January/February Examinations - 2017

Computer Science 301 - Paper 2

  Internal Examiner: Prof P.D. Terry                MARKS: 180
                                                    DURATION: 4 hours

  External Examiner: Prof M. Kuttel

Answer all questions. Answers may be written in any medium except red ink.

Most of these questions can and should be answered by marking the CORRECT option or options offered as possible solutions. Use either a tick or a cross. Do NOT use a tick to mean yes and cross to mean no!

To discourage guessing, candidates are warned that incorrect answers may carry a negative penalty. If you do not know the answer, it may be better to mark the "don't know" box.

The maximum score that can be earned on this paper is 160. However, a mark of 140 will be taken as worth 100%.

Your "exam kit" contains the source code needed to build a Parva compiler like the one that would have formed a complete solution to the November examinations, with the extensions suggested to you during the "24 hour" preparation period. There is a precompiled version of this in the file PREPARVA.EXE which you are free to use in any way you see fit.

SECTION A - 25 questions in all

Question A1

[ 6 marks ]

A compiler conventionally has six components (a) Lexical analyser (b) Syntax analyser (c) Semantic constraint analyser (d) Code generator (e) Symbol table handler (f) Error reporter. Use the diagram below to indicate where each of these components can be located in a way that shows their interdependence.

                ┌──────────┐                 ┌────────────────┐
                │  Input   │                 │   Output       ╞═════════£ Source and Error Listing
     Source ═══£│ routines ╞═════════════════╡  routines      ╞═════════£ Object Code File
                └──────────┘                 └────────────────┘
                     ¢                         ¢            ¢
                     │                         │            │
                     │  ┌──────────────────────┴──────────┐ │
                     │  │         Error reporter          │ │
                     │  │                                 │ │
                     │  └─────────────────────────────────┘ └──────────────────┐
                     │   ¢          ¢          ¢    ¢                          │
                     │   │          │          │    │                          │
                     │   │          │          │    └───────────────────┐      │
                ┌────┴───┴────────┐ │ ┌────────┴───────────┐  ┌─────────┴──────┴────┐
                │ Lexical Analyser│ │ │    Table Handler   │  │    Code Generator   │
                │                 │ │ │                    │  │                     │
                └─────────────────┘ │ └────────────────────┘  └─────────────────────┘
                     ¢              │          ¢                        ¢
                     │              │          │                        │
                │                                                                   │
                │      Combined Syntax Analyser and Semantic Constraint Checker     │
                │                                                                   │

Question A2

[ 6 marks ]

For each of the components of a compiler mentioned in question 1, indicate whether it would be considered to be associated with the front end, the back end, or both ends of the compiler.

    │ Lexical analyser                │ Front  *  │ Back    │ Both    │ Don't know    │
    │ Syntax analyser                 │ Front  *  │ Back    │ Both    │ Don't know    │
    │ Semantic constraint analyser    │ Front  *  │ Back    │ Both    │ Don't know    │
    │ Code generator                  │ Front     │ Back  * │ Both    │ Don't know    │
    │ Symbol table handler            │ Front  *  │ Back    │ Both    │ Don't know    │
    │ Error reporter                  │ Front     │ Back    │ Both  * │ Don't know    │

Question A3

[ 3 marks ]

Components of a compiler may be called by several names. Complete the table below.

    │ A lexical analyser is sometimes called a         │Scanner  * │Parser    │Don't know    │
    │ A syntax analyser is sometimes called a          │Scanner    │Parser  * │Don't know    │
    │ White space and comments are ignored by the      │Scanner  * │Parser    │Don't know    │

Question A4

[ 4 marks ]

What two pieces of software must you have available to you so that you can claim that you possess a self- compiling compiler for language X?

    │  Native code executable version of a compiler for language X            │  *  │
    │  Native code executable version of a compiler for language C#           │     │
    │  Source code of the executable version of compiler for X, written in X  │  *  │
    │  Source code of the executable version of compiler for X, written in C# │     │
    │  A Cocol grammar for the compiler for X, expressed as an ATG file       │     │
    │  An executable Coco/R compiler                                          │     │

Question A5

[ 4 marks ]

Consider the following compilers known to you. Which of the following claims is true for each one? (More than one claim may be true.)

