You can make the LogicCom compiler with the usual command - from your work directory:

CMAKE LogicCom

You can compile one of these programs and look at the generated code with a batch command like the following (without running the program):

COMPILE examples\egxx (for example COMPILE examples\eg02)

You can compile and then immediately execute a program with a batch command like

RUN examples\egxx (for example RUN examples\eg05)

Or you can run the LogicCom compiler in the usual sort of way:

LogicCom eg05.log LogicCom eg05.log -l (to merge the error messages)


$C+ // minimal empty program (completely empty source file
//  eg00.log

// You should be able to generate eg00.cod on the following lines
// Of course the label main will be replaced by the numeric address 6

//             DSP      0                // no global variables needed
//             FHDR
//             CALL     main             // call "main"
//             HALT                      // and exits the program
//      main   DSP      26               // main allocates space for 26 local variables a ... z
//                                       // (their offsets are 4 ... 29)
//             RETV                      // empty main simply returns from a void function


$C+ // traditional hello world
//  eg01.log

  write("Hello world");

// You should be able to generate eg01.cod on the following lines

//             DSP       0               // no global variables needed
//             FHDR
//             CALL      main            // call "main"
//             HALT                      // and exits the program
//      main   DSP      26               // main allocates space for 26 local variables a ... z
//             PRNS     "Hello world"    // give a cheerful greeting
//             RETV                      // and simply return


$C+ // minimal use of a variable
//  eg02.log

  a = true;
  write(a, not a);                       // true false.  Amazing?


$C+ // writing constants
//  eg03.log

  write(true, false);

//             DSP      0
//             FHDR
//             CALL     main
//             HALT
//      main   DSP      26
//             LDC      1                // push true
//             PRNB                      // write(true)
//             LDC      0                // push false
//             PRNB                      // write(false)
//             RETV

$C+ // writing negated constants
//  eg04.log

  write(not true, not not false);

//             DSP      0
//             FHDR
//             CALL     main
//             HALT
//      main   DSP      26
//             LDC      1                // true
//             NOT                       // not true
//             PRNB
//             LDC      0                // false
//             NOT
//             NOT                       // not not false
//             PRNB
//             RETV


$C+ // minimal read/write
//  eg05.log

  read(a);                               // t or true   or    f or false
  write(a, not a);

// Of course the label will be replaced by a numeric address (6)
// and the variable name a by the appropriate offset from FP (4).

//             DSP      0
//             FHDR
//             CALL     main
//             HALT
//      main   DSP      26
//             LDA      a                // push address(a)
//             INPB                      // read(a)
//             LDL      a                // push value(a)
//             PRNB                      // write(a)
//             LDL      a                // push value(a)
//             NOT
//             PRNB                      // write(not a)
//             RETV


$C+ // simple expressions
//  eg06.log

  a = true;
  b = false;
  write(a, b, "a and b", a and b, "a or b", a or b);

// Of course the labels will be replaced by numeric addresses
// and the variable names a,b by the appropriate offsets from FP.

//             DSP      0
//             FHDR
//             CALL     main
//             HALT
//      main   DSP      26               // a,b,c ... at offsets 4,5,6 ...
//             LDC      1
//             STL      a                // a = true
//             LDC      0
//             STL      b                // b = false
//             LDL      a
//             PRNB                      // write(a)
//             LDL      b
//             PRNB                      // write(b)
//             PRNS     "a and  b"
//             LDL      a
//             LDL      b
//             AND
//             PRNB                      // write(a and b)
//             PRNS     "a or b"
//             LDL      a
//             LDL      b
//             OR
//             PRNB                      // write(a or b)
//             RETV


$C+ // interesting expressions (1) - predict the output
//  eg07.log

  read("supply a, b and c ", a, b, c);   // t or true   or    f or false
  f = a or b or c;
  d = (a or b) or c;
  e = a or (b or c);
  write(d, e, f,   f == d, d == e, e == f,    c == d == e);


$C+ // interesting expressions (2) - predict the output
//  eg08.log

  read("supply a, b and c ", a, b, c);   // t or true   or    f or false
  f = a or b or c;
  d = (a or b) or c;
  e = a or (b or c);
  write(d, e, f,   f == d, d == e, e == f,    c == d == not e);


$C+ // interesting expressions (3) - predict the output
//  eg09.log

  read("supply a, b and c ", a, b, c);   // t or true   or    f or false
  f = a and b and c;
  d = (a and b) and c;
  e = a and (b and c);
  write(d, e, f,   f == d, d == e, e == f,    c == d == e);


