Computer Science 3 - 2016

Programming Language Translation

Practical for Week 2, beginning 25 July 2016 - Solutions

There were some very good solutions submitted, and some energetic ones too - clearly a lot of students had put in many hours developing their code. This is very encouraging, but there was also evidence of "sharing" out the tasks, not really working together a proper group, and not developing an interpreter that was up to the later tasks. And do learn to put your names into the introductory comments of programs that you write.

Full source for the solutions summarized here can be found in the ZIP file on the servers - PRAC2A.ZIP

Task 3 involved reading some Parva code for a simple algorithm and then adding suitable commentary. It is highly recommended that you adopt the style shown below, where the higher level code acts as commentary, rather than adopting a line by line explanation of each mnemonic/opcode.

   0   DSP      3     ; v0 is x, v1 is y, v2 is z
   2   PRNS     "   X     Y     Z     X OR !Y AND Z\n"
   4   LDA      0     ;
   6   LDC      0     ;                                46   LDA      2      ;
   8   STO            ; x = false;                     48   LDA      2      ;
   9   LDA      1     ; repeat                         50   LDV             ;
  11   LDC      0     ;                                51   NOT             ;
  13   STO            ;   y = false;                   52   STO             ;         z = ! z;
  14   LDA      2     ;   repeat                       53   LDA      2      ;
  16   LDC      0     ;                                55   LDV             ;
  18   STO            ;     z = false;                 56   NOT             ;       until (!z);
  19   LDA      0     ;       repeat                   57   BZE      19     ;
  21   LDV            ;                                59   LDA      1      ;
  22   PRNB           ;         write(x);              61   LDA      1      ;
  23   LDA      1     ;                                63   LDV             ;
  25   LDV            ;                                64   NOT             ;
  26   PRNB           ;         write(y);              65   STO             ;       y = !y;
  27   LDA      2     ;                                66   LDA      1      ;
  29   LDV            ;         write(z);              68   LDV             ;
  30   PRNB           ;                                69   NOT             ;
  31   LDA      0     ;;;                              70   BZE      14     ;     until (!y);
  33   LDV            ;;;                              72   LDA      0      ;
  34   LDA      1     ;;;                              74   LDA      0      ;
  36   LDV            ;;;     not(y)                   76   LDV             ;
  37   NOT            ;;;                              77   NOT             ;
  38   LDA      2     ;;;                              78   STO             ;     x = !x;
  40   LDV            ;;;                              79   LDA      0      ;
  41   AND            ;;;     (not y and z)            81   LDV             ;
  42   OR             ;;;      x or (not y and z)      82   NOT             ;
  43   PRNB           ;         write(x || !y && z);   83   BZE      9      ;   intil (!x);
  44   PRNS     "\n"  ;         write("\n");           85   HALT            ;

It is easy to see that this does not use short circuit evaluation of Boolean expressions, as it uses AND and OR, which are infix operators that requires their two operands both to have been evaluated and pushed onto the expression stack. However, it is easy to eliminate the AND and OR by introducing "jumping code" as it is sometimes called. We rely on the idea that for short-circuit semantics to hold we can write the following logical identities:

         x AND y ≡  if x  then y    else false
         x OR y  ≡  if x  then true else y                                   ...

If we apply them to an analysis of the suggested test function we get

         x OR (NOT y  AND z)   ≡  if x  then true    else ( NOT y AND z )
                               ≡  if x  then true    else ( if NOT y then z   else false)

The code that must be executed has to leave the truth value of x or !y and z on the top of the stack according to the little algorithm shown here thus becomes (see highlighted words 31 through 53).

Admittedly this has more code (22 words) than the binary operator code in the origina (12 words). However, short-circuited Boolean evalueations is so much better that it is worth developing special opcodes to achieve it, as we shall see later in the course.

