An Evaluation of Microsoft Windows Vista

Richard Awusi - Honours 2007
Department of Computer Science - Rhodes University - Grahamstown - 6140

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[ Conclusions ]

    A Quick Overview

I shall present my conclusions here. I shall try and give some sort of feedback regarding each of the focus areas of my project.


    Drawn Conclusions

As nice as Vista is to work with, I don't think it presents anything new that should cause people to rush out and get it. It's stylish new looks but after a while of using Vista, one starts to forget it's even there. Some of the more advanced features introducing advanced networks and security features are only available in the high order Vista editions, which are quite costly.

Overall, I think the only real killer application in Windows Vista will be the AERO interface and probably DirectX 10. But with regard to DirectX 10, that will only start working to Vista's advantage when game development companies start to take advantage of it, something that I don't see happening anytime within the next year or two.

My final verdict, if you have Windows XP, stick with it.

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