Computer Science 3 - 2015

Programming Language Translation

Practical 6 for week beginning 5 October 2015

Hand in your solutions to this practical before lunch time on your next practical day, correctly packaged in a transparent folder with your cover and individual assessment sheets. Please do NOT come to a practical and spend the first hour printing or completing solutions from the previous week's exercises. Since the practical will have been done on a group basis, please hand in one copy of the cover sheet for each member of the group. These will be returned to you in due course, signed by the marker. Please make it clear whose folder you have used for the electronic submission, for example g13A9876 Please resist the temptation to carve up the practical, with each group member only doing one task. The group experience is best when you work on tasks together.


Ja, well, no, fine. All you folks who thought this was a bit of a jorl so far, or have been thinking that IS pracs can take preference - think again. In this practical you are to

You will need this prac sheet and your text book. As usual, copies of the prac sheet are also available at You might also like to consult the web page at for some useful tips on using Coco.


When you have completed this practical you should understand

To hand in:

This week you are required to hand in, besides the cover sheets (one per group member):

I do NOT require listings of any Java code produced by Coco/R.

Keep the prac sheet and your solutions until the end of the semester. Check carefully that your mark has been entered into the Departmental Records.

You are referred to the rules for practical submission which are clearly stated in our Departmental Handbook. However, for this course pracs must be posted in the "hand-in" box outside the laboratory and not given to demonstrators.

A rule not stated there, but which should be obvious, is that you are not allowed to hand in another group's or student's work as your own. Attempts to do this will result in (at best) a mark of zero and (at worst) severe disciplinary action and the loss of your DP. You are allowed - even encouraged - to work and study with other students, but if you do this you are asked to acknowledge that you have done so. You are expected to be familiar with the University Policy on Plagiarism, which you can consult on the university website.

Task 1 - creating a working directory and unpacking the prac kit

There are several files that you need, zipped up this week in the file PRAC6.ZIP.

Task 2 - A simple calculator

In the kit you will find Calc.atg. This is an attributed grammar for a simple four function calculator that can store values in any of 26 memory locations, inspiringly named A through Z.

  using Library;

  /* Simple four function calculator with 26 memory cells
     P.D. Terry, Rhodes University, 2015 */

    static double[] mem = new double[26];

    digit      = "0123456789" .

    Number     = digit { digit } [ "." { digit } ] .
    Variable   = letter .

  IGNORE CHR(0) .. CHR(31)

    Calc                               (. int index = 0; double value = 0.0;
                                          for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) mem[i] = 0.0; .)
    = { Variable                       (. index = token.val[0] - 'A'; .)
        "=" Expression<out value>      (. mem[index] = value;
                                          IO.WriteLine(value); .)
      } EOF .

    Expression<out double expVal>      (. double expVal1 = 0.0; .)
    = Term<out expVal>
      {   "+" Term<out expVal1>        (. expVal += expVal1; .)
        | "-" Term<out expVal1>        (. expVal -= expVal1; .)
      } .

    Term<out double termVal>           (. double termVal1 = 0.0; .)
    = Factor<out termVal>
      {   "*" Factor<out termVal1>     (. termVal *= termVal1; .)
        | "/" Factor<out termVal1>     (. termVal /= termVal1; .)
      } .

    Factor<out double factVal>         (. factVal = 0.0; .)
    =   Number                         (. try {
                                            factVal = Convert.ToDouble(token.val);
                                          } catch (Exception) {
                                            factVal = 0; SemError("number out of range");
                                          } .)
      | Variable                       (. int index = token.val[0] - 'A';
                                          factVal = mem[index]; .)
      | "(" Expression<out factVal> ")"

  END Calc.

Start off by studying this grammar carefully, and then making and executing the program.

Use Coco/R to generate and then compile source for a complete calculator. You do this most simply by

cmake CALC

A command like

Calc calc.txt

will run the program Calc and try to parse the file calc.txt, sending error messages to the screen. Giving the command in the form

Calc calc.bad -L

will send an error listing to the file listing.txt, which might be more convenient. Try this out.

Task 3 - A better calculator

Make the following extensions to the system:

Task 4 - Internet, anyone?

(This task is based on a problem set in an examination some years back. In the examination, candidates were given the basic grammar and asked to suggest the actions that had to be added.)

