Computer Science 301 - 2014 - Programming Language Translation

Preliminary to Section B of the examination

As by now you are well aware, the Parva language and its compiler, as found in the textbook, were designed to serve two roles - firstly, to provide a system in which small, but non-trivial, programs could be written and, secondly, and more importantly, to act as a system which could be extended in numerous ways to allow students to learn some of the techniques of language design and implementation.

The only data types found in the basic version of Parva are integers, booleans, and one-dimensional arrays of elements of those types. During the course you have seen how the character data type can be added to this quite easily, as well as a few new statement forms.

An array structure is (as you should be aware) essentially a list of elements all of the same type, that is, a list of homogeneous elements. Arrays are implemented in the PVM by allowing a programmer to allocate storage for them on the "heap" as needed, and an array is accessed through a "pointer", a static variable which contains the address of the base of the array structure itself. The pointer itself, is, of course, stored on the "stack" of the PVM. If this is still a mystery to you, it is suggested that you make sure that it is no longer a mystery by the start of the formal examination.

In many applications one requires structures whose elements are inhomogeneous. Although this form of structure was not explicitly provided in the earliest languages like FORTRAN, BASIC and Algol, it became popular in the 1970s when Pascal introduced the concept of a record type. At first, such structures could contain only data elements, as exemplified by a type definition, or a model of an object with five fields.

         Person = RECORD
                    age       : INTEGER;
                    salary    : REAL;
                    isBearded : BOOLEAN;
                    firstName, surname : ARRAY [0 .. 100] OF CHAR;
                  END; (* Person *)

which you might find more familiar if it were written equivalently using a C#-like notation:

       class Person {
         int    age;
         double salary;       // I wish!
         bool   isBearded;
         string firstName, surname;
       } // Person

In C# the concept of a class goes much further than this; classes are permitted to package together methods as well as data and, as such, support object-oriented programming in a manner that Pascal and Modula-2 could not.

If you limit yourselves to using a class merely as a definition of an aggregate of data values, you can have anything up to 24 hours of instructive fun by extending the Parva system to compile and execute programs such as the following (where the labelled points refer to the notes on the next page):

      void main() {  // supplied in the kiit as    examples\r15.pav
      // Display use of a simple class and object
        const passMark  = 50;
        const firstMark = 75;

        class TestResult {                                    // point (a)
          int mark;                                           // point (b)
          bool passed, first;                                 // point (c)

        int firsts = 0;

        TestResult t;                                         // point (d)
        t = new TestResult();                                 // point (e)

        while (true) {
          read("Supply mark (negative exits) ", t.mark);      // point (g)
          if (t.mark < 0) break;                              // point (f)
          t.passed = t.mark >= passMark;
          t.first = t.mark >= firstMark;                      // point (g)
          if (t.passed) writeLine("Passed comfortably");
          if (t.first) firsts++;                              // point (h, i)
        writeLine(firsts, " distinctions");
      } // main

This program illustrates various aspects of the extensions you will need to introduce, as indicated by the labelled points in the code on the previous page.

(a) The compiler will have to allow for the definition of a new kind of identifier, namely class. The definition may be regarded as a new kind of declaration statement, and effectively defines a new type.

(b) Within the braces associated with a class definition is to be found a field list.

(c) Items in a field list consist of a type specifier (exemplified by bool) and a list of fields of that type (passed and first). Assume that all such fields are "public variables", in the C#/Java sense.

(d) The compiler will have to allow for the declaration of object variables (such as t) of a class type defined earlier in the code (the usual "define before use" restriction).

(e) Objects of a class type (like t) are to be allocated on the heap, just as arrays are, using a variation on the use of the keyword new. Limit yourself to the simple new ClassName() constructor, as shown above.

(f) It gives little away to point out that the concept of a designator has to be extended to allow a field of an object (as in t.mark) to be addressed where its value is needed in an expression like (t.mark < 0).

(g) Similarly, fields of an object can be addressed so as to act as target designators within read statements ( read(t.mark) ) and assignments (t.first = ... ).

