Computer Science 301 - 2008 - Programming Language Translation

Well, here you are. Here is the free information you have all been waiting for, with some extra bits of advice:

Section B [ 80 marks ]

During the Programming Language Translation course in 2008 we have repeatedly encountered the PVM - the Parva Virtual Machine - a hypothetical stack-based computer, for which we have explored a simple machine emulator, an assembler (using conventional mnemonics for the opcodes) and a Parva-to-PVM code compiler.

Stack based machines, and stack based machine interpreters and emulators have been at the heart of our subject for many years. In the early 1960s a stack-based low-level language known as FORTH became very popular, mainly due to one Charles Moore, a radio astronomer, who developed the language and its interpreter to control equipment, all of which had to be done within the confines of the very small computer systems of that period. Since then, Forth has continued to attract a devoted band of followers, and it is still quite widely used. In fact, Forth systems were heavily reliant on an interpreter, and on a technique known as "threaded interpretive code", although in principle other compilers and systems could be developed.

Some examples of Forth-like code will show that it appears to be very similar to PVM code, except that it uses a different system of mnemonics. For example, the code

         40  5  +  3  *  .

computes the value of (40 + 5) * 3 and then prints it, in the same way that

         LDC  40
         LDC  5
         LDC  3

does. And the sequence

         C  A  @  B  @  /  !

corresponds to the high-level code C = A / B, as does the sequence

         LDA  C
         LDA  A
         LDA  B

(where, of course, the "variables" A, B and C are assumed to have been mapped into memory at predicted offsets from a frame stack pointer).

Forth programmers think of this sort of source code as consisting of a stream of "words" (many of which to you will seem to correspond directly to a PVM opcode). Assembly from this code to PVM code can proceed simply by identifying each of the words (looking them up in a so-called "dictionary" in which they have first been entered), and making obvious substitutions.

Interestingly, the words in a system like this can take on a variety of lexical forms. Besides some defined by simple characters like + - * and /, there are some that correspond to actual words like NEGATE and MAX, as well as some more cryptic ones like ?, @, ! and []. Words are demarcated clearly by white space, ( comments appear in simple parentheses ) and the language is deemed to be case-insensitive.

The table below shows the correspondence between the standard words we propose and the PVM opcode set as we have used it in several practicals of the course (our words are not identical to those found in Forth, but are very close).

         !         PVM.sto                .         PVM.prni
         @         PVM.ldv                .C        PVM.prnc
         +         PVM.add                .B        PVM.prnb
         -         PVM.sub                CR        PVM.prnl
         *         PVM.mul                ++        PVM.inc
         /         PVM.div                --        PVM.dec
         NEGATE    PVM.neg                HALT      PVM.halt
         REM       PVM.rem                NEW       PVM.anew
         AND       PVM.and                []        PVM.ldxa
         OR        PVM.or                 STK       PVM.stk
         ==        PVM.ceq                ?         PVM.inpi
         !=        PVM.cne                ?C        PVM.inpc
         <=        PVM.cle                ?B        PVM.inpb
         >=        PVM.cge                TRUE      PVM.ldc 1
         <         PVM.clt                FALSE     PVM.ldc 0
         >         PVM.cgt                CAP       PVM.cap
         NOT       PVM.not                ISLD      PVM.isld

What makes the system rather different from ones you may have seen previously is that the dictionary is not static. As strings, integers and characters, constants and variables are introduced, so new words are added to the dictionary. So, for example, the sequence

          VARIABLE A  42 . "Hello World"  A  42 !  "Hello World"  HALT

introduces the identifier "A" as a variable name and adds it to the end of the dictionary, with the implication that quoting A thereafter will instigate a dictionary search, find the entry, and then generate an LDA opcode with the appropriate offset. The appearance of the integer 42 will add the word "42" to the dictionary, with the implication that when a 42 is encountered from then on it will be recognized again, and generate an LDC 42 operation. Similarly, introduction of a string like "Hello World" will add this as a new word in the dictionary, with the implication that whenever this string is encountered it will be recognized as corresponding to, and generating a PRNS X instruction, where X corresponds to the position of the actual string in the string pool of the PVM. Assembling the above "program" would thus generate code equivalent to

