Courseware - Compiler course examinations at Rhodes University

Follow the links to see the examinations used in the last few years for an introductory undergraduate course in compiler construction based firstly (pre 2003) on the text "Compiler and Compiler Generators" and more recently (post 2002) on the text "Compiling with C# and Java", both by Pat Terry, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa .

Because of last minute amendments, these may differ (in minor respects) from the papers the students received at the time.

This material is provided "as is", and no guarantees can be given that it is complete, up to date, or bug free. The various tools like Coco/R used in these courses have been modified from year to year, and the versions found by following some of the earlier of these links may be incompatible with later versions of the same software.

For more details on any of these, visit the specific year page indexed here