(h) Clearly, much will depend on successfully modifying the symbol table and its ancillaries to handle all these extensions. It might help to show part of what a symbol table might look like after the compiler had reached the point (h) in the above code (immediately before closing off compilation of the while statement).

 topScope -> │  o────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
             ├─────┤                                                                                     │
             │  o  │                                    ┌───────────┐   ┌───────────┐   ┌───────────┐    │
             └──│──┘                              ┌────>│    mark   │   │   passed  │   │   first   │    │
                │                                 │ ┌──>├───────────┤   ├───────────┼   ┼───────────┤    │
                │                                 │ │   │     o────────>│     o────────>│    null   │    │
                │                                 │ │   ├───────────┤   ├───────────┤   ├───────────┤    │
                │                                 │ │   │  variable │   │  variable │   │  variable │    │
                │                                 │ │   ├───────────┤   ├───────────┤   ├───────────┤    │
                │                                 │ │   │    int    │   │    bool   │   │    bool   │    │
                │                                 │ │   ├───────────┤   ├───────────┤   ├───────────┤    │
                │                                 │ │   │  offset 0 │   │  offset 1 │   │  offset 2 │    │
                │                                 │ │   └───────────┘   └───────────┘   └───────────┘    │
                │                                 │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────┐  │
                │                                 └──────────────────┐                                │  │
                │                                                    │                                │  │
                │       ┌───────────┐   ┌───────────┐   ┌───────────┐│  ┌───────────┐   ┌───────────┐ │  │
                │       │   null    │   │   null    │   │ fieldList──┘  │   null    │   │ fieldlist───┘  │
                │       ├───────────┤   ├───────────┤   ├───────────┤   ├───────────┤   ├───────────┤    │
                V       │  passMark │   │ firstMark │   │ TestResult│   │   firsts  │   │     t     │    │
             ┌─────┐    ├───────────┤   ├───────────┤   ├───────────┤   ├───────────┤   ├───────────┤    │
             │  o──────>│     o────────>│     o────────>│     o────────>│     o────────>│     o────────┐ │
             ├─────┤    ├───────────┤   ├───────────┤   ├───────────┤   ├───────────┤   ├───────────┤  │ │
             │  o  │    │  constant │   │  constant │   │   class   │   │  variable │   │  variable │  │ │
             └──│──┘    ├───────────┤   ├───────────┤   ├───────────┤   ├───────────┤   ├───────────┤  │ │
                │       │    int    │   │    int    │   │ TestResult│   │    int    │   │ TestResult│  │ │
                │       ├───────────┤   ├───────────┤   ├───────────┤   ├───────────┤   ├───────────┤  │ │
                │       │  value 50 │   │ value 75  │   │ fields 3  │   │ offset 0  │   │  offset 1 │  │ │
                │       └───────────┘   └───────────┘   └───────────┘   └───────────┘   └───────────┘  │ │
                V                                                                                      V V
             ┌─────┐    ┌───────────┐                                                             ┌──────────┐
             │  o──────>│   main    │                                                             │ sentinel │
             ├─────┤    ├───────────┤                                                             ├──────────┤
             │  o  │    │     o──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────>│    o     │
             └──│──┘    ├───────────┤                                                             ├──────────┤
                │       │  function │                                                             │ variable │
              ──┴──     ├───────────┤                                                             ├──────────┤
               null     │    void   │                                                             │  notype  │
                        └───────────┘                                                             └──────────┘

(i) For the program above it might be helpful to show the state of the stack and heap when point (h) is reached for the first time during execution, after a value of 67 has been read as the first mark.

      Heap   ────────>                                             <──── Stack       main stack frame

      size    mark   passed   first                                                     t     firsts
    ╓───────┬───────┬───────┬───────╥───────┬─────               ───┬───────┬───────╥───────┬───────╖
    ║       │       │       │       ║       │                       │       │       ║       │       ║
    ║   3   │  67   │ true  │ false ║       │          .....        │       │       ║   o   │   0   ║
    ║       │       │       │       ║       │                       │       │       ║   │   │       ║
    ╙───────┴───────┴───────┴───────╨───────┴─────               ───┴───────┴───────╨── │ ──┴───────╜
        ^                                                                               │

Enough already?! No! The system should also allow the creation of arrays of objects, as exemplified by:

      void main() {
      // Demonstrate use of arrays of objects
        const passMark  = 50;
        const firstMark = 75;

        class TestResult {
          int mark;
          bool passed, first;

        int firsts = 0;
        int n = 0;

        TestResult[] results = new TestResult[2];  // create an array of objects on the heap

        while (true) {
          TestResult t = new TestResult();
          read("Supply next mark (negative exits) ", t.mark);
          if (t.mark < 0) break;
          t.passed = t.mark >= passMark;
          t.first = t.mark >= firstMark;
          if (t.passed) writeLine("Passed comfortably");
          if (t.first) firsts++;
          results[n] = t;
          n++;                                     // point (h)
        writeLine(firsts, " distinctions");
      } // main

