June Examinations - 1997

Computer Science 301 - Paper 2

Examiners:                                          Time 3 hours
   Prof P.D. Terry                                  Marks 180
   Prof D. Kourie

Answer all questions.   Answers may be written in any medium except red ink.

(For the benefit of future readers of this paper, various free information was made available to the students 24 hours before the formal examination. This included the full text of Section B. During the examination, candidates were given machine executable versions of the Coco/R compiler generator, and access to a computer.)

Note that in 1997 the language of implementation was a choice of either Modula-2 or C++.

Section A [ 120 marks ]

A1 Briefly explain the differences between each pair of concepts below: [9]

A2 Draw a diagram outlining the relationship between the various phases that occur in compilation, and briefly describe the responsibility of each phase. [10]

A3 Draw T-diagrams that represent the processes that are used in the compiler generator / compiler / interpreter system that you have developed in the practicals of this course. [8]

A4 A grammar G may be described by a 4-tuple:

A5 What do you understand by the concepts "ambiguous grammars" and "equivalent grammars"? Illustrate your answer by giving a simple example of an ambiguous grammar, and of an equivalent non-ambiguous grammar. [8]

A6 Explain what is meant by the FIRST and FOLLOW sets as applied to grammar analysis, and in terms of these state the rules that a grammar must obey for it to be LL(1). [8]

A7 You should be familiar with the use of the CASE statement in Modula-2. (A few examples of syntactically correct CASE statements appear in appendix A so as to refresh your memory.)

A8 Appendix B shows an extract from a simple recursive descent compiler that handles compilation of a simple if - then statement. Suppose the statement syntax were to be extended to

            IfStatement = "IF" Condition "THEN" StatementSequence
                       [ "ELSIF" Condition "THEN" StatementSequence ]
                       [ "ELSE" StatementSequence ]
                       "END" .

How would the IfStatement routine in the compiler have to be changed to accommodate this? [18]

A9 Appendix C shows a simple recursive Clang program for reading and sorting a list of 6 numbers using a selection sort algorithm.

SECTION B [ 60 Marks ]

Please note that there is no obligation to produce a machine readable solution for this section. Coco/R and other files are provided so that you can enhance, refine, or test your solution if you desire. If you choose to produce a machine readable solution, you should create a working directory, unpack EXAMM.ZIP (Modula-2) or EXAMC.ZIP (C++), modify any files that you choose, and then copy all the files back to the blank diskette that will be provided. In this case it would help if you were to highlight your changes with +++++++++ comments ++++++++ .

The manufacturers of a range of pocket calculators are anxious to prototype their latest idea. This is for what is essentially a four function calculator with an extensive set of memory cells. Input to the calculator is to be in the form of what programmers would recognise as a list of assignment statements and print statements, terminated by QUIT, for example

          X := 4
          Z := 15.4
          Y := 12.5 / (5 * X + 6 * Z)
          PRINT X, Y, - Z - X

However, the calculator has some interesting features:

The user may choose his or her names for memory cells (variables) "on the fly". They do not have to be predeclared - effectively they are "declared" when they are first encountered on the left of an assignment statement. Until such time as they have a value assigned to them, all variables are deemed to have "undefined" values and be of unknown type. If an attempt is made to evaluate an expression containing undefined values, this is to be reported as erroneous. Thus similar input to the above, but of the form

          X := 4
          Y := 12.5 / (5 * X + 6 * Z)
          Z := 15.4
          PRINT X, Y, - Z - X
would be erroneous, as Z has not been defined by the time the second assignment is encountered.

The calculator is to be intelligent enough to work in either integer or real (floating point) mode. Expressions whose operands consist only of integer literals (or variables currently known to store integer values) and whose operators are limited to + - * and DIV are to be evaluated in integer mode, while expressions containing any operands of real type, and operators including + - * and / are to be evaluated in real mode. (DIV thus denotes familiar integer "divide and truncate" operation, / denotes floating point division).

When a value is assigned to a variable, the type of that variable is determined. Note that this type may be altered by a later assignment. Thus the sequence

          ABC := 5 + 12 DIV 3
          ABC := - (5.2 + ABC)
first assigns the integral value 9 to ABC, and then later assigns the value -14.2 to ABC, changing the type to real.

Although promotion of types in mixed mode expressions such as those given earlier happens automatically much as is done in C++ or Pascal, two functions are provided to allow users explicitly to convert operand values from one type to another. These are exemplified in the expressions below:

          ANNE := REAL(5 + 6 * 7) - 3.5
                     (* ANNE is assigned 47.0 - 3.5 = real 43.5 *)
          BOB := INTEGER(6.3 / 2) + 5
                     (* BOB is assigned 3 + 5 = integer 8 *)
That is, REAL(i) simply converts the value of its integer argument i to the corresponding real value, while INTEGER(r) converts its real argument r to the closest integer value, truncating where necessary.