   0   DSP     3      ; v0 is x, v1 is y, v2 is z
   2   PRNS    "   X     Y     Z     X OR !Y AND Z\n"  51   LDC     0       ;;;     else push (false)
   4   LDA     0      ;                                53   PRNB            ;;;     write(x || !y && z);
   6   LDC     0      ;                                54   PRNS    "\n"    ;       write("\n");
   8   STO            ; x = false;                     56   LDA     2       ;
   9   LDA     1      ; repeat                         58   LDA     2       ;
  11   LDC     0      ;                                60   LDV             ;
  13   STO            ;   y = false;                   61   NOT             ;
  14   LDA     2      ;   repeat                       62   STO             ;       z = ! z;
  16   LDC     0      ;                                63   LDA     2       ;
  18   STO            ;     z = false;                 65   LDV             ;
  19   LDA     0      ;     repeat                     66   NOT             ;     until (!z);
  21   LDV            ;                                67   BZE     19      ;
  22   PRNB           ;       write(x);                69   LDA     1       ;
  23   LDA     1      ;                                71   LDA     1       ;
  25   LDV            ;                                73   LDV             ;
  26   PRNB           ;       write(y);                74   NOT             ;
  27   LDA     2      ;                                75   STO             ;     y = !y;
  29   LDV            ;       write(z);                76   LDA     1       ;
  30   PRNB           ;                                78   LDV             ;
  31   LDA     0      ;;;                              79   NOT             ;
  33   LDV            ;;;     (x?)                     80   BZE     14      ;   until (!y);
  34   BZE    40      ;;;     if x false goto 40       82   LDA     0       ;
  36   LDC     1      ;;;     then push (true)         84   LDA     0       ;
  38   BRN    53      ;;;     and short circuit        86   LDV             ;
  40   LDA     1      ;;;                              87   NOT             ;
  42   LDV            ;;;     (y?)                     88   STO             ;   x = !x;
  43   NOT            ;;;     (!y)                     89   LDA     0       ;
  44   BZE    51      ;;;     if (false) short circuit 91   LDV             ;
  46   LDA     2      ;;;                              92   NOT             ;
  48   LDV            ;;;     (z)                      93   BZE     9       ; until (!x);
  49   BRN    53      ;;;     z nails it - push z      95   HALT            ;

It is possible to manipulate these logical expressions to make for an even shorter solution, and you might like to puzzle out how this can be done.

Task 4 - Execution overheads - part one

See discussion of Task 11 below.

Task 5 - We can always improve, while still keeping it simple

Most people had seen at least one improvement that could be made to the frequency checker. Here is one simple suggestions (there are others, of course, some very much better):

    read("First number? ", item);
    while (item > 0) {                     // terminate input with a result <= 0
      if (item < limit)                    // if in range
        count[item] = count[item] + 1;     // increment appropriate count
      read("Next number (<= 0 stops) ", item);

Task 6 - Coding the hard way

Most people seemed to get to (or close to) a solution, or close to a solution. Here is one very simple one that matches the simple improvement above. Note that limit was a literal constant, not a variable, which is what many people translated it. No damage was done, of course.

Notice the style of commentary - designed to show the algorithm to good advantage, rather than being a statement by statement comment at a machine level (which is what many people did, and which is rarely helpful to a reader). Some people changed the original algorithm considerably, which was acceptable, but perhaps they missed out on the intrinsic simplicity of the translation process.

; read a list of positive numbers, determine frequency of each  72 LDV
; P.D. Terry, Rhodes University, 2016                           73 LDA      0
    0 DSP      3                                                75 LDV
    2 LDA      1                                                76 LDXA
    4 LDC      2000             limit = 2000 (toy problem)      77 LDV
    6 ANEW                                                      78 LDC      1
    7 STO                       count = new int[limit];         80 ADD                count[item] =
    8 LDA      2                                                81 STO                  count[item] + 1;
   10 LDC      0                                                82 PRNS     "Next number (<= 0 stops) "
   12 STO                       int i = 0;                      84 LDA      0
   13 LDA      2                                                86 INPI               read("Next number", item);
   15 LDV                                                       87 BRN      47      }
   16 LDC      2000                                             89 LDA      2
   18 CLT                                                       91 LDC      0
   19 BZE      42               while (i < limit) {             93 STO              i = 0;
   21 LDA      1                                                94 LDA      2
   23 LDV                                                       96 LDV
   24 LDA      2                                                97 LDC      2000
   26 LDV                                                       99 CLT
   27 LDXA                                                     100 BZE      141     while (i < limit) {
   28 LDC      0                                               102 LDA      1
   30 STO                         count[i] = 0;                104 LDV
   31 LDA      2                                               105 LDA      2
   33 LDA      2                                               107 LDV
   35 LDV                                                      108 LDXA
   36 LDC      1                                               109 LDV
   38 ADD                         i = i + 1;                   110 LDC      0
   39 STO                                                      112 CGT
   40 BRN      13               }                              113 BZE      130       if (count[i] > 0) {
   42 PRNS     "First number? "                                115 LDA      2
   44 LDA      0                                               117 LDV
   46 INPI                      read("First number? ", item);  118 PRNI                 write(i);
   47 LDA      0                                               119 LDA      1
   49 LDV                                                      121 LDV
   50 LDC      0                                               122 LDA      2
   52 CGT                                                      124 LDV
   53 BZE      89               while (item > 0) {             125 LDXA
   55 LDA      0                                               126 LDV
   57 LDV                                                      127 PRNI                 write(count[i]);
   58 LDC      2000                                            128 PRNS     "\n"        write("\n");
   60 CLT                                                      130 LDA      2         }
   61 BZE      82                 if (item < limit)            132 LDA      2
   63 LDA      1                                               134 LDV
   65 LDV                                                      135 LDC      1
   66 LDA      0                                               137 ADD
   68 LDV                                                      138 STO                  i = i + 1;
   69 LDXA                                                     139 BRN      94      }
   70 LDA      1                                               141 HALT             System.exit(0)

