November Examinations - 1998

Computer Science 301 - Paper 2

Examiners:                                          Time 3 hours
   Prof P.D. Terry                                  Marks 180
   Prof D. Kourie

Answer all questions.   Answers may be written in any medium except red ink.

(For the benefit of future readers of this paper, various free information was made available to the students 24 hours before the formal examination. This included the full text of Section B. During the examination, candidates were given machine executable versions of the Coco/R compiler generator, and access to a computer.)

Section A [ 110 marks ]

A1 Write a sentence or two to explain your understanding of the differences between the following pairs of concepts (keep the answers short and to the point; we do not need "essays").

A2 Write notes to show that you understand what is commonly meant by each of the terms compiler, interpreter, and interpretive compiler. Also indicate situations in which the use of each of these might be particularly favoured over the use of the other two. [9]

A3 "Computer languages are not totally context-free, although syntactically they can almost always be described by context-free grammars". Give two examples of context-sensitive features of an imperative language with which you are familiar. If these features cannot be described by context-free grammars, how are they handled in practical syntax-directed compilers that are based on context-free grammars? [6]

A4 Write down a regular expression (or a set of regular expressions) that define all possible words that have each vowel appearing exactly once, and in the correct order (vowels are a, e, i, o and u; an example of such a word is "facetious"). [3]

A5 The following forms part of a hand-crafted scanner for the language Clang whose familiar context-free grammar is supplied as an appendix to this section.

(All these files are available in machine readable form in the exam kit).

In Clang, keywords like BEGIN and WHILE have to be distinguished from identifiers. Suggest the sort of modifications that would be needed to the scanner below to enable this to be done. (Your answer can be expressed either in C++ or in Pascal, and does not need to be syntactically perfect.) [5]

  void getSym(symbols &SYM)
  { int length = 0;               // index into SYM.Name
    while (ch <= ' ') getChar();  // Ignore spaces between tokens
    if (isalpha(ch))
    { SYM.sym = identsym;
      while (isalnum(ch)) { SYM.name[length++] = toupper(ch); getChar(); }
      SYM.name[length] = '\0';   // Terminate string properly
    else if (isdigit(ch))        // Numeric literal
    { SYM.sym = numsym;
      while (isdigit(ch)) { SYM.name[length++] = toupper(ch); getChar(); }
      SYM.name[length] = '\0';   // Terminate string properly
    else switch (ch)
    { case '<':
        if (ch == '=') { SYM.sym = leqsym; strcpy(SYM.name, "<="); getChar(); }
        else if (ch == '>') { SYM.sym = neqsym; strcpy(SYM.name, "<>"); getChar(); }
        else SYM.sym := lsssym; SYM.name := "<"

or, in Pascal
      Length : INTEGER  (* index into SYM.Name *);
      IF NOT Started THEN BEGIN GetChar; Started := TRUE END;
      WHILE CH <= ' ' DO GetChar (* ignore spaces between tokens *);
      Length := 1;
      CASE CH OF
        'A' .. 'Z', 'a' .. 'z' :
            SYM.Sym := IdentSym;
            WHILE IsAlphaNum(CH) DO BEGIN
              SYM.Name[Length] := UpCase(CH); INC(Length); GetChar
            SYM.Name[0] := CHR(Length - 1)  (* set length byte *)
        '0' .. '9' :
            SYM.Sym := NumSym;
            WHILE IsDigit(CH) DO BEGIN
              SYM.Name[Length] := UpCase(CH); INC(Length); GetChar
            SYM.Name[0] := CHR(Length - 1)  (* set length byte *)
        '<' :
            IF CH = '='
              THEN BEGIN SYM.Sym := LeqSym; SYM.Name := '<='; GetChar END
              ELSE IF CH = '>'
                THEN BEGIN SYM.Sym := NeqSym; SYM.Name := '<>'; GetChar END
                ELSE SYM.Sym := LssSym; SYM.Name := "<"

A6 Give a precise definition of the terms FIRST(A) and FOLLOW(A) as they are applied to grammar analysis.

