How to get to the Terry's house

                             \   <==================================== here!
                       PDT(8) \         -33.304744,   26.515607
                             /  \
        \     \            /      \
          \   Bedford St  /         \ Constitution St
   Cradock  \     \      /            \
              \   /\    /Pear Lane      \        ^ Hospital
                \/  \__/                  \     |
                  |          Worcester St   \   |
           DSG    |                             |
                  | St Andrew's                 |Milner St
                  |                         .---|
                  |                         |   |
         Somerset |            African St   | BP|
              St  |-----------------------------'-O---------
                  |      |                        |
                  |      |  The Mall              |
                  |      |                        |
                  |      |Allen St                |
                  |  Rat |               New St   |  Knight St
      Hamilton    |      |                        |
       CS + IT    |      |Scott's                 |Hill St
                  |      |                        |
                  |      |                  Gino's|
        Rhodes    |      |     High St            |
                C-+-------------------------------- Cathedral
                  |                               |
                  |                               |
                  |   <<   Huntley St (one way)   |   Dundas St
                  |                               |
                  |                            HSM|
                  |                               |
           to PE  |       Beaufort Street         |       to EL
Or, since some people sneer at my ASCII artwork!