An Evaluation of Microsoft Windows Vista

Richard Awusi - Honours 2007
Department of Computer Science - Rhodes University - Grahamstown - 6140

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         [ 21 August '07 ]

It turns out our poster day is today. Came into the labs yesterday to find my poster nicely printed in A3 size and sitting on my desk. Now I have to go explain what my poster is all about, answer questions on my project, etc, etc...

Oh my goodness, I just spent the afternoon setting up Windows Server 2008 codenamed Longhorn and trying to set up remote desktop access on Server 2003. What a headache. I can't figure out what's wrong. It's so irritating. Everything appears to be setup right, but the thing is not working. What a major headache!


         [ 22 August '07 ]
I figured I'd start a second thoughts page instead of just typing everything on one page. The other page was starting to get really long.


         [ 27 August '07 ]

Busy prepping up my Vista machine with software as I prepare it as the machine which will serve as the image for the rest of the machines on my little network. Kinda loving it.


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