The Coco/R compiler generator COCOR.EXE is

 │a high level compiler  * │a native code compiler    │a self-compiling compiler  * │an interpretive compiler    │

The .NET C# compiler CSC.EXE is

 │a high level compiler    │a native code compiler *  │a self-compiling compiler    │an interpretive compiler    │

The Parva compiler PARVA.EXE generated by using COCOR.EXE and CSC.EXE is

 │a high level compiler    │a native code compiler    │a self-compiling compiler    │an interpretive compiler *  │

Question A6

[ 4 marks ]

Consider the following C# statement. How many language tokens appear in this statement altogether? (Hint: in the statement a = ( a + ( a ) ); there are 10 tokens altogether but only 6 different ones).

                while ( i <= 10 && !list[i].name.Equals("Pat Terry")) i++;      │  22  │ tokens │

Question A7

[ 4 marks ]

If we define a language L by a grammar G, we speak of G = G(N, T, S, P) as having four components, conventionally called its N (non-terminals), T (terminals), S (start) and P (productions). Which of these are sets?

    │  N   *  │ T   *  │ S      │ P   *  │ None   │ Don't know   │

Question A8

[ 4 marks ]

Here are three sets of productions from which algebraic-like strings containing - and * operators and a, b and c operands may be derived - for example a * b * a.

(G1)   Expression = Term | Expression "-" Term .       (1, 2)
          Term = Factor | Term "*" Factor .        (3, 4)
          Factor = "a" | "b" | "c" .        (5, 6, 7)

(G2)   Expression = Term | Term "-" Expression .       (1 ,2)
          Term = Factor | Factor "*" Term .       (3, 4)
          Factor = "a" | "b" | "c" .       (5, 6, 7)

(G3)   Expression = Term | Term "*" Expression .       (1, 2)
          Term = Factor | Factor "-" Term .       (3, 4)
          Factor = "a" | "b" | "c" .       (5, 6, 7)

Which, if any, of these grammars describes strings in which the operators and operands obey the usual rules of associativity, distributivity and precedence?

    │ None    │G1 *  │G2    │G3    │G1 and G2    │G2 and G3   │G3 and G1   │G1 and G2 and G3   │Don't know   │

Question A9

[ 8 marks ]

The following represent attempts to define a production that can describe any of the Roman numbers between five and eight, that is V VI VII VIII

       N1 = "V" [ "I" ] [ "I" ] [ "I" ] .
       N2 = "V" [ "I" [ "I" [ "I" ] ] ] .
       N3 = "V" [ [ [ "I" ] "I" ] "I" ] .
       N4 = "V" [ [ "I" "I" ] "I" ] .

Which of these productions is equivalent to N1? (There may be several.)

    │ None      │N2    *   │N3   *    │N4        │Don't know     │

Which of these productions is ambiguous? (There may be several.)

    │ None      │N1    *   │N2        │N3        │N4        │Don't know     │

Which of these productions satisfies the LL(1) criteria? (There may be several.)

    │ None      │N1        │N2    *   │N3        │N4        │Don't know     │

Which of these productions cannot describe all four numbers? (There may be several.)

    │ None      │N1        │N2        │N3        │N4   *    │Don't know     │

Question A10

[ 9 marks ]

Although a language like Parva may be described syntactically very accurately by a context-free grammar, there are aspects of the language that are distinctly "context-sensitive". These include restrictions like

* The labels used in a single switch statement must all be unique and distinct.

* Each identifier in a program is associated with a particular compile-time scope.

* The number of formal parameters specified for a function must match the number of actual arguments supplied when calling the function.

Suggest three other context-sensitive features that you have encountered. Which of these six features cannot be handled with reference to the familiar symbol table that is indexed by the identifiers introduced in declarations?

* Cannot assign boolean value to an integer variable (etc)

* Cannot mix booleans and integers willy-nilly

* must declare variable before using them (and other identifiable things, constants, functions

* Cannot redeclare an identifier in a nested block in which it is still in scope

* Can only have break statements within loops (or in switch clauses)

* etc

Cannot check on break statements using the symbol table (or would be perverse to do so), or the labels in switch.

Question A11

[ 4 marks ]

Consider the following simple Parva program (which is not supposed to do anything useful, if it does anything at all!)

    1      void main() { ;
    2        const last = 122;;;
    3        char c = 'a';
    4        while (c < last) {
    5          final int j = i + 1;
    6          writeLine(i + j);
    7          c++;
    8        };
    9      } // main

Which of the following claims is true and which is false?