     0   DSP   1    ;  A is at offset 0; one variable
     2   LDC  42    ;  push 42
     4   PRNI       ;  print it
     5   PRNS  0    ;  print "Hello World"
     7   LDA   0    ;
     9   LDC  42    ;
    11   STO        ;  A = 42
    12   PRNS  0    ;  print "Hello World" a second time (same string!)
    14   HALT       ;

The dictionary is searched from the last entry towards the first, which also gives rise to the interesting concept that one can redefine words - for example

          CONSTANT AND 67

would mean that AND would be taken from that point onwards as a word that generated an LDC 67 operation rather than a logical conjunction operation.

Besides the standard words that map easily directly onto PVM opcodes, there are also ones like IF and ENDIF and REPEAT and UNTIL that imply the presence of control structures, and which have to give rise to appropriate BRN and BZE opcodes. In the system being proposed here, a Parva code fragment like

         int age;
         const retirement = 60;
         if (age > retirement)
           write("The meaning of life was really ", 42);

would be coded as

         VARIABLE age
         CONSTANT retirement 60
         age ?                                    ( read age )
         age @ retirement > IF                    ( age > 60? )
           "The meaning of life was really " 42 . ( write("The meaning of life was really ", 42) )

and produce the code

     0   DSP   1    ; age is at offset 0; one variable
     2   LDA   0
     4   INPI       ; read(age)
     5   LDA   0
     7   LDV
     8   LDC  60    ; 60 is the value of retirement
    10   CGT
    11   BZE  17    ; if (age > retirement) {
    12   PRNS  0    ;   write("The meaning of life was really ")
    14   LDC  42    ;   write(42);
    16   PRNI       ; }
    17   HALT

Similarly, the sample program on page 58 of the textbook

         Total = 0;
         REPEAT  read((x);  Total := x + Total;  UNTIL x == 0;
         write("Total is ", Total);

would be coded as

         VARIABLE x VARIABLE Total
         Total 0 !               ( Total = 0 )
           x ?                   ( Read(x) )
           Total x @ Total @ + ! ( Total = x + Total )
           x @ 0 ==              ( x == 0 ? )
         "Total is"  Total @ .   ( write ("Total is" , Total) )

and produce the code

    0   DSP   2    ;  x is variable 0, Total is variable 1
    2   LDA   1
    4   LDC   0
    6   STO        ;  Total = 0;
    7   LDA   0    ;  repeat
    9   INPI       ;    read(x);
   10   LDA   1
   12   LDA   0
   14   LDV
   15   LDA   1
   17   LDV
   18   ADD
   19   STO        ;    Total = x + Total;
   20   LDA   0
   22   LDV
   23   LDC   0
   25   CEQ        ;    (* check equality of x and 0 *)
   26   BZE   7    ;  until (x == 0);
   28   PRNS  0    '  write ("Total is");
   30   LDA   1
   32   LDV
   33   PRNI       ;  write(Total);
   34   HALT

Your challenge in the next 24 hours is to develop an assembler/interpreter for generating PVM code from our proposed version of Forth-like source code. Limit yourself to the features discussed above (the words corresponding directly to PVM opcodes, integer and character constants (both implicit and named), variables, strings and simple IF .. ENDIF and REPEAT ... UNTIL structures).


(a) To refresh your memory, the examination kit includes all the files needed to build a working Parva compiler similar to the one used in your last practical exercise (it does not have all the extensions you were asked to make in that practical, and you need not bother to try to add all of those extensions again). As usual, there is a Java version and an equivalent C# version. You may use either version, and build the compiler with a command CMAKE  Parva.

