An Evaluation of Microsoft Windows Vista

Richard Awusi - Honours 2007
Department of Computer Science - Rhodes University - Grahamstown - 6140

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    A Quick Overview

A literature review basically has one looking into the work that others have done regarding their area of research. The aim of the literature review is to read up on credible sources' work, compare findings, find out where authors (dis)agree, and then draw up a conclusion based on that. The literature review is not about what I've found, but I can, to some degree, mention my findings, especially if they agree or disagree with what an author or two have said.


    Literature Review Findings

With Vista being as new as it is, you would think it would be hard to find information. That was not the case. In fact, it was very far from it. A simple search in [google] would bring up millions of hits. Now I faced an even more daunting task - siffing out what was credible and what was not. Lots of sleepless nights were spent reading what others had to say.

Several hours and sleepless nights later, I finally came up with a literature review, with 30 references!! Then I faced another presentation to the department and my fellow classmates on the second day of our third academic term. No rest for the degree seekers!!

Here, I make available my literature review document and the presentation slides:

      - Presentation Slides:
                                [ PPT ] (557 KB)
                                [ PDF ] (483 KB)
      - Literature Review:
                                [ DOC ] (133 KB)
                                [ PDF ] (66 KB)


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