An Evaluation of Microsoft Windows Vista

Richard Awusi - Honours 2007
Department of Computer Science - Rhodes University - Grahamstown - 6140

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[ Poster ]

    A Quick Overview

This is probably the only part of our project that is not compulsory. The only sad thing is, it's either a poster, or a mini-writeup. I chose to do the poster.


    Deliverables and Headaches

About half-way through my first poster draft, I seriously considered doing a short paper instead. It had taken me over an hour to figure out how to create a round edged box with a gradient colour of my choice filled in. This of course, was Adobe Photoshop CS2. Man that thing is complicated.

The night before my submission, I "lost" my poster. Indeed, I had gone to the labs to submit my poster when to my horror, it was corrupt. And not only was the version I copied down remotely corrupt, but the original file on my home computer was also corrupt. Speak of bad luck. Then again, I should have had backups!

At this point, I was fed up so I quickly put something together in powerpoint and submitted it. Given the time constraint - an the time being 1:00 AM - I simply submitted my poster and went straight back to bed. I doubt very much my supervisor was impressed with me. But hey, I don't think it was my fault.

At the end of the day, I came up with something to pass off as my project poster. Please, do not judge me too harshly on this one, it was hacked together over night. You can download it here:

        Project Poster:
                         [ PPT ] (425 KB)
                         [ PDF ] (376KB)

Take it from me ladies and gentlemen, always backup your work!! As a Computer Science Honours student, one would think I should know that off the top of my head. Well, I've paid for it the hard way. Now, I will never forget.


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