By computing relevant FIRST and FOLLOW sets, discuss whether the following grammar adheres to the LL(1) restrictions on parsing. [18]

      N = { A , B , C , D , E}
      T = { w , x , y , z }
      S = A
      P = A -> BC | DE
          B -> [ E ]
          C -> x E
          D -> E { A } ( E | w )
          E -> y | z

A7 Given the following set of productions for describing numerical expressions:

     exp    = term "^" exp | term .
     term   = term "*" factor | term "/" factor | factor .
     factor = number .

A8 Consider the Clang grammar in the appendix to this section, and in particular the productions

     OneConst   = identifier "=" number ";" .
     Assignment = Variable ":=" Expression .
     Variable   = Designator .
     Expression = ( "+" Term | "-" Term | Term ) { AddOp Term } .
     Term       = Factor { MulOp Factor } .
     Factor     = Designator | number | "(" Expression ")" .
     AddOp      = "+" | "-" .
     MulOp      = "*" | "/" .
     RelOp      = "=" | "<>" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" .
Suppose that we wished to extend the language so that we could write
        OneConst   = identifier "=" ConstExpression ";" .
        ConstExpression = Expression .
that is, we wish to be able to define constants in terms of expressions, rather than being restricted to positive integers. To do this we should need to write an attributed version of the grammar so that the parser could distinguish between constant expressions (which would be semantically acceptable in handling OneConst) and general expressions (which would be acceptable in handling Assignment). (The Clang grammar is available to you in machine readable form; you are under no obligation to produce a machine readable solution, however.)

A9 After careful consideration of the overwhelming success of the Clang language, its inventor has decided to release Clang-2. In this language, the productions for IfStatement and WhileStatement are to be changed to

     IfStatement     = "IF" Condition
                           "THEN" Statement { ";" Statement }
                         [ "ELSE" Statement { ";" Statement } ]
                       "END" .
     WhileStatement  = "WHILE" Condition "DO"
                          Statement { ";" Statement }
                       "END" .
The proud inventor was overheard to say that this would dispel of the famous "dangling else" problem.

A10 Howls of protest arose when Clang-2 was released. All those millions of lines of code produced in the Braae Laboratory by generations of students were, at a stroke, rendered syntactically incorrect.

The inventor was unperturbed, and promised to use Coco/R to write a simple Clang to Clang-2 translator. He argued that all he needed to do was to write a sort of pretty printer that would reformat existing Clang programs with extra ENDs inserted into statements (and/or redundant BEGINs removed) at appropriate places, and sketched out a few T-diagrams to show how he would do this. What did the T diagrams look like? [12]

(Make the assumption that you have available the executable versions of the Coco/R compiler- generator for either Pascal or C++, an executable version of a Pascal or C++ compiler, and at least one Clang program to be converted.)

Clang grammar


IGNORE CHR(9) .. CHR(13)

  cr         = CHR(13) .
  lf         = CHR(10) .
  letter     = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" .
  digit      = "0123456789" .
  instring   = ANY - "'" - cr - lf .
  identifier = letter { letter | digit } .
  number     = digit { digit } .
  string     = "'" (instring | "''") { instring | "''" } "'" .
  Clang             = "PROGRAM" identifier ";" Block "." .
  Block             = { ConstDeclarations | VarDeclarations } CompoundStatement .
  ConstDeclarations = "CONST" OneConst { OneConst } .
  OneConst          = identifier "=" number ";" .
  VarDeclarations   = "VAR" OneVar { "," OneVar } ";" .
  OneVar            = identifier [ UpperBound ] .
  UpperBound        = "[" number "]" .
  CompoundStatement = "BEGIN" Statement { ";" Statement } "END" .
  Statement         = [   CompoundStatement | Assignment     | IfStatement
                        | WhileStatement    | ReadStatement  | WriteStatement ] .
  Assignment        = Variable ":=" Expression .
  Variable          = Designator .
  Designator        = identifier [ "[" Expression "]" ] .
  IfStatement       = "IF" Condition "THEN" Statement .
  WhileStatement    = "WHILE" Condition "DO" Statement .
  Condition         = Expression RelOp Expression .
  ReadStatement     = "READ" "(" Variable { "," Variable } ")" .
  WriteStatement    = "WRITE"
                      [ "(" WriteElement { "," WriteElement }  ")" ] .
  WriteElement      = string | Expression .
  Expression        = ( "+" Term | "-" Term | Term ) { AddOp Term } .
  Term              = Factor { MulOp Factor } .
  Factor            = Designator | number | "(" Expression ")" .
  AddOp             = "+" | "-" .
  MulOp             = "*" | "/" .
  RelOp             = "=" | "<>" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" .
END Clang.

