeGen.startForLoop(up, loopExit);
                                   ; .)
         Statement<frame, loopExit, loopContinue>
                                             CodeGen.endForLoop(up, loopBody);
                                             var.canChange = savedCanChange;
                                             CodeGen.pop(3); .) .

The code generation routines, as usual, are quite simple:

    public static void startForLoop(boolean up, Label destination) {
    // Generates prologue test for a for loop (either up or down)
      if (up) emit(PVM.sfu); else emit(PVM.sfd);
    } // CodeGen.startForLoop

    public static void endForLoop(boolean up, Label destination) {
    // Generates epilogue test and increment/decrement for a for loop (either up or down)
      if (up) emit(PVM.efu); else emit(PVM.efd);
    } // CodeGen.endForLoop

    public static void pop(int n) {
    // Generates code to discard top n elements from the stack
      emit(PVM.dsp); emit(-n);
    } // CodeGen.pop

but the magic that makes this work is contained in the interpreter with opcodes that are probably more complex than others you have seen to this point:

    case PVM.sfu:           // start for loop "to"
      if (mem[cpu.sp + 1] > mem[cpu.sp]) cpu.pc = mem[cpu.pc];  // goto exit
      else {
        mem[mem[cpu.sp + 2]] = mem[cpu.sp + 1]; cpu.pc++;       // assign to control
    case PVM.sfd:           // start for loop "downto"          // goto exit
      if (mem[cpu.sp + 1] < mem[cpu.sp]) cpu.pc = mem[cpu.pc];
      else {
        mem[mem[cpu.sp + 2]] = mem[cpu.sp + 1]; cpu.pc++;       // assign to control
    case PVM.efu:           // end for loop "to"
      if (mem[mem[cpu.sp + 2]] == mem[cpu.sp]) cpu.pc++;        // loop complete
      else {
        mem[mem[cpu.sp + 2]]++; cpu.pc = mem[cpu.pc];           // increment control
    case PVM.efd:           // end for loop "downto"
      if (mem[mem[cpu.sp + 2]] == mem[cpu.sp]) cpu.pc++;        // loop complete
      else {
        mem[mem[cpu.sp + 2]]--; cpu.pc = mem[cpu.pc];           // decrement control


Task 15 - Make the change; enjoy life; upgrade now to Parva++ (Ta-ra!)

It might not at first have been obvious, but I had fondly hoped that everyone eventually saw that this extension is handled at the initial level by clever modifications to the AssignmentStatement production, which has to be factorized in such a way as to avoid LL(1) conflicts. (alas, I was wrong again. Didn't we discuss this very point in lectures and in prac 21?) The code below handles this task (including the tests for compatibility and for the designation of variables rather than constants that several students omitted) by assuming the existence of a few new machine opcodes, as suggested in the textbook.

    Assignment                            (. int expType;
                                             DesType des;
 *                                           boolean inc = true;
 *                                           int count = 0;
 *                                           int desCount = 1, expCount = 1;
 *                                           ArrayList<Integer> typeList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); .)
    =    Designator<out des>              (. if (des.entry.kind != Kinds.Var)
                                               SemError("invalid assignment");
 *                                           if (!des.canChange)
 *                                             SemError("may not alter this variable");
 *                                           typeList.add(des.type); .)
 *          { "," Designator<out des>     (. if (des.entry.kind != Kinds.Var)
 *                                             SemError("invalid assignment");
 *                                           if (!des.canChange)
 *                                             SemError("may not alter this variable");
 *                                           typeList.add(des.type);
 *                                           desCount++; .)
 *          }
 *          Expression<out expType>       (. if (count < typeList.size()
 *                                                && !assignable(typeList.get(count++), expType))
 *                                             SemError("incompatible types in assignment"); .)
 *          { "," Expression<out expType> (. if (count < typeList.size()
 *                                                && !assignable(typeList.get(count++), expType))
 *                                              SemError("incompatible types in assignment");
 *                                            expCount++; .)
 *          }                             (. if (expCount != desCount)
 *                                             SemError("left and right counts disagree");
 *                                            CodeGen.assignN(desCount); .)
 *       |   ( "++" | "-"                 (. inc = false; .)
 *           )                            (. if (!isArith(des.type))
 *                                             SemError("arithmetic type needed");
 *                                           CodeGen.incOrDec(inc, des.type); .) .
      |  ( "++" | "--"                    (. inc = false; .)
         ) Designator<out des>            (. if (des.entry.kind != Kinds.Var)
                                               SemError("variable designator required");
                                             if (!des.canChange)
                                               SemError("may not alter this variable");
                                             if (!isArith(des.type))
                                               SemError("arithmetic type required");
                                             if (des.isSimple)
                                             CodeGen.incOrDec(inc, des.type); .)
       WEAK ";" .