    │ This is a perfectly valid program                                      │True * │False    │Don't know     │
    │ This program is invalid because you cannot add the value of a variable │       │         │               │
    │ of type final to the value of a variable not of type final  (line 6).  │True   │False  * │Don't know     │
    │ Marking a variable final means that its value cannot be altered.       │       │         │               │
    │ Each time you go around the loop you are trying to alter j, and        │True   │False  * │Don't know     │
    │ this makes the program invalid (line 5).                               │       │         │               │
    │ The program is invalid because you cannot compare the character c      │       │         │               │
    │ with the constant last (line 4).                                       │True   │False  * │Don't know     │
    │ The program is invalid because semicolons are incorrectly placed.      │True   │False  * │Don't know     │

Question A12

[ 4 marks ]

What conclusion would you reach when you analyse the following Parva code:

      while ( Condition1 ) ;
    while ( Condition2 ) ;

    │ A do-while loop followed by a while loop    │True        │False   *   │Don't know     │
    │ A while loop nested within a do-while loop  │True   *    │False       │Don't know     │
    │ Either : the code seems to be ambiguous     │True        │False   *   │Don't know     │
    │ Completely unacceptable, incorrect code     │True        │False   *   │Don't know     │

Question A13

[ 3 marks ]

Part of the grammar for the Primary production for Parva - stripped of attributes to save space - reads as follows:

     | "Clone"   "(" Expression ")"
     | "Members" "(" Expression ")"
     | "Equals"  "(" Expression "," Expression ")"
     | "IsEmpty" "(" Expression ")"
     | "Length"  "(" Expression ")"
     | "Copy"    "(" Expression ")"
     | "Equal"   "(" Expression "," Expression ")"

Might it have been better to write this part of the grammar with Designator everywhere that you currently see Expression, given that these operations all apply either to sets or to arrays? Justify the use of Expression by giving an example where the use of Designator could not have achieved a desired effect.

* You might want, for example IsEmpty(a + b) or Clone(a * b) or Members(Clone({1,2}))

* Expressions can have sets as operands, with + - * and / operators in particular

Question A14

[ 12 marks ]

The following code is to be found in the Parva compiler

  Type<out int type>
  =  BasicType<out type>
     [ "[]"                             (. if (type != Types.noType) type++; .)
     ] .

  BasicType<out int type>               (. type = Types.noType; .)
  =   "int"                             (. type = Types.intType; .)
    | "bool"                            (. type = Types.boolType; .)
    | "char"                            (. type = Types.charType; .)
    | "set"                             (. type = Types.setType; .)
    | "charset"                         (. type = Types.charsetType; .) .

  VarList<StackFrame frame, int type, bool cannotAlter>
  =  OneVar<frame, type, cannotAlter>
     { WEAK "," OneVar<frame, type, cannotAlter> } .

  OneVar<StackFrame frame, int type, bool cannotAlter>
                                        (. int expType;
                                           Entry var = new Entry(); .)
  =  Ident<out var.name>                (. var.kind = Kinds.Var;
                                           var.type = type;
                                           var.cannotAlter = cannotAlter;
                                           var.offset = frame.size;
                                           frame.size++; .)
     (   AssignOp                       (. CodeGen.LoadAddress(var); .)
         Expression<out expType>        (. if (!Assignable(var.type, expType))
                                             SemError("incompatible types in assignment");
                                           CodeGen.Assign(var.type); .)
       |                                (. if (cannotAlter)
                                             SemError("defining expression required"); .)
     )                                  (. Table.Insert(var); .) .

For each of the nonterminals that appear above, indicate whether the compiler is making use of synthesized or inherited attributes (or both, or neither).

    │ Type          │  Synthesized  *  │ Inherited     │ Both     │ Neither     │ Don't know     │
    │ BasicType     │  Synthesized  *  │ Inherited     │ Both     │ Neither     │ Don't know     │
    │ VarList       │  Synthesized     │ Inherited  *  │ Both     │ Neither     │ Don't know     │
    │ OneVar        │  Synthesized     │ Inherited  *  │ Both     │ Neither     │ Don't know     │
    │ Ident         │  Synthesized  *  │ Inherited     │ Both     │ Neither     │ Don't know     │
    │ Expression    │  Synthesized  *  │ Inherited     │ Both     │ Neither     │ Don't know     │

Question A15

[ 9 marks ]

Consider the following attempt at writing a Parva program to illustrate identifier scope

         void main ()              // point a    │ a Table would be as in diagram   │      E    │
         { //  Demonstrate scope                 ├──────────────────────────────────┼───────────┤
            int i, j;              // point b    │ b Just after j has been declared │           │
            {  int a, b;                         │   table would be as in diagram:  │      F    │
               {  int x, y;                      ├──────────────────────────────────┼───────────┤
               }                                 │ c Just after z has been defined  │           │
               {  int x, z = x;    // point c    │   table would be as in diagram:  │      H    │
               }                                 ├──────────────────────────────────┼───────────┤
            }                                    │                                  │           │
            int x, y;              // point d    │ d Just after y has been declared │      J    │
                                                 │   table would be as in diagram:  │           │
         } // main                               └──────────────────────────────────┴───────────┘

Identify which of the diagrams below best represents the state of a symbol table at each of the points marked a, b c and d in this source code. The intersections marked O represent "scope nodes" as used in the Parva compiler in your exam kit. The first one, at point a, has been done for you: the diagram is E.

