• Deliver a Dynamic Ride Sharing (DRS) system for hitchhiking method of travel in South Africa. Hitchhiking is popular in South Africa and its incentives include quicker travels, reduced trip costs, alternative to public transport, etc.
  • Use sustainable Open Source Solutions designed for ICT for Development projects. The mobile solution will be developed within the Rhodes University’s Reed House System (RHS). Reed House Systems a software house that focuses on community-oriented eServices solutions. Its core platform implements the latest Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) technologies to provide an integrated environment for pluging in various service modules. Software used in RHS is mainly open source and the container used is Equinox which supports OSGi specifications.
  • The design of the system must utilizes the available technologies to reach as many mobile phone users as possible in an environment of a developing nation: urban and rural communities with different socio-economic backgrounds and resources.



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