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The Wii3D Project Background

The specs



Although the Nintendo Wii is a proprietary product, and Nintendo has attempted to keep much of its hardware information from the general public, there has been some detailed information released about the products since the game console's inception.

The Nintendo Wii console's hardware has a PowerPC-based "Broadway" CPU, clocked at 729 MHz accompanying an ATI "Hollywood" GPU with a clock speed of 243MHz. The console has 88MB of main memory, of which 24MB is internal 1T-SRAM integrated into graphics package and 64 MB is external GDDR3 SDRAM. It connects to up to 16 Wii Remotes using Bluetooth.

The Nintendo Wii Remotes have a 16KB EEPROM chip that allows data and calibration information to be stored, accessed and modified. The Wii Remote camera contains a Charged Coupled Device and an infra-red filter with a hardware resolution of 128x96 pixels, with a reported virtual resolution of 1024x768 pixels at 100Hz. The camera tracks up to four infra-red blobs, whose information, including the blob coordinates and relative sizes, is sent to its paired device using Bluetooth, instead of inefficiently transmitting the data for the entire resolution. Any light that the camera detects whose wavelength is greater 800nm is detected. The camera best detects light sources that have high luminescence and small active areas. The removal of the infra-red filter allows the camera to pick up any high luminescence (bright) objects

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