$C+ // minimal function (no parameters)
//  eg10.log

  NOT() returns true;

//             DSP      0
//             FHDR
//             CALL     main             // call main
//             HALT
//      NOT    LDC      1                // NOT starts here
//             STL      0                // stores true in RV slot at base of stack frame
//             RET                       // and returns from non-void function
//             TRAP                      // safety feature (is this needed?)
//      main   DSP      26               // main starts here
//             RETV                      // and simply returns


$C+ // multiple choice strategy?
//  eg11.log

  Guess() returns true or false;


$C+ // rather redundant, but legal function
//  eg12.log

  NOT(x) returns not x;

// Of course the labels will be replaced by numeric addresses
// and the parameter name x by the appropriate offset from FP.

//             DSP      0
//             FHDR
//             CALL     main             // call main
//             HALT
//      NOT    LDL      x                // push value(x)
//             NOT                       // not x
//             STL      0                // // stores not x in RV slot at base of stack frame
//             RET                       // return from non-void function
//             TRAP
//      main   DSP      26               // main starts here
//             RETV                      // and simply returns


$C+ // rather redundant, but legal function
//  eg13.log

  Ident(x) returns x;


$C+ // the dreaded NAND gate for beginners
//  eg14.log

  NAND(x, y) returns not ( x and y );

  read("supply a and b ", a, b);         // t or true   or    f or false
  write(a, b, a and b, NAND(a, b));

// Of course the labels will be replaced by numeric addresses,
// the parameter names x,y by appropriate offsets from FP
// and the variable names a,b by appropriate offsets.

//             DSP      0
//             FHDR
//             CALL     main             // call main
//             HALT
//      NAND   LDL      x                // NAND starts here
//             LDL      y
//             AND                       // x and y
//             NOT                       // not (x and y)
//             STL      0                // store in RV slot at base of stack frame
//             RET                       // return from non-void function
//             TRAP
//      main   DSP      26               // main starts here
//             PRNS     "supply a and b "
//             LDA      a
//             INPB                      // read(a)
//             LDA      b
//             INPB                      // read(b)
//             LDL      a
//             PRNB                      // write(a)
//             LDL      b
//             PRNB                      // write(b)
//             LDL      a
//             LDL      b
//             AND
//             PRNB                      // write(a and b)
//             FHDR
//             LDL      a                // push argument value(a)
//             LDL      b                // push argument value(b)
//             CALL     NAND             // call NAND(a, b)
//             PRNB                      // write (NAND(a, b)
//             RETV


$C+ // NAND and XOR are often used logic gates
//  eg15.log

  NAND(x, y) returns not ( x and y );
  XOR(p, q)  returns p and not q or q and not p;

  read("supply a and b ", a, b);
  write(a, b, a and b, NAND(a, b), XOR(a, b), XOR(b, a) );


$C+ // minimal functions
//  eg16.log

  NAND1(x, y) returns not ( x and y );
  NAND2(x, y) returns not x or not y ;   // de Morgan

  read("supply a and b ", a, b);
  write(a, b, a and b, NAND1(a, b), NAND2(a, b) );


$C+ // NOR in two ways - are they equivalent? //  eg17.log
//  eg17.log

  NOR1(x, y) returns not ( x or y );
  NOR2(x, y) returns not x and not y ;   // de Morgan

  read("supply a and b ", a, b);
  write(a, b, a or b, NOR1(a, b), NOR2(a, b) );


$C+ // NOR functions called with constant arguments
//  eg18.log

  NOR1(x, y) returns not ( x or y );
  NOR2(x, y) returns not x and not y ;  // de Morgan

  write(NOR1(true, true), NOR2(true, true) );


$C+ // compounded functions
//  eg19.log

  NOR(x, y) returns not ( x or y );

  read("supply a, b, c ", a, b, c);
  write(a, b, c, NOR(a, NOR(b, c)) );

//             DSP      0
//             FHDR
//             CALL     main             // call main
//             HALT
//      NOR    LDL      x                // NOR starts here
//             LDL      y
//             OR                        // x or y
//             NOT                       // not (x or y)
//             STL      0                // store in RV slot at base of stack frame
//             RET                       // return from non-void function
//             TRAP
//      main   DSP      26               // main starts here
//             PRNS     "supply a, b, c "
//             LDA      a
//             INPB                      // read(a)
//             LDA      b
//             INPB                      // read(b)
//             LDA      c
//             INPB                      // read(c)
//             LDL      a
//             PRNB                      // write(a)
//             LDL      b
//             PRNB                      // write(b)
//             LDL      c
//             PRNB                      // write(c)
//             FHDR                      // frame header for "first" NOR
//             LDL      a                // push parameter a
//             FHDR                      // prepare frame header for "second" NOR
//             LDL      b                // push parameter b
//             LDL      c                // push parameter c
//             CALL     NOR              // returns NOR(b, c)
//             CALL     NOR              // returns NOR(a, NOR(b,c))
//             PRNB                      // write(NOR(a, NOR(b, c))
//             RETV                      // wasn't that cute?