As you should be aware, IP addresses as used in Internet communication are typically expressed in "dotted quad" form, as exemplified by The IP address actually represents a 32 bit integer; the four numbers in the quadruple corresponding to successive 8 bit components of this integer. For humans, machine addressing is usually more memorable when expressed in "DNS" format, as exemplified by Some systems maintain tables of matching addresses, for example
       #comments appear like this

When we moved our CS and IS departments to new premises in Hamilton on the famous 9/11 in 2001, a decision was made to rename and uniquely renumber all the many machines in our possession. Our system administrators tried to draw up a table like the one above, which was then merged with the existing table in the IT division. Unfortunately, a few mistakes were made, which caused havoc until they were ironed out. For example, there were lines reading
     #invalid IP address     #non-unique IP address

The ATG files below show how Coco/R might be used to develop a system that would enable a file in this format to be checked quickly, and the errors identified. One shows how parameters may be passed between parsing methods, and the other how static variables in the parser class may be accessed from several methods:

  using Library;
  using System.Collections.Generic;

  // Put your names and a description here
  // This version uses parameters


    digit   = "0123456789" .
    letter  = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" .
    eol     = CHR(10) .

    number = digit { digit } .
    name   = letter { letter | digit | "." | "-" } .


  IGNORE CHR(0) .. CHR(31)

    Check3                        (. List<int> IPList = new List<int> (); .)
    { Entry<IPList> }
    EOF                           (. if (Successful()) IO.WriteLine("all correct"); .)

    Entry<. List<int> IPL .>
    = IPNumber<IPL> name .

    IPNumber<. List<int> IPL .>
    =                             (. int n, m; .)
    Number<out n>
    "." Number<out m>             (. n = 256 * n + m; .)
    "." Number<out m>             (. n = 256 * n + m; .)
    "." Number<out m>             (. n = 256 * n + m;
                                     if (IPL.Contains(n)) SemError("duplicate IP number");
                                     else IPL.Add(n); .)

    Number<out int n>
    =  number                     (. try {
                                       n = Convert.ToInt32(token.val);
                                     } catch (Exception) {
                                       n = 256;
                                     if (n > 255) SemError("number too large"); .)

  END Check3.


  using Library;
  using System.Collections.Generic;

  // Put your names and a description here
  // This version uses a static List, but no parameters

  static List<int> IPList = new List<int> ();


    digit   = "0123456789" .
    letter  = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" .
    eol     = CHR(10) .

    number = digit { digit } .
    name   = letter { letter | digit | "." | "-" } .


  IGNORE CHR(0) .. CHR(31)

    { Entry }
    EOF                           (. if (Successful()) IO.WriteLine("all correct"); .)

    = IPNumber name .

    =                             (. int n, m; .)
    Number<out n>
    "." Number<out m>             (. n = 256 * n + m; .)
    "." Number<out m>             (. n = 256 * n + m; .)
    "." Number<out m>             (. n = 256 * n + m;
                                     if (IPList.Contains(n)) SemError("duplicate IP number");
                                     else IPList.Add(n); .)

    Number<out int n>
    =  number                     (. try {
                                       n = Convert.ToInt32(token.val);
                                     } catch (Exception) {
                                       n = 256;
                                     if (n > 255) SemError("number too large"); .)

  END Check4.

Start off by studying these grammars carefully, and then making and executing the program.

As before, you should be able to use Coco/R to generate and then compile source for an application like this, as exemplified by

cmake Check3 or cmake Check4

A command like

Check3 ipdata.txt

will run the program Check3 and try to parse the file ipdata.txt, sending error messages to the screen. Giving the command in the form

Check4 ipdata.txt -L

will send an error listing to the file listing.txt, which might be more convenient.

Task 5 Extending the application

As you may know, multiple names may be given to a host (associated with one IP number) on the Internet. On the basis that we might wish to do this for the computers in our building, but still only assign each name once, extend the application so that it might react sensibly to data of a form exemplified below.

       #comments appear like this
                         #alternative name
                     #and yet another name
       #invalid - name already used

               #invalid - name already used
     #invalid IP address

     # non-unique IP address

Hint: This is not hard to do. Use the List class to create two different lists.

Task 6 - An assembler for the PVM

Warning: This is an extended exercise. Please complete it, as by so doing you should learn a great deal.