 A   top ─────> main ───> i ────> j ────> sentinel     F  top──o────> i ─────> j ─────────────┐
                                                               │                              │
                                                               o────> main ───────────────────┴──> sentinel
 B   top─o────> x ─────> z ──────────┐
         │                           │
         o────> x ─────> y ──────────┤                 G  top──o─> main ──> i ──> j ──> x ──> y ──> sentinel
         │                           │
         o────> a ─────> b ──────────┤
         │                           │                 H  top──o────> x ─────> z ─────────────┐
         o────> i ─────> j ──────────┤                         │                              │
         │                           │                         o────> a ─────> b ─────────────┤
         o────> main ────────────────┴──> sentinel             │                              │
                                                               o────> i ─────> j ─────────────┤
                                                               │                              │
 C   top─o────> x ─────> y ───> z ───┐                         o────> main ───────────────────┴──> sentinel
         │                           │
         o────> a ─────> b ──────────┤
         │                           │
         o────> i ─────> j ──────────┤                 I  top──o────> x ─────> y ──────> z ───┐
         │                           │                         │                              │
         o────> main ────────────────┴──> sentinel             o────> x ─────> y ─────────────┤
                                                               │                              │
                                                               o────> a ─────> b ─────────────┤
 D   top─o────> x ─────> y ──────────┐                         │                              │
         │                           │                         o────> i ─────> j ─────────────┤
         o────> i ─────> j ──────────┤                         │                              │
         │                           │                         o────> main ───────────────────┴──> sentinel
         o────> main ────────────────┴──> sentinel

                                                       J  top──o────> i ────> j ──> x ──> y ──┐
                                                               │                              │
 E   top-o────> main ───────────────────> sentinel             o────> main ───────────────────┴──> sentinel

Question A16

[ 5 marks ]

Complete the code (with addresses and variable offsets) that would be generated for the program in Question A15, given again on the right.

       0   FHDR                                                      void main ()
       1   CALL  4                                                   { //  Demonstrate scope
       3   HALT                                                         int i, j;
       4   DSP  10    // space for variables                            {  int a, b;
       6   LDA  11    //                                                   {  int x, y;
           LDA  10    //                                                   }
           LDV        //                                                   {  int x, z = x;
           STO        //                                                   }
                                                                        int x, y;
           RETV                                                      } // main

Question A17

[ 3 marks ]

Close perusal of the code for OneVar in question 14 might suggest that inserting a variable's entry into the symbol table could take place earlier, as follows

  OneVar<StackFrame frame, int type, bool cannotAlter>
                                        (. int expType;
                                           Entry var = new Entry(); .)
  =  Ident<out var.name>                (. var.kind = Kinds.Var;
                                           var.type = type;
                                           var.cannotAlter = cannotAlter;
                                           var.offset = frame.size;
                                           Table.Insert(var); .)    // ********************* here, earlier ?
     (   AssignOp                       (. CodeGen.LoadAddress(var); .)
         Expression<out expType>        (. if (!Assignable(var.type, expType))
                                             SemError("incompatible types in assignment");
                                           CodeGen.Assign(var.type); .)
       |                                (. if (cannotAlter)
                                             SemError("defining expression required"); .)
     ) .                                                            // *********** rather than here, later

Why would this earlier insertion, in fact, not be a good idea?

Consider, for example int i = i + 4; We are declaring i, and also trying to define it using the expression i + 4, which is undefined. So enter it into the symbol table after the statement is complete.

Question A18

[ 4 marks ]

Short-circuit evaluation of expressions is prescribed for many computer languages. Give the two logical identities that lie at the heart of this idea.

    │                                           │                                │
    │  A AND B ≡  if     A then B else FALSE    │  if  NOT A then FALSE else B   │
    │                                           │                                │
    │                                           │                                │
    │  A OR B  ≡  if     A then TRUE else B     │                                │
    │                                           │                                │

Question A19

[ 5 marks ]

Combined with suitable PVM opcodes, short-circuit evaluation of AND is achieved in Parva by code generated by the following familiar production (the production to handle short-circuit OR would be similar).

  AndExp<out int type>                  (. int type2;

                                           Label shortcircuit = new Label(!known); .)
  =  EqlExp<out type>
     { "&&"                             (. CodeGen.BooleanOp(shortcircuit, CodeGen.and); .)
       EqlExp<out type2>                (. if (!IsBool(type) || !IsBool(type2))
                                             SemError("Boolean operands needed");
                                           type = Types.boolType; .)
     }                                  (. shortcircuit.Here(); .)