Task 7 - Trapping overflow and other pitfalls

Checking for overflow in multiplication and division was not always well done. You cannot safely multiply and then try to check overflow (it is too late by then) - you have to detect it in a more subtle way. Here is one way of doing it - note the check to prevent a division by zero when handling multiplication. This does not use any precision greater than that of the simulated machine itself. I don't think many spotted that the PVM.rem opcode also involved division, and some people who thought of using a multiplication overflow check on these lines forgot that numbers to be multiplied can be negative.

An alternative, slightlier risky method is shown as a commen - risky because if the emulator were written in a system that itself trapped multiplicative overflow it would all blow up anyway.

       case PVM.mul:           // integer multiplication
         tos = Pop();
         sos = Pop();
         if (tos != 0 && Math.Abs(sos) > maxInt / Math.Abs(tos)) ps = badVal;
// riskier
//       if (tos != 0 && tos * sos / tos != sos) ps = badVal;
         else Push(sos * tos);
       case PVM.div:           // integer division (quotient)
         tos = Pop();
         if (tos == 0) ps = divZero;
         else Push(Pop() / tos);
       case PVM.rem:           // integer division (remainder)
         tos = Pop();
         if (tos == 0) ps = divZero;
         else Push(Pop() % tos);

or for the "inline" assembler

       case PVM.mul:           // integer multiplication
         tos = mem[cpu.sp++];
         if (tos != 0 && Math.Abs(mem[cpu.sp]) > maxInt / Math.Abs(tos)) ps = badVal;
// riskier
//       if (tos != 0 && tos * mem[cpu.sp] / tos != mem[cpu.sp]) ps = badVal;
         else mem[cpu.sp] *= tos;
       case PVM.div:           // integer division (quotient)
         tos = mem[cpu.sp++];
         if (tos != 0) mem[cpu.sp] /= tos;
         else ps = divZero;
       case PVM.rem:           // integer division (remainder)
         tos = mem[cpu.sp++];
         if (tos != 0) mem[cpu.sp] %= tos;
         else ps = divZero;

It is possible to use an intermediate long variable (but don't forget the casting operations or the Abs function):

       case PVM.mul:           // integer multiplication
         tos = Pop();
         sos = Pop();
         long temp = (long) sos * (long) tos;
         if (Math.Abs(temp) > maxInt) ps = badVal;
         else Push(sos * tos);

The original program, if given too long a sequence of non-zero numbers for the array to handle, would terminate with an array bounds error corectly trapped by the Push/Pop assembler. The same error would not be trapped by the Inline system, which gaily allows the LDXA opcode to wander wheresoever it likes. To fix this resuires the following changes to the PVMInline interpreter. This strategy is discussed in the textbook!

       case PVM.anew:          // heap array allocation
         int size = mem[cpu.sp];
         if (size <= 0 || size + 1 > cpu.sp - cpu.hp - 2)
           ps = badAll;
         else {
           mem[cpu.hp] = size;
           mem[cpu.sp] = cpu.hp;
           cpu.hp += size + 1;

       case PVM.ldxa:          // heap array indexing
         int adr = mem[cpu.sp++];
         int heapPtr = mem[cpu.sp];
         if (heapPtr == 0) ps = nullRef;
         else if (heapPtr < heapBase || heapPtr >= cpu.hp) ps = badMem;
         else if (adr < 0 || adr >= mem[heapPtr]) ps = badInd;
         else mem[cpu.sp] = heapPtr + adr + 1;

Task 8 - Your lecturer is quite a character

To be able to deal with input and output of character data we need to add two new opcodes, modelled on the INPI and PRNI codes whose interpretation would be as below. All of the new opcodes require additions to the lists of opcodes in the assembler and interpreter (be careful of two word opcodes that are mentioned in several places).