(b) There are also outline grammars and support files for the assembler, which you will be able to make after you have developed them further. Once again, there is a Java version and an equivalent C# version. You may use either version, and build the assembler with the command CMAKE Assem. Take care not to confuse the files for Parva with the rather similar files for Assem.

(c) You are advised to study the outline grammar and support files before you rush in to code, and to think carefully about the form the Dictionary will take. It will suffice to use the generic ArrayList (Java) or List (C#) class as the basis of the Dictionary. Bearing in mind that looping and decision stuctures may be nested, you may also find the Stack class of use. A synopsis of these classes can be found on the course web page, and will be supplied again during the examination proper.

(d) Note that the standard words like NEGATE are not key or reserved words in the usual sense - they are also to be stored in the Dictionary.

(e) The kit also includes various simple test programs of the sort outlined above (in files named egXX.asm) along with the corresponding PVM code (in files named egXX.PVM, to distinguish them from files named egXX.COD which will be produced by the assembler system itself). A listing of these files has been provided in a separate handout.

(f) Two simple batch files PARVA.BAT and ASSEM.BAT have been provided in the java kits to make testing easier - after making the system a command like ASSEM eg01.asm may be used in place of CRUN Assem eg01.asm. C# users will already know to give the command Assem eg01 in place of using CRUN.

(g) A simple system for helping to check on TOKENS definitions has been provided in the grammar Tokens.atg. You may find it useful to make this system and then to run it using the test data in the file Tokens.txt, and to modify it to help you secure the token definitions you need for the present exercise.

(h) The original Parva compiler stored string constants character by character in high memory, as you should remember. However, it is suggested that you do not try to incorporate that idea, but rather use the one developed in later practicals, in which we created a "string pool" dynamically, using the ArrayList (or List) class. Store string values in this pool, and use the index into the pool as the "value" of a string.

(i) You will recall that the PVM was easily extended to support further opcodes. Two other useful Forth words not currently supported are DUP (which has the effect of duplicating the top of stack) and ABS (which replaces the value currently on the top of stack by its absolute value). While you are at it, and to refamiliarise yourself with the PVM, add these words and opcodes to your system.

(j) Later in the day - at 16h00 - we shall release more information, to help those of you who may not have completed the exercise to do so. Section B of the examination tomorrow will include a set of unseen questions probing your understanding of the system.

(k) Rest assured that you will not be expected to reproduce a complete Forth-like assembler system from memory under examination conditions, but you may be asked to make some additions or improvements to the system developed today.

(l) Remember Einstein's Advice: "Keep it as simple as you can but no simpler" and Terry's Corollary: "For every apparently complex programming problem there is an elegant solution waiting to be discovered".

Good luck!

Free information

Summary of useful library classes

The following summarizes some available simple I/O classes.

  public class OutFile {  // text file output
    public static OutFile StdOut
    public static OutFile StdErr
    public OutFile()
    public OutFile(String fileName)
    public boolean openError()
    public void write(String s)
    public void write(Object o)
    public void write(int o)
    public void write(long o)
    public void write(boolean o)
    public void write(float o)
    public void write(double o)
    public void write(char o)
    public void writeLine()
    public void writeLine(String s)
    public void writeLine(Object o)
    public void writeLine(int o)
    public void writeLine(long o)
    public void writeLine(boolean o)
    public void writeLine(float o)
    public void writeLine(double o)
    public void writeLine(char o)
    public void write(String o,  int width)
    public void write(Object o,  int width)
    public void write(int o,     int width)
    public void write(long o,    int width)
    public void write(boolean o, int width)
    public void write(float o,   int width)
    public void write(double o,  int width)
    public void write(char o,    int width)
    public void writeLine(String o,  int width)
    public void writeLine(Object o,  int width)
    public void writeLine(int o,     int width)
    public void writeLine(long o,    int width)
    public void writeLine(boolean o, int width)
    public void writeLine(float o,   int width)
    public void writeLine(double o,  int width)
    public void writeLine(char o,    int width)
    public void close()
  } // OutFile