Section B [ 70 marks ]

Please note that there is no obligation to produce a machine readable solution for this section. Coco/R and other files are provided so that you can enhance, refine, or test your solution if you desire. If you choose to produce a machine readable solution, you should create a working directory, unpack EXAMP.ZIP (Pascal) or EXAMC.ZIP (C++), modify any files that you like, and then copy all the files back to the blank diskette that will be provided.

The manufacturers of a microprocessor that is currently being developed have been provided with an assembler for it, but are keen to work at a higher level, and have called upon various software houses to bid for a contract to provide a simple compiler that will generate assembler code from a simple source language, which is itself in the process of being developed.

Potential suppliers have been asked to meet an initial specification that calls for a compiler to support a language that can declare simple variables, and have simple assignment statements, if-then-else statements and compound statements. Because things are not yet stable, they would like to be able to mix inline assembler code with higher level source code, so as to compensate for the absence of some high level features.

The microprocessor design is also rather unstable. At this stage all that is known of the instruction set is that it has five opcodes MOV, CMP, BRN, BZE and BNZ. These can be described as follows:

The load/store instructions are of the form

             MOV  Rx, Ry     ;    Rx := Ry
             MOV  Rx, a      ;    Rx := a
             MOV  Rx, [a]    ;    Rx := Mem[a]
             MOV  [a], Rx    ;    Mem[a] := Rx
             MOV  [a], b     ;    Mem[a] := b
             MOV  [a], [b]   ;    Mem[a] := Mem[b]

where Rx and Ry are chosen from R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, the machine's five registers, and a and b are positive integers.

The comparison instructions are of the form

             CMP  x, y       ;    CPU.Z := (x = y)
             CMP  x, [b]     ;    CPU.Z := (x = Mem[b])
             CMP  [b], y     ;    CPU.Z := (Mem[b] = y)

where x and y can be any of R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 or a simple positive integer, and b is a positive integer.

The branch instructions are of the form

             BRN  x          ;    CPU.PC := x
             BZE  x          ;    if CPU.Z then CPU.PC := x
             BNZ  x          ;    if not CPU.Z then CPU.PC := x

where x is a positive integer.

In the high-level language, variable names can be freely chosen, and no restriction is imposed against accidentally using a register name or opcode mnemonic as a variable name.

Within the inline assembler code, however, while the opcode names are "reserved", other variable names may be used as operands. Within inline assembler code, branch instructions may target an alphanumeric label, and such labels may be attached to instructions.

Just to make things interesting, the company has requested that the compiler not be case sensitive, and that variables will be tied at the point of declaration to sequentially assigned addresses in memory, decreasing from location 255.

All this has rather perplexed the host of teams who are competing for the lucrative contract, so the company has released a few sample programs, showing all these features in programs otherwise devoid of any real semantic interest! One of these is as follows (others will be found in the exam kit):

  (* simple example of mixed language program - file P1 *)
      x, r4, r5;             (* some with register names *)
      CMP, MOV, c, d;        (* some with opcode names *)
      a, z;                  (* and a few more *)
      x := r4;
      if x = r4
          begin CMP := MOV; x := c; c := 203 end
          if x = r5
            then MOV := c
            else MOV := a;
      a := z;
      if c = d
        then begin
          d := CMP;
          asm                (* each inline statement terminates with a semicolon *)
            mov r1, r2;      (* and comments may appear as usual *)
            mov r4, 34;
          Lab: mov r5, cmp;  (* labels must be followed immediately by a colon *)
            mov [34], 34;
            mov x, a;
            mov c, z;
            cmp r5, CMP;
            bnz Lab;         (* the target label does not include the colon *)
        else (* nothing *)

And here is the sort of output its compiler must produce (there is no need for the compiler to provide the comments; these are simply to help the reader). Labels can be used as indicated.