Note that the output of numbers was arranged to have a leading space; this is not as pretty when you see i t a p p l i e d t o c h a r a c t e r s , i s i t - which is why the call to results.write uses a second argument of 1, not 0 (this argument could have been omitted). Note the use of the modulo arithmetic to ensure that only sensible ASCII characters will be printed:

       case PVM.inpc:          // character input
         adr = Pop();
         if (InBounds(adr)) {
           mem[adr] = data.ReadChar();
           if (data.error()) ps = badData;
       case PVM.prnc:          // character output
         if (tracing) results.write(padding);
         results.Write((char) (Math.Abs(Pop()) % (maxChar + 1)), 1);
         if (tracing) results.WriteLine();

or for the "inline" assembler

       case PVM.inpc:          // character input
         mem[mem[cpu.sp++]] = data.ReadChar();
       case PVM.prnc:          // character output
           if (tracing) results.Write(padding);
         results.Write((char) (Math.Abs(mem[cpu.sp++]) % (maxChar + 1)), 1);
           if (tracing) results.WriteLine();

To build a really safe system there are further refinements we should make. It can be argued that we should not try to store a value outside of the range 0 .. 255 into a character variable. This suggests that we should have a range of STO type instructions that check the value on the top of stack before assigning it. One of these - STOC to act as a variation on STO - would be interpreted as follows; we would need another to handle STLC and so on (these have not yet been implemented in the solution kit).

       case PVM.stoc:          // character checked store
         tos = Pop(); adr = Pop();
         if (inBounds(adr))
           if (tos >= 0 && tos <= maxChar) mem[adr] = tos; else ps = badVal;

or for the "inline" assembler

       case PVM.stoc:          // character checked store
         tos = mem[cpu.sp++]; mem[mem[cpu.sp++]] = tos;

With the aid of the PVM.inpc opcode the input section of the program changes to something like that shown below - note that we have to use the magic number 46 in the comparison (the code for "period" in ASCII):

   44 INPC                      read(ch)
   45 LDA      0
   47 LDV
   48 LDC      46
   50 CNE
   51 BZE      77               while (ch != '.') {

Task 9 - Your lecturer - what's his case this time?

Introducing opcodes to convert to lower or upper case is simply done by using the methods from the C# Char wrapper class (notice the need for casting operations as well, to satisfy the C# compiler):

       case PVM.low:           // toLowerCase
         Push(Char.ToLower((char) Pop()));
       case PVM.cap:           // toUpperCase
         Push(Char.ToUpper((char) Pop()));

or for the "inline" assembler

       case PVM.low:           // toLowerCase
         mem[cpu.sp] = Char.ToLower((char) mem[cpu.sp]);
       case PVM.cap:           // toUpperCase
         mem[cpu.sp] = Char.ToUpper((char) mem[cpu.sp]);

The INC and DEC operations are best performed by introducing opcodes that assume that an address has been planted on the top of stack for the variable (or array element) that needs to be incremented or decremented. This may not have been apparent to everyone.

       case           // ++
         adr = Pop();
         if (inBounds(adr)) mem[adr]++;
       case PVM.dec:           // --
         adr = Pop();
         if (inBounds(adr)) mem[adr]--;

or for the "inline" assembler

       case           // ++
       case PVM.dec:           // --

Task 10 - Improving the opcode set still further

Once again, adding the LDL N and STL N opcodes is very easy. Unfortunately, it is easy to leave some of the changes out and get a corrupted solution. The PVMAsm class requires modification in the switch statement that recognizes two-word opcodes:

   case PVM.brn:                            // all require numeric address field
   case PVM.ldc:
   case PVM.ldl:  // +++++++++++++++++  addition
   case PVM.stl:  // +++++++++++++++++  addition
     codeLen = (codeLen + 1) % PVM.memSize;
     if (ch == '\n')                        // no field could be found
       error("Missing address", codeLen);
     else {                                 // unpack it and store
       PVM.mem[codeLen] = src.ReadInt();
       if (src.Error()) error("Bad address", codeLen);