  public class InFile {    // text file input
    public static InFile StdIn
    public InFile()
    public InFile(String fileName)
    public boolean openError()
    public int errorCount()
    public static boolean done()
    public void showErrors()
    public void hideErrors()
    public boolean eof()
    public boolean eol()
    public boolean error()
    public boolean noMoreData()
    public char readChar()
    public void readAgain()
    public void skipSpaces()
    public void readLn()
    public String readString()
    public String readString(int max)
    public String readLine()
    public String readWord()
    public int readInt()
    public long readLong()
    public int readShort()
    public float readFloat()
    public double readDouble()
    public boolean readBool()
    public void close()
  } // InFile

Strings and Characters in Java

The following rather meaningless code illustrates various of the string and character manipulation methods that are available in Java and which are useful in developing translators.

  import java.util.*;

      char c, c1, c2;
      boolean b, b1, b2;
      String s, s1, s2;
      int i, i1, i2;

      b = Character.isLetter(c);                 // true if letter
      b = Character.isDigit(c);                  // true if digit
      b = Character.isLetterOrDigit(c);          // true if letter or digit
      b = Character.isWhitespace(c);             // true if white space
      b = Character.isLowerCase(c);              // true if lowercase
      b = Character.isUpperCase(c);              // true if uppercase
      c = Character.toLowerCase(c);              // equivalent lowercase
      c = Character.toUpperCase(c);              // equivalent uppercase
      s = Character.toString(c);                 // convert to string
      i = s.length();                            // length of string
      b = s.equals(s1);                          // true if s == s1
      b = s.equalsIgnoreCase(s1);                // true if s == s1, case irrelevant
      i = s1.compareTo(s2);                      // i = -1, 0, 1 if s1 < = > s2
      s = s.trim();                              // remove leading/trailing whitespace
      s = s.toUpperCase();                       // equivalent uppercase string
      s = s.toLowerCase();                       // equivalent lowercase string
      char[] ca = s.toCharArray();               // create character array
      s = s1.concat(s2);                         // s1 + s2
      s = s.substring(i1);                       // substring starting at s[i1]
      s = s.substring(i1, i2);                   // substring s[i1 ... i2-1]
      s = s.replace(c1, c2);                     // replace all c1 by c2
      c = s.charAt(i);                           // extract i-th character of s
  //    s[i] = c;                                // not allowed
      i = s.indexOf(c);                          // position of c in s[0 ...
      i = s.indexOf(c, i1);                      // position of c in s[i1 ...
      i = s.indexOf(s1);                         // position of s1 in s[0 ...
      i = s.indexOf(s1, i1);                     // position of s1 in s[i1 ...
      i = s.lastIndexOf(c);                      // last position of c in s
      i = s.lastIndexOf(c, i1);                  // last position of c in s, <= i1
      i = s.lastIndexOf(s1);                     // last position of s1 in s
      i = s.lastIndexOf(s1, i1);                 // last position of s1 in s, <= i1
      i = Integer.parseInt(s);                   // convert string to integer
      i = Integer.parseInt(s, i1);               // convert string to integer, base i1
      s = Integer.toString(i);                   // convert integer to string

      StringBuffer                               // build strings (Java 1.4)
        sb = new StringBuffer(),                 //
        sb1 = new StringBuffer("original");      //
      StringBuilder                              // build strings (Jaba 1.5 and 1.6)
        sb = new StringBuilder(),                //
        sb1 = new StringBuilder("original");     //
      sb.append(c);                              // append c to end of sb
      sb.append(s);                              // append s to end of sb
      sb.insert(i, c);                           // insert c in position i
      sb.insert(i, s);                           // insert s in position i
      b = sb.equals(sb1);                        // true if sb == sb1
      i = sb.length();                           // length of sb
      i = sb.indexOf(s1);                        // position of s1 in sb
      sb.delete(i1, i2);                         // remove sb[i1 .. i2-1]
      sb.deleteCharAt(i1);                       // remove sb[i1]
      sb.replace(i1, i2, s1);                    // replace sb[i1 .. i2-1] by s1
      s = sb.toString();                         // convert sb to real string
      c = sb.charAt(i);                          // extract sb[i]
      sb.setCharAt(i, c);                        // sb[i] = c