Give the code for the production that would replace this one if you wanted to generate PVM code that did not use short-circuit evaluation, but instead was required to evaluate every EqlExp in the Expression.

  AndExp<out int type>                    (. int type2; .)

  =  EqlExp<out type>
     { "&&" EqlExp<out type2>             (. if (!IsBool(type) || !IsBool(type2))
                                               SemError("Boolean operands needed");
                                             type = Types.boolType;
                                             CodeGen.BinaryOp(CodeGen.and); .)
     } .

Question A20

[ 4 marks ]

After much argument it has been decided to extend Parva still further, adding a loop-end statement defined by

LoopStatement = "loop" { Statement } "end" ";" .

the semantics of which are simply to repeat the statement sequence between loop and end indefinitely. To be of any use, clearly, one or more of these statements might incorporate a BreakStatement, but you do not have to insist on that. A CSC 301 student has tackled this addition and has got as far as suggesting the production

  LoopStatement<StackFrame frame>                 (. Label loopExit = new label(!known);
                                                     Label loopContinue = new Label(known);
  =  "loop"
     Statement<frame, loopExit, loopContinue>
     }                                            (. CodeGen.Branch(loopContinue);
                                                     loopExit.Here(); .)
     WEAK ";" .

Unfortunately this does not quite work, even though Coco might be happy to compile it. What must be added to make it work? (Make the changes on the code above.)

Question A21

[ 6 marks ]

As a test case, the CSC 301 class has been asked to investigate the code that should be generated by the following noisy program

       1    void main() {
       2      write("Parrot says");
       3      loop
       4        write("Pretty");
       5        continue;
       6        write("Polly");
       7        break;
       8        continue;
       9        break;             // partially generated
      10      end;                 // fully generated
      11    } // main

They are having trouble with the branch instructions. If the code generated by the program is as outlined here, what should it in fact look like just before the compiler reaches the end on line 10 (left column), and what should it look like when compilation is complete (right column)?

           partially generated code                          fully generated code

       0   FHDR                                         0    FHDR
       1   CALL  4                                      1    CALL  4
       3   HALT                                         3    HALT
       4   DSP   0    // no locals                      4    DSP   0    // no locals
       6   PRNS  "Parrot says"                          6    PRNS  "Parrot says"
       8   PRNS  "Pretty"                               8    PRNS  "Pretty"
      10   BRN   8                                     10    BRN   8
      12   PRNS  "Polly"                               12    PRNS  "Polly"
      14   BRN   -1                                    14    BRN   22
      16   BRN   8                                     16    BRN   8
      18   BRN   14                                    18    BRN   22
                                                       20    BRN   8
                                                       22    RETV

Question A22

[ 10 marks ]

Some language designers are never satisfied, or at least think they can do better. Members of the class might come up with several alternative suggestions for the syntax of this "infinite" loop. Classify each as an acceptable or unacceptable alternative. Hint - there may be more than one of each sort.

   │ LoopStatement = "loop" Statement .               │Acceptable *   │ Unacceptable     │ Don't know    │
   │ LoopStatement = "loop" { Statement } ";" .       │Acceptable     │ Unacceptable *   │ Don't know    │  (LL(1))
   │ LoopStatement = "loop" Statement "end" .         │Acceptable *   │ Unacceptable     │ Don't know    │
   │ LoopStatement = "loop" { Statement } "end" .     │Acceptable *   │ Unacceptable     │ Don't know    │
   │ LoopStatement = "loop" { Statement } "end" ";" . │Acceptable *   │ Unacceptable     │ Don't know    │

Question A23

[ 4 marks ]

In answers received to the November examination, several candidates suggested that the extension to allow a character set type should be achieved by using a grammar for Primary that included (call this ONE)

     | [ "set"     ] "{" [ ElementList ] "}"
     | [ "charset" ] "{" [ ElementList ] "}"

in place of the one in Primary suggested by several other candidates (call this TWO):

     | [ "set" | "charset" ] "{" [ ElementList ] "}"

Comment on the following claims

    │ ONE is necessary because two different set types will need two  │True      │False *   │Don't know    │
    │ different productions.                                          │          │          │              │
    │ Neither ONE nor TWO should be allowed to treat the key words    │True      │False *   │Don't know    │
    │ set and charset as optional.                                    │          │          │              │
    │ Either ONE or TWO, but not both, can be allowed to treat one    │True *    │False     │Don't know    │
    │ of the key words set and charset as optional.                   │          │          │              │
    │ Both suggestions give rise to an LL(1) error, but this would    │True      │False *   │Don't know    │
    │ be resolved as for the dangling else of the IfStatement and so  │          │          │              │
    │ would not matter.                                               │          │          │              │