The PVM class requires several additions. We must add to the switch statement in the Trace and ListCode methods (several submissions missed this):

    static void Trace(OutFile results, int pcNow, bool traceStack, bool traceHeap) {
      switch ( {
        case PVM.ldl:  // +++++++++++++++++  addition
        case PVM.stl:  // +++++++++++++++++  addition

and we must provide case arms for all the new opcodes. A selection of these follows; the rest can be seen in the solution kit. Notice that for consistency all the "inBounds" checks should really be performed on the new opcodes too (several submissions missed this, and they have been left out here too for you to add them yourselves).

          case PVM.ldl:           // push local value
            Push(mem[cpu.fp - 1 - Next()]);
          case PVM.stl:           // store local value
            mem[cpu.fp - 1 - Next()] = Pop();

or for the "inline" assembler

          case PVM.ldl:           // push local value
            mem[--cpu.sp] = mem[cpu.fp - 1 - mem[cpu.pc++]];
          case PVM.stl:           // store local value
            mem[cpu.fp - 1 - mem[cpu.pc++]] = mem[cpu.sp++];

A great many submissions made a rather bizarre error. Part of the original kit read as follows - where the action for all the "missing" opcodes was to trap an error if they were encountered (by accident?)

          case PVM.lda_2:         // push local address 2
          case PVM.lda_3:         // push local address 3
          case PVM.ldl:           // push local value
          case PVM.ldl_0:         // push value of local variable 0
          case PVM.ldl_1:         // push value of local variable 1
          case PVM.ldl_2:         // push value of local variable 2
          case PVM.ldl_3:         // push value of local variable 3
          case PVM.stl:           // store local value

Modifying the code on the lines shown here would have had the effect of adding PVM.lda_2, PVM.lda_3 as "extra" labels to the PVM.ldl clause (and similarly for other cases)!

          case PVM.lda_2:         // push local address 2
          case PVM.lda_3:         // push local address 3
          case PVM.ldl:           // push local value
            mem[--cpu.sp] = mem[cpu.fp - 1 - mem[cpu.pc++]];
          case PVM.stl:           // store local value
            mem[cpu.fp - 1 - mem[cpu.pc++]] = mem[cpu.sp++];
          case PVM.ldl_0:         // push value of local variable 0
          case PVM.ldl_1:         // push value of local variable 1
          case PVM.ldl_2:         // push value of local variable 2
          case PVM.ldl_3:         // push value of local variable 3
          case PVM.stl:           // store local value
          case PVM.stl:           // store local value
            mem[cpu.fp - 1 - mem[cpu.pc++]] = mem[cpu.sp++];

In improving the character frequency counter, some people forgot to introduce the LDL and STL wherever they could, did not incorporate CAP and INC/DEC and ran the last loop the wrong way! If one codes carefully, the character frequency checker reduces to the code shown below:

; read a string and display the frequency of each letter     46 LDXA
; P.D. Terry, Rhodes University, 2016                        47 INC                   count[toUpperCase(ch)]++;
; optimised instruction set for loading and storing          48 LDA      0
    0 DSP      2                                             50 INPC                  read(ch);
    2 LDC      256        limit = 256 ASCII character set    51 BRN      34         }
    4 ANEW                                                   53 LDC      90
    5 STL      1          count = new int[limit];            55 STL      0          ch = 'Z';
    7 LDC      0                                             57 LDL      0
    9 STL      0          ch = 0;                            59 LDC      65
   11 LDL      0                                             61 CGE
   13 LDC      256                                           62 BZE      92         while (ch >= 'A') {
   15 CLT                                                    64 LDL      1
   16 BZE      31         while (ch < limit) {               66 LDL      0
   18 LDL      1                                             68 LDXA
   20 LDL      0                                             69 LDV
   22 LDXA                                                   70 LDC      0
   23 LDC      0                                             72 CGT
   25 STO                   count[ch] = 0;                   73 BZE      87           if (count[ch] > 0) {
   26 LDA      0                                             75 LDL      0
   28 INC                   ch++;                            77 PRNC                    write(ch);
   29 BRN      11         }                                  78 LDL      1
   31 LDA      0                                             80 LDL      0
   33 INPC                read(ch);                          82 LDXA
   34 LDL      0                                             83 LDV
   36 LDC      46                                            84 PRNI                    write(count[ch]);
   38 CNE                                                    85 PRNS     "\n"           write("\n");
   39 BZE      53         while (ch != '.') {                87 LDA      0            }
   41 LDL      1                                             89 DEC                   ch--;
   43 LDL      0                                             90 BRN      57         }
   45 CAP                                                    92 HALT                System.exit(0);

Task 11 - Execution overheads - part two

In the prac kit you were supplied with a second translation SIEVE2.PVM of a cut down version of the same prime-counting program SIEVE.PAV as was used in Task 4, but this time using the extended opcode set developed in the last task. The kit also included the code that could be executed if the PVM were extended still further on the lines of the suggestions on page 44 of the textbook.