      MOV   [255], [254]    ;  x := r4
      CMP   [255], [254]    ;  if x = r4
      BNZ   L0              ;    then begin
      MOV   [252], [251]    ;      CMP := MOV
      MOV   [255], [250]    ;      x := c
      MOV   [250], 203      ;      c := 203
      BRN   L1              ;    end
   L0:                      ;    else
      CMP   [255], [253]    ;      if x = r5
      BNZ   L2              ;        then
      MOV   [251], [250]    ;          MOV := c
      BRN   L3              ;
   L2:                      ;        else
      MOV   [251], [248]    ;          MOV := a
   L3:                      ;
   L1:                      ;
      MOV   [248], [247]    ;  a := z
      CMP   [250], [249]    ;  if c = d
      BNZ   L4              ;    then begin
      MOV   [249], [252]    ;      d := CMP;
                            ;       asm
      MOV   R1, R2          ;         mov r1, r2;
      MOV   R4, 34          ;         mov r4, 34;
      MOV   R5, [252]       ;         mov r5, cmp;
      MOV   [34], 34        ;         mov [34], 34;
      MOV   [255], [248]    ;         mov x, a;
      MOV   [250], [247]    ;         mov c, z;
      CMP   R5, [252]       ;         cmp r5, cmp;
      BNZ   LAB             ;         bnz lab;
      BRN   L5              ;       end
   L4:                      ;     else (* nothing *)
   L5:                      ;

Naturally, the compiler must be able to recognise semantic errors; here is the sort of listing that should accompany a (deliberately) wrong submission:

    1  program
    2  (* simple example of wrong mixed language program - file P2 *)
    3    int
    4      x, r4, r5;        (* some with register names etc *)
    5    bool
    6      CMP, MOV, c2, d;  (* some with opcode names *)
    7    int
    8      a, z;             (* and a few more *)
    9    begin
   10      x := r4;
   11      if x = r4
   12        then
   13          begin CMP := MOV; x := c; c := 203 end
*****                                 ^ Error: Undeclared variable
   14        else
   15          if x = r5
   16            then MOV := c
*****                        ^ Error: Undeclared variable
   17            else MOV := a;
   18      a := z;
   19      if c = d
*****         ^ Error: Undeclared variable
   20        then begin
   21          d := CMP;
   22          asm
   23            mov r1, r2;
   24            mov r4, 34;
   25            mov 34, 34;
*****                ^ Error: Invalid destination
   26            mov x;
*****                ^ Error: Too few operands
   27            move x, a;
*****            ^ Error: Invalid opcode
   28            mov r3a, z;
*****                ^ Error: Undeclared variable
   29            cmp r5, CMP;
   30            bnz 34, xx;
*****                ^ Error: Too many operands
*****                    ^ Error: Undeclared variable
   31          end
   32        end
   33        else (* nothing *)
   34    end.

Of course, as a programmer trained at the top educational institution in the land you should have learned to use compiler generating tools such as Coco/R, and in spite of incredible time constraints (the deadline for submissions of a prototype compiler is only 24 hours away) you should have little trouble in submitting a working system. So take up the challenge. Being open minded, the firm is prepared to accept implementations written in either Pascal or C++. They are also prepared to accept a fairly simple-minded approach to generating the assembler code - it will suffice to have a system where this is simply directed to the standard output file. And, since they have a licensed copy of Coco/R, they are prepared to accept submissions in the form of a Cocol attribute grammar plus any support modules needed, either on diskette or simply written on paper.

Hint: a complete attribute grammar may turn out to be rather long. For examination purposes it is recommended that you

The examiners will be looking for evidence of quality and semantic correctness in your solutions, rather than 100% syntactically correct Cocol.

Confine yourself to simple assignment statements and comparisons like those in the example program - that is, where the right hand side of an assignment consists of a single constant or variable, and where comparisons are made for equality only, between operands that are single constants or variables - and consider only if-then- else statements where both the then and else clauses are present.

There is also no need to describe the support routines as full classes or units - simply assume that the routines can be coded up within a single #include file in the manner familiar from practicals done during the course, or included directly at the head of the grammar itself.