The extra code generation routine is straightforward, but note that we should cater for characters specially

    public static void incOrDec(boolean inc, int type) {
    // Generates code to increment the value found at the address currently
    // stored at the top of the stack.
    // If necessary, apply character range check
 *    if (type == Types.charType) emit(inc ? PVM.incc : PVM.decc);
 *    else emit(inc ? : PVM.dec);

As usual, the extra opcodes in the PVM make all this easy to achieve at run time. Some submissions might have forgotten to include the check that the address was "in bounds". I suppose one could argue that if the source program were correct, then the addresses could not go out of bounds, but if the interpreter were to be used in conjunction with a rather less fussy assembler (as we had in earlier practicals) it would make sense to be cautious.

    case           // int ++
      adr = pop();
      if (inBounds(adr)) mem[adr]++;
    case PVM.dec:           // int --
      adr = pop();
      if (inBounds(adr)) mem[adr]--;
    case PVM.incc:          // char ++
      adr = pop();
      if (inBounds(adr))
        if (mem[adr] < maxChar) mem[adr]++;
        else ps = badVal;
    case PVM.decc:          // char --
      adr = pop();
      if (inBounds(adr))
        if (mem[adr] > 0) mem[adr]--;
        else ps = badVal;

Task 14 - An Alternative for, for which I am grateful

Every year some students come up with alternatve solutions to my own which have distinct merit. So it was that this year Trevor Chikambura and Courtney Pitcher tried to implement the for statement rather more directly in terms of the suggested semantics:

           Temp1 := Expression1                             Temp1 := Expression1
           Temp2 := Expression2                             Temp2 := Expression2
           IF Temp1 > Temp2 THEN GOTO EXIT                  IF Temp1 < Temp2 THEN GOTO EXIT
           Control := Temp1;                                Control := Temp1;
    BODY:  Statement                                 BODY:  Statement
           IF Control = Temp2 THEN GOTO EXIT                IF Control = Temp2 THEN GOTO EXIT
           Control := Control + 1                           Control := Control - 1
           GOTO BODY                                        GOTO BODY
    EXIT:                                            EXIT:

Their solution was not quite complete, but here are their ideas cleaned up a little, and this will be added, with acknowledgement, to the archive I have built up of happy times spent with CSC 301.

// Variation based on submission by Courtney Pitcher and Trevor Chikambura, 2014

  FORStatement<StackFrame frame>             (. int expType;
                                                boolean savedCanChange;
                                                Label loopStart = new Label(!known);
                                                Label loopExit  = new Label(!known);
                                                Label loopContinue = new Label(!known);
                                                String name; .)
  =  "FOR" Ident<out name>                   (. Entry var = Table.find(name);
                                                if (!var.declared)
                                                  SemError("undeclared identifier");
                                                if (var.kind != Kinds.Var)
                                                  SemError("illegal control variable");
                                                if (!var.canChange)
                                                  SemError("may not alter this variable");
                                                if (!IsArith(var.type))
                                                  SemError("control variable must be of arithmetic type");
                                                savedCanChange = var.canChange;
                                                var.canChange = false; .)
       AssignOp Expression<out expType>      (. if (!assignable(var.type, expType))
                                                  SemError("incompatible with control variable");
                                                boolean up = true; .)
     ( "to" | "downto"                       (. up = false; .)
     ) Expression<out expType>               (. if (!assignable(var.type, expType))
                                                  SemError("incompatible with control variable");
                                      ; .)
       Statement<frame, loopExit, loopContinue>
                                             (. loopContinue.Here();
                                                CodeGen.incOrDec(up, var.type);
                                                var.canChange = savedCanChange;
                                                CodeGen.pop(2); .) .

This solution relies on the presence of four new opcodes:

          case PVM.sto2:          // store sos on address found on top of stack (do not pop the value)
            adr = Pop();
            if (InBounds(adr)) mem[adr] = mem[cpu.sp + 1];

          case PVM.cfu:           // check whether a "to" for loop will execute at least once
            Push(mem[cpu.sp + 1] <= mem[cpu.sp] ? 1 : 0);

          case           // check whether a "downto" for loop will execute at least once
            Push(mem[cpu.sp + 1] >= mem[cpu.sp] ? 1 : 0);

          case PVM.ckfin:         // check whther a for loop has completed all iterations
            Push(Pop() != mem[cpu.sp] ? 1 : 0);

and by now you should be able to predict the simple modifications needed to the code generator!

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