Computer Science 301 - 2017

Test on Prac 5 - Week beginning 21 August 2017 - Solutions

Please answer all questions in the space provided or on the back sides of the two pages. Max 25

This test is intended to check your ability to write simple scanners and parsers. It should only take you about 30 minutes at the most. Textbooks and computers and notes may not be used.

1. Your spot came up - lucky you! What are your first name (surname) and student number? [1]

Pat (Terry) 63T0844

This was not always well done, and it is very easy. Indeed, some submissions were so badly wrong that I doubt whether the people concerned had done anything in the practical at all. An important idea that some people have missed is that parser routines are best "driven" by checking for FIRST tokens, not by negative tests for FOLLOW tokens. So we need something like this for the relevant sections:

      // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Scanner ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

      // Declaring sym as a global variable is done for expediency - global variables
      // are not always a good thing

      static Token sym;

      static void GetSym() {
      // Scans for next sym from input
        while (ch > EOF && ch <= ' ') GetChar();
        StringBuilder symLex = new StringBuilder();
        int symKind = noSym;
        if (Char.IsLetter(ch)) {                        // variable or key word
          symLex.Append(ch); GetChar();
          if (!Char.IsLetter(ch)) symKind = varSym;     // must be a single character variable name
          else {
            while (Char.IsLetter(ch)) {
              symLex.Append(ch); GetChar();
            switch (symLex.ToString().ToUpper() ) {     // check against list of key words
              case "TRUE"  : symKind = trueSym;  break;
              case "FALSE" : symKind = falseSym; break;
              case "AND"   : symKind = andSym;   break;
              case "OR"    : symKind = orSym;    break;
              case "NOT"   : symKind = notSym;   break;
              default      : symKind = noSym;    break; // if no match, must be noSym
        else {                                          // single character tokens
          symLex.Append(ch);                            // remember to put into the StringBuilder
          switch (ch) {
            case EOF:
              symLex = new StringBuilder("EOF");        // special representation
              symKind = EOFSym;                         // no need to GetChar here, of course
            case '=' :
              symKind = assignSym; GetChar();           // all the others need to call GetChar to
              break;                                    // get lined up for the next call to GetSym
            case '.' :
            case '&' :
              symKind = andSym; GetChar();
            case '+' :
            case '|' :
              symKind = orSym; GetChar();
            case '(' :
              symKind = lparentSym; GetChar();
            case ')' :
              symKind = rparentSym; GetChar();
            case '\'' :
              symKind = quoteSym; GetChar();
            case '0' :
              symKind = falseSym; GetChar();

            case '1' :
              symKind = trueSym; GetChar();
            default :
              symKind = noSym; GetChar();
        sym = new Token(symKind, symLex.ToString());    // finally construct the complete token
      } // GetSym

      // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Parser +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

      static IntSet                                     // these will make life and testing easier
        FirstExp  = new IntSet(varSym, notSym, lparentSym, trueSym, falseSym),
        FirstMoreFactors = new IntSet(varSym, notSym, lparentSym, trueSym, falseSym, andSym);

      // One of the reasons for using Accept methods is that it gives a uniform way of reporting on errors
      // If you want to change that way, there is the one common place to do it, not a whole lot of
      // changes needed all over the code.

      // Note that I have used an unguarded "GetSym" when it is obviously quite safe to do so (because the
      // test for an acceptable token has already been done).

      static void Accept(int wantedSym, string errorMessage) {
      // Gets next token if the current token matches wantedSym
        if (sym.kind == wantedSym) GetSym(); else Abort(errorMessage);
      } // Accept

      static void Accept(IntSet allowedSet, string errorMessage) {
      // Gets next token if the current token matches one of allowedSet
        if (allowedSet.Contains(sym.kind)) GetSym(); else Abort(errorMessage);
      } // Accept

      static void Bool() {
      // Bool = { Expression "=" }
        while (FirstExp.Contains(sym.kind)) {
          Accept(assignSym, " == expected");
        Accept(EOFSym, " EOF Expected");
      } // Bool

      static void Expression() {
      // Expression = Term { Or Term } .
        while (sym.kind == orSym) {
          GetSym(); Term();
      } // Expression

      static void Term() {
      // Term = Factor { [ And ] Factor } .
        while (FirstMoreFactors.Contains(sym.kind)) {
          if (sym.kind == andSym) GetSym();
      } // Term

      static void Factor() {
      // Factor = "NOT" Factor | Primary { "'" } .
        if (sym.kind == notSym) {
          GetSym(); Factor();
        else {
          while (sym.kind == quoteSym) GetSym();
      } // Factor

      static void Primary() {
      // Primary = True | False | variable | "(" Expression ")" .
        switch (sym.kind) {
          case trueSym :
          case falseSym :
          case varSym :
          case lparentSym :
            GetSym(); Expression();
            Accept(rparentSym, " ) expected");
          default :                                     // essentially, all bad expressions are caught here
            Abort(" invalid primary expression");       // (no tests needed in Expression, Term or Factor)
        } // switch
      } // Primary

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