An Evaluation of Microsoft Windows Vista

Richard Awusi - Honours 2007
Department of Computer Science - Rhodes University - Grahamstown - 6140

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    A Quick Overview

My project proposal involved me presenting to the Computer Science department and my fellow honours classmates what my intentions are for my project. In this I mention what I plan to do and the amount of time I plan spending on each task. But as usual, the timeline is only a guidline.


    Proposal Deliverables

After a seriously sweaty and nerve racking presentation, I finally got it over and done with. It was my first presentation in a while. Needless to say, I did it, and now I have two files for download. I have my proposal submission as well as my presentation slides.

      - Presentation Slides:
                                [ PPT ] (67 KB)
                                [ PDF ] (100 KB)
      - Proposal Document:
                                [ DOC ] (47 KB)
                                [ PDF ] (22 KB)

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