      StringTokenizer                            // tokenize strings
        st = new StringTokenizer(s, ".,");       // delimiters are . and ,
        st = new StringTokenizer(s, ".,", true); // delimiters are also tokens
        while (st.hasMoreTokens())               // process successive tokens

      String[]                                   // tokenize strings
        tokens = s.split(".;");                  // delimiters are defined by a regexp
      for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++)        // process successive tokens

Strings and Characters in C#

The following rather meaningless code illustrates various of the string and character manipulation methods that are available in C# and which will be found to be useful in developing translators.

  using System.Text;   // for StringBuilder
  using System;        // for Char

      char c, c1, c2;
      bool b, b1, b2;
      string s, s1, s2;
      int i, i1, i2;

      b = Char.IsLetter(c);                      // true if letter
      b = Char.IsDigit(c);                       // true if digit
      b = Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c);               // true if letter or digit
      b = Char.IsWhiteSpace(c);                  // true if white space
      b = Char.IsLower(c);                       // true if lowercase
      b = Char.IsUpper(c);                       // true if uppercase
      c = Char.ToLower(c);                       // equivalent lowercase
      c = Char.ToUpper(c);                       // equivalent uppercase
      s = c.ToString();                          // convert to string
      i = s.Length;                              // length of string
      b = s.Equals(s1);                          // true if s == s1
      b = String.Equals(s1, s2);                 // true if s1 == s2
      i = String.Compare(s1, s2);                // i = -1, 0, 1 if s1 < = > s2
      i = String.Compare(s1, s2, true);          // i = -1, 0, 1 if s1 < = > s2, ignoring case
      s = s.Trim();                              // remove leading/trailing whitespace
      s = s.ToUpper();                           // equivalent uppercase string
      s = s.ToLower();                           // equivalent lowercase string
      char[] ca = s.ToCharArray();               // create character array
      s = String.Concat(s1, s2);                 // s1 + s2
      s = s.Substring(i1);                       // substring starting at s[i1]
      s = s.Substring(i1, i2);                   // substring s[i1 ... i1+i2-1] (i2 is length)
      s = s.Remove(i1, i2);                      // remove i2 chars from s[i1]
      s = s.Replace(c1, c2);                     // replace all c1 by c2
      s = s.Replace(s1, s2);                     // replace all s1 by s2
      c = s[i];                                  // extract i-th character of s
  //    s[i] = c;                                // not allowed
      i = s.IndexOf(c);                          // position of c in s[0 ...
      i = s.IndexOf(c, i1);                      // position of c in s[i1 ...
      i = s.IndexOf(s1);                         // position of s1 in s[0 ...
      i = s.IndexOf(s1, i1);                     // position of s1 in s[i1 ...
      i = s.LastIndexOf(c);                      // last position of c in s
      i = s.LastIndexOf(c, i1);                  // last position of c in s, <= i1
      i = s.LastIndexOf(s1);                     // last position of s1 in s
      i = s.LastIndexOf(s1, i1);                 // last position of s1 in s, <= i1
      i = Convert.ToInt32(s);                    // convert string to integer
      i = Convert.ToInt32(s, i1);                // convert string to integer, base i1
      s = Convert.ToString(i);                   // convert integer to string