On pages 141 - 144 of the text you will find a discussion of how Coco/R can be used to write a simple assembler for PVM code that allows for named labels to be introduced and then used as the targets of branch instructions (don't you wish you had been able to use this when you did Practical 2?)

The code for such a system is supplied in the prac kit. This includes a familiar PVM interpreter that is invoked after successful assembly, and which handles the extended opcode set from Prac 2. As usual, you can build it with the command

cmake Assem

after which a command like

Assem fact1.pvm

will execute the assembler/interpreter.

There are several simple PVM programs in the prac kit, so experiment with them. When you have had your fun, extend this system so that it will allow you to

Hints: Before trying to hack out a solution, spend some time studying the grammar as supplied and the source of the support classes that you can find in the Assem\Table.cs file.

This system also makes use of the List class, which by now you should have realised, is a handy one for building simple lists of objects of any convenient type in an array-like structure which will adjust its size as appropriate. It is suggested that the use of the List class is adequate for storing the symbol tables - the lists of labels and variables used in the program being assembled.

Do test your system out thoroughly. There are simple variations on the factorial program that you might have met in an earlier prac in files named fact1.pvm through fact4.pvm, and it is easy to invent further examples of your own. But try it out on very simple examples to begin with!


(a) It is a good idea to add to the basic Driver.frame file, and from this to create a customized Assem.frame file, which among other things can will allow the parser to direct output to a new file whose name is derived from the input file name by a change of extension. This has been done for you in the file Assem.frame.

(b) You should explore the use of the SemError and Warning facilities (see page 137) for placing error and other messages in the listing file at the point where you detect that users need a firm hand!

(c) You can limit your escape sequence handling to \n \t \f \" and \'.

Something to think about (In this case, however, you do not have to code it up, because we may do something like that next week): Suppose someone were to suggest to you that a more sophisticated assembler system might try automatically to substitute one-word opcodes like LDC_3 for the two-word opcodes like LDC 3 that a user might have used. Would this be a good idea? How could it be implemented?

Task 7 - A cross reference generator for your assembler

A cross reference generator for the PVM assembly language would be a program that analyses a PVM assembler program and prints a list of the variables and labels in it, along with the line numbers where the identifiers were found. A cross reference listing can be extremely useful when you are asked to maintain very big programs. Such a listing, for a factorial program like

            DSP    3              ; arg is v0, nFact is v1, i is v2
            LDC    1
            STL    arg            ; arg = 1;
    WHILE1: LDL    arg
            LDC    20             ; // max = 20, constant
            CLE                   ; while (arg <= max) {
            BZE    EXIT1
            LDC    1
            STL    nFact          ;   nFact = 1;
            LDL    arg
            STL    i              ;   i = arg;
    WHILE2: LDL    i
            LDC    0
            CGT                   ;   while (i > 0) {
            BZE    EXIT2
            LDL    nFact
            LDL    i
            STL    nFact          ;     nFact = nFact * i;
            LDL    i
            LDC    1
            STL    i              ;     i = i = 1;
            BRN    WHILE2         ;   }
    EXIT2:  LDL    0
            PRNI                  ;   write(arg);
            PRNS   "! = "         ;   write("! = ");
            LDL    nFact
            PRNI                  ;   write(nFact);
            PRNL                  ;   writeLine();
            LDA    arg
            INC                   ;   arg++;
            BRN    WHILE1         ; }
    EXIT3:  HALT

might look like this (where a negative number denotes the line where the label was "defined"):


    while1     (defined)      -6   35
    exit1      (defined)       9  -36
    while2     (defined)     -14   26
    exit2      (defined)      17  -27
    exit3      (defined)     -37


    arg       - offset  0     5    6   12   33
    nfact     - offset  1    11   18   21   30
    i         - offset  2    13   14   19   22   25

Modify the Assem.atg grammar, Assem.frame and Table.cs to provide the necessary support to be able to generate such a listing.