Question A24

[ 4 marks ]

The following code forms part of an attempt to interpret the PVM code generated for handling the evaluation of a set union, set difference, set intersection and symmetric difference. One of these case handlers is incorrect. Which one is it, and what should the corrected version be?

          case PVM.union:         // union of two sets
            tempSet = GetSet(Pop());
            Push(AddSet(  tempSet.Union(GetSet(Pop()))  ));

          case PVM.diff:          // difference of two sets
            tempSet = GetSet(Pop());
            Push(AddSet(  tempSet.Difference(GetSet(Pop()))  ));

          case PVM.intsx:         // intersection of two sets
            tempSet = GetSet(Pop());
            Push(AddSet(  tempSet.Intersection(GetSet(Pop()))  ));

          case PVM.xor:          // symmetric difference of two sets
            tempSet = GetSet(Pop());
            Push(AddSet(  GetSet(Pop()).SymDiff(tempSet)  ));

  PVM.diff  _________ is incorrect and the code should read  as follows (operands in wrong order)

          case PVM.              //

            tempSet = GetSet(Pop());

            Push(AddSet(  GetSet(Pop()).Difference(tempSet)  ));


Question A25

[ 5 marks ]

In the Parva compiler as supplied in the exam kit and developed in November, sets may be compared for equality using code like

       set a = set{0, 1, 3};
       set b = set{3, 1, 0};
       set c = set{2, 4, 6};
       writeLine(Equals(a, b),  Equals(b, c),  ! Equals(b, a) );   // true, false, false

The designer of Parva might prefer that we apply the familiar == and != operators to test sets for equality (meaning that they contain exactly the same elements). If this were allowed one would be able to write

       writeLine(a == b,  b == c,  b != a);                        // true, false, false

Presumably this could be done by modifying the EqlExp production, which currently reads as follows:

  EqlExp<out int type>                    (. int type2;
                                             int op;
                                             bool comparable = false; .)
  =  RelExp<out type>
     [ EqualOp<out op> RelExp<out type2>  (. switch (op) {
                                               case CodeGen.ceq :
                                               case CodeGen.cne :
                                                 comparable = Compatible(type, type2);
                                               case CodeGen.cin :
                                                 comparable =    IsArith(type) && type2 == Types.setType
                                                              ||     type == Types.charType
                                                                 && type2 == Types.charsetType;
                                             if (!comparable)
                                               SemError("incomparable operand types");
                                             CodeGen.Comparison(op, type);
                                             type = Types.boolType; .)
     ]  .

Give the code for this change, in detail.

  EqlExp<out int type>                    (. int type2;
                                             int op;
                                             bool comparable = false; .)
  =  RelExp<out type>
     [ EqualOp<out op> RelExp<out type2>  (. switch (op) {
                                               case CodeGen.ceq :
                                               case CodeGen.cne :
                                                 comparable = Compatible(type, type2);
                                               case CodeGen.cin :
                                                 comparable =    IsArith(type) && type2 == Types.setType
                                                              ||     type == Types.charType
                                                                 && type2 == Types.charsetType;
                                             if (!comparable)
                                               SemError("incomparable operand types");
                                             if (IsSet(type) {                                   ////
                                               CodeGen.Equals();                                 ////
                                               if (op == CodeGen.cne) CodeGen.NegateBoolean();   ////
                                             else                                                ////
                                               CodeGen.Comparison(op, type);                     ////
                                             type = Types.boolType; .)
     ] .

SECTION B - 2 questions. Answer Section B or Section C

Question B26

[ 6 marks ]

In the Parva compiler as supplied in the exam kit and developed in November, sets may be initialized and manipulated using code like

       set a = set{1, 2, 3};
       charset vowels = charset{'a',  'e',  'i',  'o',  'u'};
       a.Incl(10, 20, 30};
       a.Excl(i, 2 * i, i * i);

The relevant parts of the compiler include the productions

  ElementList<int elementType, bool inc>
  =  Element<elementType>                 (. CodeGen.IncludeOrExclude(inc); .)
     { "," Element<elementType>           (. CodeGen.IncludeOrExclude(inc); .)
     } .

  Element<int elementType>                (. int type; .)
  = Expression<out type>                  (. if (!IsArith(type))
                                               SemError("arithmetic element needed");
                                             if (elementType == Types.charType && type != Types.charType)
                                               SemError("character element needed"); .) .