      StringBuilder                              // build strings
        sb = new StringBuilder(),                //
        sb1 = new StringBuilder("original");     //
      sb.Append(c);                              // append c to end of sb
      sb.Append(s);                              // append s to end of sb
      sb.Insert(i, c);                           // insert c in position i
      sb.Insert(i, s);                           // insert s in position i
      b = sb.Equals(sb1);                        // true if sb == sb1
      i = sb.Length;                             // length of sb
      sb.Remove(i1, i2);                         // remove i2 chars from sb[i1]
      sb.Replace(c1, c2);                        // replace all c1 by c2
      sb.Replace(s1, s2);                        // replace all s1 by s2
      s = sb.ToString();                         // convert sb to real string
      c = sb[i];                                 // extract sb[i]
      sb[i] = c;                                 // sb[i] = c

      char[] delim = new char[] {'a', 'b'};
      string[]  tokens;                          // tokenize strings
      tokens = s.Split(delim);                   // delimiters are a and b
      tokens = s.Split('.' ,':', '@');           // delimiters are . : and @
      tokens = s.Split(new char[] {'+', '-'});   // delimiters are + -?
      for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length; i++)    // process successive tokens

Simple list and stack handling in Java

The following is the specification of useful members of a Java (1.5/1.6) list handling class

  import java.util.*;

  class ArrayList
  // Class for constructing a list of elements of type E

    public ArrayList<E>()
    // Empty list constructor

    public void add(E element)
    // Appends element to end of list

    public void add(int index, E element)
    // Inserts element at position index

    public E get(int index)
    // Retrieves an element from position index

    public E set(int index, E element)
    // Stores an element at position index

    public void clear()
    // Clears all elements from list

    public int size()
    // Returns number of elements in list

    public boolean isEmpty()
    // Returns true if list is empty

    public boolean contains(E element)
    // Returns true if element is in the list

    public boolean indexOf(E element)
    // Returns position of element in the list

    public E remove(int index)
    // Removes the element at position index

  } // ArrayList

The following is the specification of useful members of a Java 1.5/1.6 (generic) stack handling class

  import java.util.*;

  class Stack<E>
  // Class for constructing a stack of elements of type E

    public Stack<E>()
    // Empty stack constructor

    public void push(E element)
    // Appends element to top of stack

    public E pop()
    // Retrieves an element from top of stack

    public E peek()
    // Returns element on top of stack without removing it

    public void clear()
    // Clears all elements from stack

    public int size()
    // Returns number of elements in stack

    public boolean empty()
    // Returns true if stack is empty

    public boolean contains(E element)
    // Returns true if element is in the stack

  } // Stack

Simple list and stack handling in C#

The following is the specification of useful members of a C# (2.0/3.0) list handling class.

  using System.Collections.Generic;

  class List
  // Class for constructing a list of elements of type E

    public List<E> ()
    // Empty list constructor

    public int Add(E element)
    // Appends element to end of list

    public element this [int index] {set; get; }
    // Inserts or retrieves an element in position index
    // list[index] = element;  element = list[index]

    public void Clear()
    // Clears all elements from list

    public int Count { get; }
    // Returns number of elements in list

    public boolean Contains(E element)
    // Returns true if element is in the list

    public boolean IndexOf(E element)
    // Returns position of element in the list

    public void Remove(E element)
    // Removes element from list

    public void RemoveAt(int index)
    // Removes the element at position index

  } // List

The following is the specification of useful members of a C# 2.0 generic stack handling class

  using System.Collections.Generic;

  class Stack<E>
  // Class for constructing a stack of elements of type E

    public Stack<E>()
    // Empty stack constructor

    public void Push(E element)
    // Appends element to top of stack

    public E Pop()
    // Retrieves an element from top of stack

    public E Peek()
    // Returns element on top of stack without removing it

    public void Clear()
    // Clears all elements from stack

    public int Count { get; }
    // Returns number of elements in stack

    public boolean Contains(E element)
    // Returns true if element is in the stack

  } // Stack

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