It is considered erroneous to apply the REAL function to an argument that has been evaluated to be of real type, to apply the INTEGER function to an argument that is of integer type, or to apply the DIV operation when either or both operands are of real type.

To illustrate the automatic promotion of types, the statements

           X := 4
           Z := 15.4
           Y := 12.5 / (150 DIV X + 6 * Z)
are thus equivalent to
           X := 4
           Z := 15.4
           Y := 12.5 / (REAL(150 DIV X) + REAL(6) * Z)

The calculator manufacturers (BPSFH (Pty) Ltd) have heard of Coco/R, and have been led to believe that it can be used to develop a program that will simulate the action of the calculator, reading input expressions from a file, and producing syntactic and semantic analysis of this in a listing file, and the results of the calculations in an output file. They are offering a substantial reward - 33% of a semester credit in Computer Science at a well known university - to anyone who can convince them of this.

Take up the challenge. Being open minded, the firm is prepared to accept implementations written in either Modula-2 or C++, of course. They are also prepared to accept a fairly simple-minded approach to implementing the structure needed to handle the user-defined names for memory locations (for example, limiting this to a linear bounded array). And, since they have a licensed copy of Coco/R, they are prepared to accept submissions in the form of a Cocol attribute grammar plus any support modules needed, either on diskette or simply written on paper.

(The complete attribute grammar may turn out to be rather long. For examination purposes it will suffice to write out enough of the attributes for an intelligent examiner to be convinced that you could actually implement the entire system; be careful in which you choose for illustration, of course.)

Appendix A - Some Modula-2 CASE statements

(*   VAR
       integer : INTEGER;
       char : CHAR;
       Color : (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet); *)

     CASE integer + 5 OF
         1 : Statement1; Statement2;
       | 2 : Statement3;
       | 3 : Statement4; Statement5

     CASE char OF
         'a' : Statement1; Statement2;
       | 'b' : Statement3;
       | 'e' .. 'f', 'x' .. 'z' : Statement4; Statement5
       | CHR(0) .. CHR(31) : Statement6
       ELSE Statement7

     CASE Color OF
       | Green : Statement1; Statement2;
       | Red   : Statement3;
       | Yellow .. Violet : Statement4; Statement5
       ELSE Statement6

Appendix B An IfStatement parser

In C++
     void PARSER::IfStatement(symset followers)
     // IfStatement = "IF" Condition "THEN" StatementSequence "END" .
     { CGEN_labels testlabel;
       Condition(symset(SCAN_thensym, SCAN_dosym) + followers);
       CGen->jumponfalse(testlabel, CGen->undefined);
       if (SYM.sym == SCAN_thensym)
         { Report->error(23); if (SYM.sym == SCAN_dosym) GetSym(); }
       Accept(SCAN_endsym, 24);
In Modula-2
     PROCEDURE IfStatement;
     (* IfStatement = "IF" Condition "THEN" StatementSequence "END" . *)
         TestLabel : CGEN.LABELS;
         SCAN.GetSYM; Condition(SYMSET{ThenSym, DoSym} + Followers);
         CGEN.JumpOnFalse(TestLabel, CGEN.undefined);
         IF SYM.Sym = ThenSym
           THEN SCAN.GetSYM
           ELSE Error(23); IF SYM.Sym = DoSym THEN SCAN.GetSYM END
         Accept(EndSym, 24);
       END IfStatement;

Appendix C A sorting program in Clang


  PROCEDURE SelectionSort (List [], N);
  (* Sorts N elements of List[0..N] into order *)

      T, M;

    FUNCTION MaxPos (List[], N);
    (* Returns position of maximum element in List[0..N] *)
        I, Max;
        (* +++++ Discuss run time storage management when this point is reached for the second time *)
        I := 1; Max := 0;
        WHILE I <= N DO BEGIN
          IF List[I] > List[Max] THEN Max := I;
          I := I + 1
        RETURN Max
        (* +++++ Discuss symbol table structure when parsing reaches this point *)

      IF N > 0 THEN BEGIN
        M := MaxPos(List, N);
        T := List[N]; List[N] := List[M]; List[M] := T;
        SelectionSort(List, N-1)

      Data[5], I;
      I := 0; WHILE I <= 5 DO BEGIN Read(Data[I]); I := I + 1 END;
      SelectionSort(Data, 5);
      I := 0; WHILE I <= 5 DO BEGIN Write(Data[I]); I := I + 1 END;