It would be useful to be able to specify multiple elements using a range notation, as illustrated by

   charset letters  = charset{'a' .. 'z'};
   charset digits   = charset{'0' .. '9'};
   set nonLeapYears = {1999, 2001 .. 2003, 2005 .. 2007, 2009};

What should the following sets contain after construction? (The first one has been done for you.)

    │ set{ 1, 4 .. 7, 11 .. 12 }        │ {  1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12 }                 │
    │                                   │                                            │
    │ set{ 0 .. 9 }                     │    { 0, 1,  2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }       │
    │                                   │                                            │
    │ set{ 1, 7 .. 4 }                  │    { 1 }   or perhaps { 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 }    │
    │                                   │                                            │
    │ set{ 1 .. 4, 3 .. 5, 10 }         │    ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 }                   │
    │                                   │                                            │
    │ charset{'A' .. 'C', 'Z' .. 'Z' }  │    { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'Z' }                  │

Question B27

[ 20 marks ]

Extend the Parva language, compiler and PVM to accomplish the extension for Question B26 (use the last pages of the question paper to do so).

This is straightforward once one sees the way to factor the production:

  ElementList<int elementType, bool inc>
  =  Range<elementType, inc>
     { "," Range<elementType, inc> }

  Range<int elementType, bool inc>
  =  Element<elementType>
     (   ".." Element<elementType>           (. CodeGen.IncludeOrExcludeRange(inc); .)
       |                                     (. CodeGen.IncludeOrExclude(inc); .)
     ) .

The new code generating function is very simple

    public static void IncludeOrExcludeRange(bool inc) {
    // Generates code to include/exclude all values between sos and tos inclusive
    //  to/from a set with address just above that. (Process none if sos > tos)
      Emit(inc ? PVM.inclr : PVM.exclr);
    } // CodeGen.IncludeOrExcludeRange

Finally, the new opcodes are straightforward. "Ranges" that are "wrong" such as 12 .. 3 have no effect, but we have chosen not to generate a runtime error. Other implementors might be more dictatorial.

   case PVM.inclr:         // generate and include elements between sos and tos
     tos = Pop();
     sos = Pop();
     tempSet = GetSet(mem[cpu.sp]);
     for (loop = sos; loop <= tos; loop++) tempSet.Incl(loop);

   case PVM.exclr:         // generate and exclude elements between sos and tos
     tos = Pop();
     sos = Pop();
     tempSet = GetSet(mem[cpu.sp]);
     for (loop = sos; loop <= tos; loop++) tempSet.Excl(loop);

SECTION C - 2 questions. Answer Section B or Section C

Question C28

[ 6 marks ]

The Parva compiler as supplied in the exam kit, incorporating the ideas you should have developed in the 24 hour period before the examination, allows for functions to be "prototyped" before they are fully defined, opening up the possibility for a Parva compiler to handle mutually recursive functions:

   void one();       // function prototype
   void two(int x);  // function prototype

   void main() {
   } // main

   void one() {
   } // one

   void two(int x) {
     if (x > 1) two(x-1);  // recursive call
   } // two

Unfortunately this system will not detect several errors that users might make. Consider the following code

    void one(int i);
    void two(int a, bool b);
    void three(char c, int n);
    void four();
    void five(int x);

    void one(int i, int j) {}           // 1  wrong number of parameters

    void two(int i, int j) {}           // 2  wrong names and mismatched types

    void four(int j) {}                 // 3  wrong number of parameters

    void four();                        // 4  can't use the prototype again here

    void main() {
      one(4, 5);
      three('a', 4);
      five(3);                          // 5  five was never properly defined

    void three(char ch, int nn) {}      // 6  wrong names

                                        // 7  four was never properly defined.
                                        //    since it was never called this may not matter

Identify at least three places in the code (with reasons) where errors slip past the compiler and remain undetected. Simply annotate the code above.

Question C29

[ 20 marks ]

Function declarations in the system supplied to you are handled by the following code. Improve the Parva compiler so that it will detect errors like those you identified in Question C28 (use the last pages of the question paper to do so).

                                             (. StackFrame frame = new StackFrame();
                                                Entry function = new Entry(); .)
  =  "void" Ident<out function.name>         (. function.kind = Kinds.Fun;
                                                function.type = Types.voidType;
                                                function.nParams = 0;
                                                function.firstParam = null;
                                                Entry oldEntry = Table.Find(function.name);
                                                bool completing = !oldEntry.defined;
                                                if (!completing) Table.Insert(function);
                                                Table.OpenScope(); .)
     "(" FormalParameters<function> ")"      (. frame.size = CodeGen.headerSize + function.nParams; .)
     (                                       (. if (completing) {
                                                  oldEntry.defined = true;
                                                else {
                                                  function.entryPoint = new Label(known);
                                                  function.defined    = true;
                                                if (function.name.ToUpper().Equals("MAIN")
                                                    && !mainEntryPoint.IsDefined()
                                                    && function.nParams == 0) {
                                                } .)
       | ";"                                 (. function.entryPoint = new Label(!known);
                                                function.defined = false; .)
     )                                       (. Table.CloseScope(); .) .