Hints: Hopefully this will turn out to be a lot easier than it at first appears. The LabelEntry class can be modified to incorporate a list of references to line numbers, and a simple method can be used to add to this list where necessary.

      class LabelEntry {

        public string name;
        public Label label;
 #      public List<Int32> refs = null;

 #      public LabelEntry(string name, Label label, int lineNumber) {
  = name;
          this.label = label;
 #        this.refs  = new List<Int32>();
 #        this.refs.Add(lineNumber);

 #      public void AddReference(int lineNumber) {
 #        this.refs.Add(lineNumber);
 #      } // AddReference

      } // end LabelEntry

Similarly, it is not hard to add a method to the LabelTable class that can display these numbers at the end of assembly. Furthermore, much the same strategy applies to the list of variables.

Finally, with a bit of thought you should be able to see that there are, in fact, very few places where the grammar has to be attributed further to construct these tables. When you have thought about the implications of that hint, check out your ideas with a tutor, so as not to spend fruitless hours writing far more code than you need.

Task 8 - A pretty-printer for PVM assembler code

A pretty-printer is a "compiler" that takes a source program and "translates" the source into the same language. That probably does not sound very useful! However, the "object code" is formatted neatly and consistently, according to some simple conventions, making it far easier for humans to understand.

An example should clarify. Presented with an input file reading

    ; Demonstrate division by zero
          LDC 100
              LDC          0    ; push 0
        DIV   ; divide
               HALT   ; terminate

a pretty printer might generate output with the fields in fixed widths, for example:

                   ; Demonstrate division by zero
         LDC  100
         LDC  0    ; push 0
         DIV       ; divide
         HALT      ; terminate

Extend your assembler so as to incorporate a pretty-printer for PVM assembler code, as well as compiling it down to "real" PVM code ready for interpretation.

A starting point is to enhance the grammar with actions that simply write each terminal as it is parsed, intermingled with actions that insert line feeds and spaces at appropriate points.


(a) One minor complication is that you cannot now ignore comments, but fortunately PVM comments are very simply defined as tokens and can only appear in fixed positions.

(b) Now the Assem.atg grammar in the kit, like the one in the text, has a description of the statements of the language, including

         COMMENTS FROM "{" TO "}"
         COMMENTS FROM ";" TO lf

         IGNORE CHR(9) .. CHR(13)

           Assem     = "ASSEM" "BEGIN" { Statement } "END" "." .
           Statement = OneWord | TwoWord | WriteString | Label | Branch .

which might intrigue you - you may not have noticed that a Label is treated as a statement! (How on earth does that work?) But, if you are to retain comments, you might need to work more on the lines of

           lf = CHR(10) .

           Comment = ";" { printable }
           EOL = lf .

         IGNORE CHR(9) .. CHR(13) - lf

           Assem     = "ASSEM" "BEGIN" { Statement } "END" "." .
           Statement = [ Label ] [ OneWord | TwoWord | WriteString | Branch ] [ Comment ]  EOL .

(c) Does this cater for completely blank lines?

(d) Remember that the library routines provided for your use allow for the field width to be specified as a second argument, for example

         int i = 12;
         output.Write(i, 15);       // writes 12 right-justified in a field of 15 characters
         output.Write(2 * i, -8);   // writes 24 left-justified in a field of 8 characters.

(e) On page 131 there is a discussion of how one may write a production that associates an action with an empty option, and you may find this very useful. For example, we might have a section of grammar that amounts to

A = B [ C ] D .

which might sometimes be suitably attributed

A = B [
C (. action when C is present .)
] D .

while in other situations we might prefer or need

A = B ( C (. action when C is present .)
| (. action when C is absent .)
) D .

This might make you think back to an earlier tutorial, where I pointed out that sometimes one might write a nullable component of a grammar like { Something } as [ Something { Something } ].

Task 9 - (Bonus question) Outperform the Emeritus Professor

I have often mentioned how much I enjoy it when students come up with better ideas than I have had. The kit contains suggestions and skeleton code for creating two symbol tables - one for labels and one for variables. As experts in Object Oriented Programming (OOP) you may think this is really a bit silly, and as with the high-level Parva2ToCSharp exercise a few weeks ago, "not the sort of code we would write". Surely we could set up some sort of base classes and inherit from these and come up with code that is much more elegant? Remember the Golden Rule - Make it as simple as you can, but no simpler.

If you have time, show me how to do it (that is, when you hand in your solution, let it incorporate this suggestion in the most elegant way possible, don't waffle on!) Extra marks if you try this, and a lollipop and two free entry passes to DJ Pat's forthcoming retro-disco for the best solution.

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