Computer Science 301 - 2017

Programming Language Translation

Practical 1, Week beginning 17 July 2017 - First Solutions

  PROGRAM Sieve (Input, Output);
  (* Sieve of Eratosthenes for finding primes 2 <= N <= Max
     P.D. Terry, Rhodes University, 2017 *)

  (* Modified and with suggested use of range checking pragmas *)

      Max = 32000                                (* largest number allowed *);
      SIEVES = ARRAY [2 .. Max] OF BOOLEAN;
      I, N, K, Primes, It, Iterations : INTEGER  (* counters *);
      Uncrossed : SIEVES                         (* the sieve *);
      Display : BOOLEAN;
      Write('How many iterations '); Read(Input, Iterations);
      Display := Iterations = 1;
      Write('Supply largest number to be tested '); Read(Input, N);
      IF N > Max THEN BEGIN
        WriteLn(Output, 'N too large, sorry'); HALT
      WriteLn(Output, 'Prime numbers between 2 and ', N);
      WriteLn(Output, '------------------------------------');
      FOR It := 1 To Iterations DO BEGIN
        Primes := 0 (* no primes yet found *);
        FOR I := 2 TO N DO                       (* clear sieve *)
          Uncrossed[I] := TRUE;
        FOR I := 2 TO N DO                       (* the passes over the sieve *)
          IF Uncrossed[I] THEN BEGIN
            IF Display AND (Primes MOD 8 = 0) THEN WriteLn;    (* ensure line not too long *)
            Primes := Primes + 1;
            IF Display THEN Write(Output, I:6);
            K := I;                              (* now cross out multiples of I *)
              Uncrossed[K] := FALSE;
              K := K + I
            UNTIL (K > N) OR (K < 0)  (* ++++++++++++++ It looks silly but it works! ++++++++++++++ *)
        IF Display THEN WriteLn
      Write(Primes, ' primes')


  PROGRAM Sieve (Input, Output);

  (*$R+  +++++++  Switch Range checks on ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  try this with TURBO *)

  (* Sieve of Eratosthenes for finding primes 2 <= N <= Max
     P.D. Terry, Rhodes University, 2017 *)

      Max = 32000                                (* largest number allowed *);
      SIEVES = ARRAY [2 .. Max] OF BOOLEAN;
      I, N, K, Primes, It, Iterations : INTEGER  (* counters *);
      Uncrossed : SIEVES                         (* the sieve *);
      Display : BOOLEAN;
      Write('How many iterations '); Read(Input, Iterations);
      Display := Iterations = 1;
      Write('Supply largest number to be tested '); Read(Input, N);
      IF N > Max THEN BEGIN
        WriteLn(Output, 'N too large, sorry'); HALT
      WriteLn(Output, 'Prime numbers between 2 and ', N);
      WriteLn(Output, '------------------------------------');
      FOR It := 1 To Iterations DO BEGIN
        Primes := 0 (* no primes yet found *);
        FOR I := 2 TO N DO                       (* clear sieve *)
          Uncrossed[I] := TRUE;
        FOR I := 2 TO N DO                       (* the passes over the sieve *)
          IF Uncrossed[I] THEN BEGIN
            IF Display AND (Primes MOD 8 = 0) THEN WriteLn;    (* ensure line not too long *)
            Primes := Primes + 1;
            IF Display THEN Write(Output, I:6);
            K := I;                              (* now cross out multiples of I *)

              Uncrossed[K] := FALSE;  (* be prepared to crash here if K went "negative last time *)
              K := K + I              (* K might go "negative" when K exceeds 32767 *)

            UNTIL (K > N)       (* +++++++++++++ OR (K < 0) looks silly? ++++++++++++++ *)
        IF Display THEN WriteLn
      Write(Primes, ' primes')



Note that we have now used the array so that Element[N] corresponds to number N,
and not, as in the kinky original, where Element[N-2] corresponds to number N.

If you are going to clean up code, do it properly!

  // Sieve of Eratosthenes for finding primes 2 <= n <= Max (Corrected Parva version)
  // P.D. Terry,  Rhodes University, 2017

    void Main() {
      const Max = 32000;
      bool[] uncrossed = new bool[Max];          // the sieve
      int i, n, k, it, iterations, primes = 0;   // counters
      read("How many iterations? ", iterations);
      bool display = iterations == 1;
      read("Supply largest number to be tested ", n);
      if (n > Max) {
        write("n too large, sorry");
      write("Prime numbers between 2 and " , n, "\n");
      it = 1;
      while (it <= iterations) {
        primes = 0;
        i = 2;
        while (i <= n) {                         // clear sieve
          uncrossed[i-2] = true;
          i = i + 1;
        i = 2;
        while (i <= n) {                         // the passes over the sieve
          if (uncrossed[i]) {
            if (display && (primes - (primes/8)*8 == 0))
              write("\n");                       // ensure line not too long
            primes = primes + 1;
            if (display) write(i, "\t");
            k = i;                               // now cross out multiples of i
            uncrossed[k] = false;
            k = k + i;
            while (k <= n) {
              uncrossed[k] = false;
              k = k + i;
          i = i + 1;
        it = it + 1;
        if (display) write("\n");
      write(primes, " primes");
    } // Main


+++++++++ Making use of a little function for "mod" and a simpler while loop

  // Sieve of Eratosthenes for finding primes 2 <= n <= Max (Another Corrected Parva version)
  // P.D. Terry,  Rhodes University, 2017

    int mod (int a, int b) {
    // Compensate for lack of % - returns a % b
      return a - (a / b) * b;
    } // mod

    void Main() {
      const Max = 32000;
      bool[] uncrossed = new bool[Max];          // the sieve
      int i, n, k, it, iterations, primes = 0;   // counters
      read("How many iterations? ", iterations);
      bool display = iterations == 1;
      read("Supply largest number to be tested ", n);
      if (n > Max) {
        write("n too large, sorry");
      write("Prime numbers between 2 and " , n, "\n");
      it = 1;
      while (it <= iterations) {
        primes = 0;
        i = 2;
        while (i <= n) {                         // clear sieve
          uncrossed[i-2] = true;
          i = i + 1;
        i = 2;
        while (i <= n) {                         // the passes over the sieve
          if (uncrossed[i]) {
            if (display && (mod(primes, 8) == 0))
              write("\n");                       // ensure line not too long
            primes = primes + 1;
            if (display) write(i, "\t");
            k = i;                               // now cross out multiples of i
            while (k <= n) {
              uncrossed[k] = false;
              k = k + i;
            } // while
          }  // if
          i = i + 1;
        } // while i
        it = it + 1;
        if (display) write("\n");
      } // iterations
      write(primes, " primes");
    } // Main

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