This is a fairly tricky thing to get exactly right. The question is intended as a discriminator.

The places where the code needs amending are highlighted below/ Note that we need to add a method to the table handler (called at the end of compilation) to check that all functions have been completely defined. If we also keep track of which functions are actually called we can perhaps issue warning against "unused" prototypes.

                                             (. CodeGen.FrameHeader();         // no arguments
                                                CodeGen.Call(mainEntryPoint);  // forward, incomplete
                                                CodeGen.LeaveProgram(); .)     // return to O/S
  = {   FuncDeclaration } EOF                (. if (!mainEntryPoint.IsDefined())
                                                  SemError("missing Main function");
                                                Table.CheckFunctionsDefined(); .) .                      /////

  FuncDeclaration                            (. StackFrame frame = new StackFrame();
                                                Entry function = new Entry(); .)
  =  "void" Ident<out function.name>         (. function.kind = Kinds.Fun;
                                                function.type = Types.voidType;
                                                function.nParams = 0;
                                                function.firstParam = null;
                                                Entry oldEntry = Table.Find(function.name);
                                                bool completing = !oldEntry.defined;
                                                if (!completing) Table.Insert(function);
                                                Table.OpenScope(); .)
     "(" FormalParameters<function> ")"      (. frame.size = CodeGen.headerSize + function.nParams; .)
     (                                       (. if (completing) { // patch prototype entry
                                                  oldEntry.defined = true;
                                                  if (Mismatch(oldEntry, function))                      /////
                                                    SemError("parameter list differs from prototype");   /////
                                                else { // standard declaration
                                                  function.entryPoint = new Label(known);
                                                  function.defined    = true;

                                                if (function.name.ToUpper().Equals("MAIN")
                                                    && !mainEntryPoint.IsDefined()
                                                    && function.nParams == 0) {
                                                } .)
       | ";"                                 (. if (oldEntry.kind == Kinds.Fun && oldEntry.defined)      /////
                                                  SemError("already defined");                           /////
                                                if (completing)                                          /////
                                                  SemError("function body expected");                    /////
                                                else {
                                                  function.entryPoint = new Label(!known);
                                                  function.defined = false;
                                                }  .)
     )                                       (. Table.CloseScope(); .) .

Note the way in which the original (prototype) formal parameter list is checked against the defining parameter list. This might be too severe - the number and types of the parameters must match exactly, but the names could be left unchecked. Or could they - I leave this to the reader to ponder and experiment!

  static bool Mismatch(Entry proto, Entry actual) {
  // Returns true if the proto and actual parameter lists do not match
  // used to check function prototype completion
    if (proto.nParams != actual.nParams) return true;
    Entry pp = proto.firstParam;
    Entry ap = actual.firstParam;
    for (int i = 1; i <= proto.nParams; i++) {
      if (pp.type != ap.type || !Equals(pp.name, ap.name)) return true;
      pp = pp.nextInScope; ap = ap.nextInScope;
    return false;
  } // Mismatch

The Entry class needs enhancement:

  class Entry {
  // All fields initialized, but are modified after construction (by semantic analyser)
    public int     kind        = Kinds.Var;
    public string  name        = "";
    public int     type        = Types.noType;
    public int     value       = 0;       // constants
    public int     offset      = 0;       // variables
    public bool    declared    = true;    // true for all except sentinel entry
    public Entry   nextInScope = null;    // link to next entry in current scope
    public int     nParams     = 0;       // functions
    public Label   entryPoint  = new Label(false);
    public Entry   firstParam  = null;
    public bool    cannotAlter = false;   // false except when marked immutable
    public bool    defined     = true;    // true unless it marks a function prototype                   /////
    public bool    called      = false;   // true if this function has been called                       /////
  } // end Entry

and the function for checking whether all functions have been properly defined might look like this:

    public static void CheckFunctionsDefined() {
    // At end of compilation, check that all prototypes were completed
      Scope scope = topScope;
      Entry entry = scope.firstInScope;
      while (entry != sentinelEntry) {
        if (entry.kind == Kinds.Fun && !entry.entryPoint.IsDefined())
          if (entry.called)
            Parser.SemError("Function " + entry.name + " was called, but never defined");
            Parser.Warning("Function " + entry.name + " was never fully defined or called");
        entry = entry.nextInScope;
    } // Table.CheckFunctionsDefined