In this case, were the program to be executed, then, immediately after the n++; assignment at point (h) had been effected for the first time, the state of the stack and heap would be as follows:

      Heap   ────────>                                         <──── Stack     main stack frame

      size  results[0]  [1]   size    mark   passed   first                  results    n     firsts
    ╓───────┬───────┬───────╥───────┬───────┬───────┬───────╥───         ───╥───────┬───────┬───────╖
    ║       │       │       ║       │       │       │       ║               ║       │       │       ║
    ║   2   │   o   │   o   ║   3   │  67   │ true  │ false ║     .....     ║   o   │   1   │   0   ║
    ║       │   │   │   │   ║       │       │       │       ║               ║   │   │       │       ║
    ╙───────┴── │ ──┴── │ ──╨───────┴───────┴───────┴───────╨───         ───╨── │ ──┴───────┴───────╜
        ^       │      ─┴─      ^                                               │
        │       │               │                                               │
        │       └───────────────┘                                               │

You might like to consider what the symbol table would have looked like at the same point (h) while the program was being compiled.

Where do you go from here?

Take a little time to read through the rest of this document carefully and make sure you understand it before you leap in and start to hack at a "solution".

In adopting the approach suggested below you can (and should) make use of the files provided in the examination kit free1j.zip (Java version) or free1c.zip (C# version) which you will find on the course website. In particular, you will find

* The usual frame files, and the Coco/R system;

* A directory folder examples containing some example programs, like the ones given above. You may use these for testing purposes (several of them are very simple; see the attached listing);

* The files to build a Parva level 1 compiler using the Java/C# expression precedence hierarchy, that is, all the files needed to build a Parva compiler essentially identical to the one supplied to you during the final practical, with a few of the refinements made during that exercise.

Firstly, develop the Cocol grammar (Parva.atg) to the point where it can parse the definition of a class, that is, add the necessary syntax, without yet adding semantic actions.

Develop the grammar further so that the Parva compiler can parse the declaration of objects of a known class type - once again concentrating on getting the syntax specified correctly and eliminating LL(1) conflicts.

Develop the syntax of the grammar further so that the Parva compiler can parse designators, including those that incorporate an object and its fields.

Develop the syntax still further so that expressions can incorporate the new() operator as it applies to objects as well as the new XX [] operator as it applies to arrays. Hint: Focus on the Primary non-terminal of the grammar and take care to eliminate LL(1) conflicts.

You should be able to carry out the preceding steps without paying much, if any, attention to symbol table construction, semantic checking and code generation. The next crucial step is to consider how to modify the Kinds, Types and Entry classes in the file Parva\Table.cs (or Parva\Table.java) to handle the introduction of classes and objects. Allow more than one class to be defined in a program, of course, as as you can see in some of the example programs.

Modify the Table class to handle any new features required (including the method for displaying the contents of the symbol table if the useful debugging pragma $ST is encountered during compilation).

Extend the parser so that it not only recognizes class definitions and object declarations, it also makes the appropriate symbol table entries for these and, as it does so, determines the size of the main method's stack frame. Compile a few programs and check that the symbol tables are correct (no need to execute them yet).

Modify the compiler so that the Primary parser can generate appropriate code for allocating an object of a class type on the heap at run-time. You will not need any new opcodes in the PVM - simply make use of the existing PVM.anew opcode. Compile a few programs and check that the allocation works correctly (make use of the $SD and $HD directives in debug mode, and the tracing feature in the interpreter).

Modify the compiler so that the Designator parser generates correct code for computing the address of an object field at run-time. Once again, you will not need any new opcodes in the PVM - simply make use of the existing PVM.lda, PVM.ldxa and PVM.ldv opcodes.

When you have done all this satisfactorily you should be able to compile and run simple complete correct programs (and also reject incorrect ones). You will also have a Parva compiler unlike any developed before!

STOP PRESS: To allow you to test your compiler on programs that are not meant to be executed (merely compiled so as to check the .COD file, symbol table or the program listing), the Parva compilers now recognize a -n command line flag, as in

Parva voter.pav -l -d -n

which won't call on the PVM to interpret the code after it has been generated. Try it!

CAUTION: As with all of the "24 hour exam" problems devised over many years, this is a non-trivial exercise, and you will have to think clearly to be able to solve it. By way of assistance, at 12h30 I shall release a further short handout that may contain some useful hints or raise points that you might not have realized. Later still, at about 16h30 there will be a further handout. You will need to study all of this material carefully, as the formal examination tomorrow will require you to demonstrate understanding of what you do today. Good luck!

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