$C+ // XOR and NAND again
//  eg20.log

  XOR(p, q)  returns p and not q or q and not p;
  NAND(x, y) returns not ( x and y );

  read("supply a and b ", a, b);
  write(a, b, a and b, NAND(a, b), XOR(a, b), XOR(b, a) );


$C+ // three input AND gate
//  eg21.log

  AND3(p, q, r)  returns p and q;

  read("supply a, b and c ", a, b, c);
  write(a, b, c, AND3(a, b, c));


$C+ // three input and gate
//  eg22.log

  AND3(p, q, r)  returns p and q;

  read("supply a, b and c ", a, b, c);
  write(a, b, c, AND3(a, b, c, d));


$C+ // clearly wrong syntax - what happens?  (you need more of these)
//  How many errors are reported?  All of them?
//  eg23.log

  AND3{p, q, r}  returns p and q;
  BUT[s,d] returns true;

  read("supply a, b and c ", a, b, c);
  write(a, b, c, AND3(a, b; c));


$C+ // how does this handle life?
//  How many errors are reported?  All of them?
//  eg24.log

  AND(p, q) returns 0;
  BUT(d, e) returns -45;
  YES(no) returns - no - no;
  GoneBlank returns ;

  read("supply a, b and c ", a, b, c);
  write(a, b, c, AND(a, b c), YES(a or not a));


$C+ // complete functions
//  eg25.log

// Do you recall your logic lectures?
// A supply of NAND gates allows you to build circuits for AND, OR, NOT
// from NAND gates suitably wired together

  NAND(p, q) returns not (p and q);

  read("supply a and b ", a, b);
  write(a, b,
        a or b,  NAND( NAND(a, a), NAND(b, b) ),
        not a,   NAND( a, a ),
        a and b, NAND( NAND(a, b), NAND(a, b) ) );


$C+ // truth tables - simplest case
//  eg26.log

  loop x

//  writes    false true      as x cycles through these two values

$C+ // truth tables - double (nested) loop
//  eg27.log

  loop x
    loop y
      writeLine(x, y);

//   false  false
//   false  true
//   true   false
//   true   true
//  74 operations.


$C+ // truth tables - triple (nested) loop
//  eg28.log

  loop x
    loop y
      loop z
        writeLine(x, y, z);

//   false  false  false
//   false  false  true
//   false  true   false
//   false  true   true
//   true   false  false
//   true   false  true
//   true   true   false
//   true   true   true
//  174 operations.


$C+ // truth tables
//  eg29.log

  XOR(x, y)  returns x and not y or y and not x;
  NAND(x, y) returns not (x and y);

  writeLine("   x      y     x xor y   not x or not y");

  loop x
    loop y {
      writeLine(x, y, "  ", XOR(x, y), "     ", NAND(x, y));

//     x      y     x xor y   not x or not y
//   false  false    false       true
//   false  true     true        true
//   true   false    true        true
//   true   true     false       false


$C+ // truth tables for complete functions
//  eg30.log

  NAND(p, q) returns not (p and q);

  loop a
    loop b
      writeLine(a, b,
                "    a or b  : ", a or b,  NAND( NAND(a, a), NAND(b, b) ),
                "    not a   : ", not a,   NAND( a, a ),
                "    a and b : ", a and b, NAND( NAND(a, b), NAND(a, b) ) );


$C+ // NAND in two ways - are they equivalent?
//  eg31.log

  NAND1(x, y) returns not ( x and y );
  NAND2(x, y) returns not x or not y ;  // de Morgan

  loop a
    loop b
      writeLine(a, b, a and b, NAND1(a, b), NAND2(a, b), NAND1(a, b) == NAND2(a, b) );


$C+ // NOR in two ways - are they equivalent?
//  eg32.log

  NOR1(x, y) returns not ( x or y );
  NOR2(x, y) returns not x and not y ;  // de Morgan

  loop a
    loop b
      writeLine(a, b, a or b, NOR1(a, b), NOR2(a, b), NOR1(a, b) == NOR2(a, b) );

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