Project Status


I have now sucessfully implemented the system to be used as part of one of the Computer Science courses for the first years. I faced many hustles by finally I made it. I did not integrate the social network site with the RUconnected of Rhodes University as originally planned because I was told that there is noboby in charge of the system to assist me with my plans. I however confugured a moodle system using the same theme as RUconnected so that when the users are using the system, they should not experience much difference as when using RUconnected.


The students started using the integrated Moodle/Mahara system yesterday. They can now access course materials through Moodle and can also access Mahara.


The questionnaire is live now. The students can now start giving their feedback on the use of the system.


Today is the last day for some students to use the test system. Because of the holiday which was on Monday, the last group of students will use the system Monday next week. There have been a few respondents to the questionnaire so far. I hope many will come out and provide feedback on the use of the integrated system.
I have written three sections of my short paper now. I cannot do much now because I have to get data to help me write the rest of the sections.


The questionnaire has now been officially closed. Data analysis and report writing has to start now.


Writing is not easy. I am not making much progress as I thought. Have my data now but am not sure if I will meet the minimum number of pages.


Working on the Results and Discussion chapter. I have been told to split the chapter into two chapters. It really makes sense because there are many repetitions in terms of recommendations. If I split it, I will be able to get rid of the duplications.


Have resumed writing my Short Paper now after abandoning it for some time. Now that I have the results, I can now finish it.


All the chapters ready except Introduction and Conclusion. What I have observed is that, I wrote much during my literature review which is making life simple. It is also important to document everything which is being done. It makes life easy when reporting.


Thesis submitted. I submitted almost 10 am today, beating the deadline by 2 hours. Starting to write early really helped me. I was submitting with confidence because I reviewed my work over and over again and was convinced that I have done most of the things if not all of the required things. The thesis can be downloaded here Project Report - Final.