Running SIEVE1.PVM through both of the original and modified assemblers, and SIEVE2.PVM through both of the modified assemblers gave the following timings for the same limit (4000) and number of iterations (100) on my machines, one a laptop running Windows XP and one a desktop running Windows 7-32.

   │ Desktop Machine (Win 7-32)     │  Sieve1.pvm   (1.00)   │  Sieve2.pvm   (0.78)   │  Sieve3.pvm  (0.75)    │
   │                                │                        │                        │                        │
   │ ASM1  (Push/Pop)               │      0.73              │      0.57              │      0.55              │
   │ ASM2  (Inline)                 │      0.30     (0.41)   │      0.20     (0.36)   │      0.13    (0.24)    │
   │                                │                        │                        │                        │

   │ Laptop machine (XP-32)         │  Sieve1.pvm   (1.00)   │  Sieve2.pvm   (0.75)   │  Sieve3.pvm  (0.67)    │
   │                                │                        │                        │                        │
   │ ASM1  (Push/Pop)               │      1.14              │      0.85              │      0.76              │
   │ ASM2  (Inline)                 │      0.52     (0.46)   │      0.30     (0.35)   │      0.27    (0.35)    │
   │                                │                        │                        │                        │

The Desktop times were about 65% of those on the slower Laptop.

The Inline times were about 40% of the Push/Pop system with the original limited opcode set.

The Inline times were between 30% of the Push/Pop system with the extended opcode set,

The reasons are not hard to find. The InLine emulator makes very few function calls withing the fetch-execute cycle, whereas the Push/Pop one makes a very large number, each carrying an extra overhead. Similarly, the introduction of the LDL and STL codes allowed for fewer opcodes to be interpreted to achieve the desired result.

If one wishes to improve the performance of the interpreter further it might make sense to get some idea of which opcodes are executed most often. Clearly this will depend on the application, and so a mix of applications might need to be analysed. It is not difficult to add a profiling facility to the interpreter, and this has been done in yet another interpreter that you can find in the solution kit. Running this on the Sieve files yielded some interesting results. For a start, there were enormous numbers of steps executed - probably more than you might have thought.

         550 primes                 550 primes

        Original opcodes           Extended opcode set       Extended opcode set
                                   LDL and STL used          LDL, STL, LDL_x STL_x

        39 494 323 operations.     27 070 118 operations.  (68%)

        LDA     10824405           LDL      8186502          LDL_2    3821200
        LDV      9386302           LDC      4148705          LDL_1    2582600
        LDC      4948605           BZE      2182801          BZE      2182801
        STO      3165703           CLE      1782901          LDC_0    1910701
        BZE      2182801           BRN      1727700          LDC      1782902
        CLE      1782901           LDXA     1727600          CLE      1782901
        ADD      1782701           STO      1327700          BRN      1727700
        BRN      1727700           STL      1038103          LDL_0    1727600
        LDXA     1727600           ADD       982801          LDXA     1727600
        CGT       982800           AND       982800          STO      1327700
        AND       982800           CGT       982800          ADD       982801
        HALT           1           LDA       799900          STL_2     982800
        ANEW           1           INC       799900          CGT       982800
        PRNS           1           LDV       399900          AND       982800
        PRNI           1           DSP            1          INC       799900
        DSP            1           PRNI           1          LDA_1     799800
                                   PRNS           1          LDC_1     454902
                                   ANEW           1          LDV       399900
                                   HALT           1          STL        55101
                                                             LDL        55001
                                                             LDC_2        200
                                                             STL_1        200
                                                             LDL_3        101
                                                             LDA_3        100
                                                             STL_3          1
                                                             STL_0          1
                                                             HALT           1
                                                             ANEW           1
                                                             PRNS           1
                                                             PRNI           1
                                                             DSP            1

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